Chapter 4. Adding XML Documents to Containers

Table of Contents

Input Streams and Strings
Adding Documents
Constructing Documents using Event Writers
Setting Metadata

To manage XML documents in BDB XML, you must load them into a container. Typically you will do this by using the XmlContainer handle directly. You can also load a document into an XmlDocument instance, and then load that instance into the container using the XmlContainer handle. This book will mostly use the first, most direct, method.

Input Streams and Strings

When you add a document to a container, you must identify the location where the document resides. You can do this by using:

  • A string object that holds the entire document.

  • An input stream that is created from a filename. Use XmlManager::createLocalFileInputStream() to create the input stream.

  • An input stream created from a URL. In this case, the URL can be any valid URL. However, if the URL requires network activity in order to access the identified content (such as is required if you, for example, supply an HTTP URL), then the input stream is valid only if you have compiled Xerces with socket support.

    Use XmlManager::createURLInputStream() to create the input stream.

  • An input stream that refers to a memory buffer.

    Use XmlManager::createMemBufInputStream() to create the input stream.

  • An input stream that refers to standard input (the console under Windows systems).

    Use XmlManager::createStdInInputStream() to create the input stream.

Note that BDB XML does not validate an input stream until you actually attempt to put the document to your container. This means that you can create an input stream to an invalid location or to invalid content, and BDB XML will not throw an exception until you actually attempt to load data from that location.

We provide an example of creating input streams in the following section.