
SchemaValidatorFilter Class Reference

The SchemaValidatorFilter class will modify the incoming event stream by validating it against the schema definitions found in the DynamicContext's DocumentCache. More...

#include <SchemaValidatorFilter.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for SchemaValidatorFilter:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SchemaValidatorFilter (bool strictValidation, EventHandler *next, xercesc::GrammarResolver *grammarResolver, xercesc::MemoryManager *mm, const LocationInfo *info)
virtual ~SchemaValidatorFilter ()
void reset ()
virtual void startDocumentEvent (const XMLCh *documentURI, const XMLCh *encoding)
 Handles a document node as an event.
virtual void endDocumentEvent ()
 Handles a document node as an event.
virtual void startElementEvent (const XMLCh *prefix, const XMLCh *uri, const XMLCh *localname)
 Handles the start of an element node as an event.
virtual void endElementEvent (const XMLCh *prefix, const XMLCh *uri, const XMLCh *localname, const XMLCh *typeURI, const XMLCh *typeName)
 Handles the end of an element node as an event.
virtual void piEvent (const XMLCh *target, const XMLCh *value)
 Handles a processing instruction node as an event.
virtual void textEvent (const XMLCh *value)
 Handles a text node as an event.
virtual void textEvent (const XMLCh *chars, unsigned int length)
 Handles a text node as an event.
virtual void commentEvent (const XMLCh *value)
 Handles a comment node as an event.
virtual void attributeEvent (const XMLCh *prefix, const XMLCh *uri, const XMLCh *localname, const XMLCh *value, const XMLCh *typeURI, const XMLCh *typeName)
 Handles an attribute node as an event.
virtual void namespaceEvent (const XMLCh *prefix, const XMLCh *uri)
 Handles a namespace binding as an event.

Detailed Description

The SchemaValidatorFilter class will modify the incoming event stream by validating it against the schema definitions found in the DynamicContext's DocumentCache.

It will add typing information, as well as default values and attributes, and will normalize values according to the schema normalization rules.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SchemaValidatorFilter::SchemaValidatorFilter ( bool  strictValidation,
EventHandler next,
xercesc::GrammarResolver *  grammarResolver,
xercesc::MemoryManager mm,
const LocationInfo info 
virtual SchemaValidatorFilter::~SchemaValidatorFilter (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void SchemaValidatorFilter::attributeEvent ( const XMLCh *  prefix,
const XMLCh *  uri,
const XMLCh *  localname,
const XMLCh *  value,
const XMLCh *  typeURI,
const XMLCh *  typeName 
) [virtual]

Handles an attribute node as an event.

Reimplemented from EventFilter.

virtual void SchemaValidatorFilter::commentEvent ( const XMLCh *  value  )  [virtual]

Handles a comment node as an event.

Reimplemented from EventFilter.

virtual void SchemaValidatorFilter::endDocumentEvent (  )  [virtual]

Handles a document node as an event.

Reimplemented from EventFilter.

virtual void SchemaValidatorFilter::endElementEvent ( const XMLCh *  prefix,
const XMLCh *  uri,
const XMLCh *  localname,
const XMLCh *  typeURI,
const XMLCh *  typeName 
) [virtual]

Handles the end of an element node as an event.

Reimplemented from EventFilter.

virtual void SchemaValidatorFilter::namespaceEvent ( const XMLCh *  prefix,
const XMLCh *  uri 
) [virtual]

Handles a namespace binding as an event.

Reimplemented from EventFilter.

virtual void SchemaValidatorFilter::piEvent ( const XMLCh *  target,
const XMLCh *  value 
) [virtual]

Handles a processing instruction node as an event.

Reimplemented from EventFilter.

void SchemaValidatorFilter::reset (  ) 
virtual void SchemaValidatorFilter::startDocumentEvent ( const XMLCh *  documentURI,
const XMLCh *  encoding 
) [virtual]

Handles a document node as an event.

Reimplemented from EventFilter.

virtual void SchemaValidatorFilter::startElementEvent ( const XMLCh *  prefix,
const XMLCh *  uri,
const XMLCh *  localname 
) [virtual]

Handles the start of an element node as an event.

Reimplemented from EventFilter.

virtual void SchemaValidatorFilter::textEvent ( const XMLCh *  chars,
unsigned int  length 
) [virtual]

Handles a text node as an event.

Reimplemented from EventFilter.

virtual void SchemaValidatorFilter::textEvent ( const XMLCh *  value  )  [virtual]

Handles a text node as an event.

Reimplemented from EventFilter.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Mon Mar 1 21:16:15 2010 for XQilla Simple API by  doxygen 1.6.1