InputSource Class Reference

A single input source for an XML entity. More...

Inheritance diagram for InputSource:

XMemory LocalFileInputSource MemBufInputSource StdInInputSource URLInputSource Wrapper4DOMLSInput

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~InputSource ()
Virtual input source interface
virtual BinInputStreammakeStream () const =0
 Makes the byte stream for this input source.
Getter methods
virtual const XMLChgetEncoding () const
 An input source can be set to force the parser to assume a particular encoding for the data that input source represents, via the setEncoding() method.
virtual const XMLChgetPublicId () const
 Get the public identifier for this input source.
virtual const XMLChgetSystemId () const
 Get the system identifier for this input source.
virtual bool getIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound () const
 Get the flag that indicates if the parser should issue fatal error if this input source is not found.
MemoryManagergetMemoryManager () const
Setter methods
virtual void setEncoding (const XMLCh *const encodingStr)
 Set the encoding which will be required for use with the XML text read via a stream opened by this input source.
virtual void setPublicId (const XMLCh *const publicId)
 Set the public identifier for this input source.
virtual void setSystemId (const XMLCh *const systemId)
 Set the system identifier for this input source.
virtual void setIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound (const bool flag)
 Indicates if the parser should issue fatal error if this input source is not found.

Protected Member Functions

Constructors and Destructor
 InputSource (MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Default constructor.
 InputSource (const XMLCh *const systemId, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Constructor with a system identifier as XMLCh type.
 InputSource (const XMLCh *const systemId, const XMLCh *const publicId, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Constructor with a system and public identifiers.
 InputSource (const char *const systemId, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Constructor witha system identifier as string.
 InputSource (const char *const systemId, const char *const publicId, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Constructor witha system and public identifiers.

Detailed Description

A single input source for an XML entity.

This class encapsulates information about an input source in a single object, which may include a public identifier or a system identifier

There are two places that the application will deliver this input source to the parser: as the argument to the Parser::parse method, or as the return value of the EntityResolver::resolveEntity method.

InputSource is never used directly, but is the base class for a number of derived classes for particular types of input sources. Derivatives are provided (in the framework/ directory) for URL input sources, memory buffer input sources, and so on.

When it is time to parse the input described by an input source, it will be asked to create a binary stream for that source. That stream will be used to input the data of the source. The derived class provides the implementation of the makeStream() method, and provides a type of stream of the correct type for the input source it represents.

An InputSource object belongs to the application: the parser never modifies them in any way. They are always passed by const reference so the parser will make a copy of any input sources that it must keep around beyond the call.

See also:


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual InputSource::~InputSource (  )  [virtual]


InputSource::InputSource ( MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager  )  [protected]

Default constructor.

InputSource::InputSource ( const XMLCh *const   systemId,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [protected]

Constructor with a system identifier as XMLCh type.

systemId The system identifier (URI).
manager Pointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects.

InputSource::InputSource ( const XMLCh *const   systemId,
const XMLCh *const   publicId,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [protected]

Constructor with a system and public identifiers.

systemId The system identifier (URI).
publicId The public identifier as in the entity definition.
manager Pointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects.

InputSource::InputSource ( const char *const   systemId,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [protected]

Constructor witha system identifier as string.

systemId The system identifier (URI).
manager Pointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects.

InputSource::InputSource ( const char *const   systemId,
const char *const   publicId,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [protected]

Constructor witha system and public identifiers.

Both as string

systemId The system identifier (URI).
publicId The public identifier as in the entity definition.
manager Pointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects.

Member Function Documentation

virtual BinInputStream* InputSource::makeStream (  )  const [pure virtual]

Makes the byte stream for this input source.

The derived class must create and return a binary input stream of an appropriate type for its kind of data source. The returned stream must be dynamically allocated and becomes the parser's property.

See also:

Implemented in LocalFileInputSource, MemBufInputSource, StdInInputSource, URLInputSource, and Wrapper4DOMLSInput.

const XMLCh * InputSource::getEncoding (  )  const [virtual]

An input source can be set to force the parser to assume a particular encoding for the data that input source represents, via the setEncoding() method.

This method returns name of the encoding that is to be forced. If the encoding has never been forced, it returns a null pointer.

The forced encoding, or null if none was supplied.
See also:

Reimplemented in Wrapper4DOMLSInput.

const XMLCh * InputSource::getPublicId (  )  const [virtual]

Get the public identifier for this input source.

The public identifier, or null if none was supplied.
See also:

Reimplemented in Wrapper4DOMLSInput.

const XMLCh * InputSource::getSystemId (  )  const [virtual]

Get the system identifier for this input source.

If the system ID is a URL, it will be fully resolved.

The system identifier.
See also:

Reimplemented in Wrapper4DOMLSInput.

bool InputSource::getIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound (  )  const [virtual]

Get the flag that indicates if the parser should issue fatal error if this input source is not found.

True if the parser should issue fatal error if this input source is not found. False if the parser issue warning message instead.
See also:

Reimplemented in Wrapper4DOMLSInput.

MemoryManager * InputSource::getMemoryManager (  )  const

virtual void InputSource::setEncoding ( const XMLCh *const   encodingStr  )  [virtual]

Set the encoding which will be required for use with the XML text read via a stream opened by this input source.

This is usually not set, allowing the encoding to be sensed in the usual XML way. However, in some cases, the encoding in the file is known to be incorrect because of intermediate transcoding, for instance encapsulation within a MIME document.

encodingStr The name of the encoding to force.

Reimplemented in Wrapper4DOMLSInput.

virtual void InputSource::setPublicId ( const XMLCh *const   publicId  )  [virtual]

Set the public identifier for this input source.

The public identifier is always optional: if the application writer includes one, it will be provided as part of the location information.

publicId The public identifier as a string.
See also:



Reimplemented in Wrapper4DOMLSInput.

virtual void InputSource::setSystemId ( const XMLCh *const   systemId  )  [virtual]

Set the system identifier for this input source.

Set the system identifier for this input source.

The system id is always required. The public id may be used to map to another system id, but the system id must always be present as a fall back.

If the system ID is a URL, it must be fully resolved.

systemId The system identifier as a string.
See also:



Reimplemented in Wrapper4DOMLSInput.

void InputSource::setIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound ( const bool  flag  )  [virtual]

Indicates if the parser should issue fatal error if this input source is not found.

If set to false, the parser issue warning message instead.

flag True if the parser should issue fatal error if this input source is not found. If set to false, the parser issue warning message instead. (Default: true)
See also:

Reimplemented in Wrapper4DOMLSInput.

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