Berkeley DB XML
version 2.3.10

Class TransactionStats.Active

  extended by com.sleepycat.db.TransactionStats.Active
Enclosing class:

public static class TransactionStats.Active
extends Object

The Active class represents an active transaction.

Method Summary
 LogSequenceNumber getLsn()
          The log sequence number of the transaction's first log record.
 int getMultiversionRef()
          The number of buffer copies created by this transaction that remain in cache.
 String getName()
          The transaction name, including the thread name if available.
 int getParentId()
          The transaction ID of the parent transaction (or 0, if no parent).
 int getPid()
          The process ID of the process that owns the transaction.
 LogSequenceNumber getReadLsn()
          The log sequence number of reads for snapshot transactions.
 int getTxnId()
          The transaction ID of the transaction.
 int getXaStatus()
          If the transaction is an XA transaction, the status of the transaction, otherwise 0.
 byte[] getXId()
          If the transaction is an XA transaction, the XA global transaction ID.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public String getName()
The transaction name, including the thread name if available.


public int getTxnId()
The transaction ID of the transaction.


public int getParentId()
The transaction ID of the parent transaction (or 0, if no parent).


public int getPid()
The process ID of the process that owns the transaction.


public LogSequenceNumber getLsn()
The log sequence number of the transaction's first log record.


public LogSequenceNumber getReadLsn()
The log sequence number of reads for snapshot transactions.


public int getMultiversionRef()
The number of buffer copies created by this transaction that remain in cache.


public int getXaStatus()
If the transaction is an XA transaction, the status of the transaction, otherwise 0.


public byte[] getXId()
If the transaction is an XA transaction, the XA global transaction ID.


public String toString()

toString in class Object

Berkeley DB XML
version 2.3.10

Copyright 1996,2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.