Result Class Reference

A reference counting wrapper for the lazily evaluated query result. More...

#include <Result.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Result (const Sequence &seq)
 Result (ResultImpl *impl)
 Result (const Result &o)
Resultoperator= (const Result &o)
 ~Result ()
ResultImpl * operator-> ()
 Returns the underlying ResultImpl object.
const ResultImpl * operator-> () const
 Returns the underlying ResultImpl object.
ResultImpl * get ()
 Returns the underlying ResultImpl object.
const ResultImpl * get () const
 Returns the underlying ResultImpl object.
bool isNull () const
 Returns true if the underlying pointer is null.
EmptyResult * getEmpty () const

Detailed Description

A reference counting wrapper for the lazily evaluated query result.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Result::Result const Sequence seq  ) 

Result::Result ResultImpl *  impl  ) 

Result::Result const Result o  ) 

Result::~Result  ) 

Member Function Documentation

const ResultImpl * Result::get  )  const [inline]

Returns the underlying ResultImpl object.

ResultImpl * Result::get  )  [inline]

Returns the underlying ResultImpl object.

EmptyResult* Result::getEmpty  )  const

bool Result::isNull  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the underlying pointer is null.

const ResultImpl * Result::operator->  )  const [inline]

Returns the underlying ResultImpl object.

ResultImpl * Result::operator->  )  [inline]

Returns the underlying ResultImpl object.

Result & Result::operator= const Result o  )  [inline]

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Generated on Fri Jan 19 15:30:56 2007 for XQilla Simple API by  doxygen 1.4.6