Site Administrator Help
About Sites and Servers
Managing Servers
Adding and Removing Servers
Monitoring the Status of a Server
Configuring Servers
About Services
Enabling and Disabling Services
Configuring Services
About Users, Groups, and Roles
Managing Users
Adding and Deleting Users
Managing Groups

Adding and Deleting Groups

Adding Users to Groups
Managing Roles
Assigning Roles
About Log Files
Configuring and Viewing Log Files
About Packages
Managing Packages
Performance Report
Configuring WMS/WFS
About External Files
Configuring External Files

About Sites and Servers

In Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server or MapGuide Open Source, the collection of servers that processes requests from the client applications is called a site. You can divide the processing load between two or more servers within the site. Each site shares a single resource repository among its servers. The resource repository stores the resources that map authors use to create maps, for example, pre-defined layers for features such as roads or land parcels.

When you log onto the Site Administrator program, you can:

  • Manage your site, for example, add and remove servers, or take them offline for maintenance.
  • Assign services to the servers, for example, one server can process mapping requests while another handles rendering tasks.
  • Monitor the status of any server.
  • Define users and groups and assign roles to them.

A typical site might look like this:

In this example, the site contains two servers, one of which is designated as the site server. The site server contains the resource repository.

To read more about sites and servers, see the Getting Started guide.