The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Booking Agreement - FOSS4G

From: Lasse Hogberg (
Forwarded by Steven Feldman on March 20, 2013


Mark Iliffe on March 20, 2013:

My opinion is that they're a conference venue trying to attract high tech conferences. Good internet should *just be included*, they should see it as investment in their own infrastructure - I don't think we should contribute anything, we won't reap the legacy benefits.


Barry Rowlingson on March 20, 2013:

Do we know how much bandwidth Denver were promised by their venue, and whether it was sufficent to keep the mob happy? I've added Peter to the CC list on this.

Peter Batty on March 21, 2013:

Hi all, we didn't have specific specs on bandwidth etc at Denver that I recall (though I will hunt around to double check). We beat on the venue heavily beforehand about the important of good Internet and WiFi though, and they insisted that they had dealt with similar sized groups with no problem. Network access was our number one complaint though. The overall conference rating in our post conference survey was 4.11 out of 5, the lowest rated individual item was network access with 2.71. I think the issue was more about having good enough WiFi access than the bandwidth of the Internet pipe ... the problems we saw most were not being able to connect to the wifi, or getting dropped off it. In general I don't think what we had was terrible ... at any given time probably 80 or 90% of folks were happily connected. But with this crowd if you have even a small number unable to connect at any given time then you tend to get fairly vocal complaints! 

Steven Feldman on March 22, 2013:

Thanks Peter

Whether we negotiate with the venue to increase from 100MB pipe (which is still an ongoing discussion) or not they have agreed to invest in increased access points which they believe will support the number of connections that we have requested. We can only push this so far and I think we are close to the best we can get.

I want to get this closed off before I go away next Thursday