# -- messages used in decorators/default.jsp -- webapp.name=AppFuse user.status=Logged in as: user.logout=Logout # -- validator errors -- errors.invalid={0} is invalid. errors.maxlength={0} can not be greater than {1} characters. errors.minlength={0} can not be less than {1} characters. errors.range={0} is not in the range {1} through {2}. errors.required={0} is a required field. errors.byte={0} must be an byte. errors.date={0} is not a date. errors.double={0} must be an double. errors.float={0} must be an float. errors.integer={0} must be a number. errors.long={0} must be an long. errors.short={0} must be an short. errors.creditcard={0} is not a valid credit card number. errors.email={0} is an invalid e-mail address. errors.phone={0} is an invalid phone number. errors.zip={0} is an invalid zip code. # -- other errors -- errors.cancel=Operation cancelled. errors.detail={0} errors.general=The process did not complete. Details should follow. errors.token=Request could not be completed. Operation is not in sequence. errors.none=No error message was found, check your server logs. errors.password.mismatch=Invalid username and/or password, please try again. errors.conversion=An error occurred while converting web values to data values. errors.twofields=The {0} field has to have the same value as the {1} field. errors.existing.user=This username ({0}) or e-mail address ({1}) already exists. Please try a different username. # -- success messages -- user.added=User information for {0} has been added successfully. user.deleted=User Profile for {0} has been deleted successfully. user.registered=You have successfully registered for access to this application. user.saved=Your profile has been updated successfully. user.updated.byAdmin=User information for {0} has been successfully updated. newuser.email.message={0} has created an AppFuse account for you. Your username and password information is below. reload.succeeded=Reloading options completed successfully. # -- error page messages -- errorPage.title=An error has occurred errorPage.heading=Yikes! 404.title=Page Not Found 404.message=The page your requested was not found. You might try returning to the Main Menu. While you're here, how about a pretty picture to cheer you up? 403.title=Access Denied 403.message=Your current role does not allow you to view this page. Please contact your system administrator if you believe you should have access. In the meantime, how about a pretty picture to cheer you up? # -- login -- login.title=Login login.heading=Login login.rememberMe=Remember Me login.signup=Not a member? Signup for an account. login.passwordHint=Forgot your password? Have your password hint e-mailed to you. login.passwordHint.sent=The password hint for {0} has been sent to {1}. login.passwordHint.error=The username {0} was not found in our database. # -- welcome -- welcome.message=This application is designed to demonstrate the use of web application security, as well as how to use Hibernate with Spring and Spring's Web Framework. Most of the persistence layer for this application is generated using XDoclet. You can find more information on how to build your own application from this one by reading the README file below. To login as a regular user (with the user role), the username/password combination is tomcat/tomcat. To login as an admin user, use mraible/tomcat. # -- mainMenu -- mainMenu.title=Main Menu mainMenu.heading=Welcome! mainMenu.message=Congratulations, you have logged in successfully! Now that you've logged in, you have the following options: mainMenu.activeUsers=Current Users # -- menu/link messages -- menu.admin=Administration menu.admin.users=View Users menu.admin.reload=Reload Options menu.user=Edit Profile menu.selectFile=Upload A File menu.flushCache=Flush Cache menu.clickstream=Clickstream # -- form labels -- label.username=Username label.password=Password # -- button labels -- button.add=Add button.cancel=Cancel button.copy=Copy button.delete=Delete button.done=Done button.edit=Edit button.register=Signup button.save=Save button.search=Search button.upload=Upload button.view=View button.reset=Reset button.login=Login # -- general values -- icon.information=Information icon.information.img=/images/iconInformation.gif icon.email=E-Mail icon.email.img=/images/iconEmail.gif icon.warning=Warning icon.warning.img=/images/iconWarning.gif date.format=MM/dd/yyyy # -- role form -- roleForm.name=Name # -- user profile page -- userProfile.title=User Settings userProfile.heading=User Profile userProfile.message=Please update your information using the form below. userProfile.admin.message=You can update this user's information using the form below. userProfile.showMore=View More Information userProfile.accountSettings=Account Settings userProfile.assignRoles=Assign Roles userProfile.cookieLogin=You cannot change passwords when logging in with the Remember Me feature. Please logout and log back in to change passwords. # -- user form -- user.address.address=Address user.availableRoles=Available Roles user.address.city=City user.address.country=Country user.email=E-Mail user.firstName=First Name user.id=Id user.lastName=Last Name user.password=Password user.confirmPassword=Confirm Password user.phoneNumber=Phone Number user.address.postalCode=Zip user.address.province=State user.roles=Current Roles user.username=Username user.website=Website user.visitWebsite=visit user.passwordHint=Password Hint user.enabled=Enabled user.accountExpired=Expired user.accountLocked=Locked user.credentialsExpired=Password Expired # -- user list page -- userList.title=User List userList.heading=Current Users userList.nousers=No users found. # -- user self-registration -- signup.title=Sign Up signup.heading=New User Registration signup.message=Please enter your user information in the form below. signup.email.subject=AppFuse Account Information signup.email.message=You have successfully registered for access to AppFuse. Your username and password information is below. # -- upload page messages -- maxLengthExceeded=The file you are trying to upload is too big. The maximum allowed size is 2 MB. upload.title=File Upload upload.heading=Upload A File upload.message=Note that the maximum allowed size of an uploaded file for this application is 2 MB. See web/WEB-INF/action-servlet.xml to change this value. uploadForm.name=Friendly Name uploadForm.file=File to Upload # -- display page messages -- display.title=File Uploaded Successfully! display.heading=File Information # -- flushCache page -- flushCache.title=Flush Cache flushCache.heading=Flush Successful! flushCache.message=All caches successfully flushed, returning you to your previous page in 2 seconds. # -- clickstreams page -- clickstreams.title=All Clickstreams clickstreams.heading=All Clickstreams # -- viewstream page -- viewstream.title=Stream Details viewstream.heading=Stream Information # -- active users page -- activeUsers.title=Active Users activeUsers.heading=Current Users activeUsers.message=The following is a list of users that have logged in and their sessions have not expired. activeUsers.fullName=Full Name