API Reference OSGeo FDO Provider for GDAL

FdoGrfpRasterGeoreferenceLocation Class Reference

#include <FdoGrfpRasterGeoreferenceLocation.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

<library>GRFPOverrides.lib</library> The FdoGrfpRasterImageDefinition class defines a raster image which contains a name and the extents of the raster image.

Definition at line 31 of file FdoGrfpRasterGeoreferenceLocation.h.

Public Member Functions

FDOGRFP_API FdoDouble GetXInsertionPoint (void) const
 Retrieves the X insertion point of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API FdoDouble GetXResolution (void) const
 Retrieves the X resolution of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API FdoDouble GetXRotation (void) const
 Retrieves the X Rotation of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API FdoDouble GetYInsertionPoint (void) const
 Retrieves the Y insertion point of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API FdoDouble GetYResolution (void) const
 Retrieves the Y Resolution of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API FdoDouble GetYRotation (void) const
 Retrieves the Y Rotation (Skew) of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API void SetXInsertionPoint (FdoDouble point)
 Sets the X insertion point of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API void SetXResolution (FdoDouble Resolution)
 Sets the X Resolution of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API void SetXRotation (FdoDouble rotation)
 Sets the X Rotation of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API void SetYInsertionPoint (FdoDouble point)
 Sets the Y insertion point of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API void SetYResolution (FdoDouble resolution)
 Sets the Y Resolution of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API void SetYRotation (FdoDouble rotation)
 Sets the Y Rotation (Skew) of the raster image.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDOGRFP_API FdoGrfpRasterGeoreferenceLocationCreate ()
 Constructs a new Raster Image Georeference Location.

Protected Member Functions

void Dispose (void)
FDOGRFP_API FdoGrfpRasterGeoreferenceLocation (void)
virtual FDOGRFP_API ~FdoGrfpRasterGeoreferenceLocation (void)

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