API Reference OSGeo FDO Provider for GDAL

FdoGrfpRasterImageDefinition Class Reference

#include <FdoGrfpRasterImageDefinition.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoGrfpRasterImageDefinition class defines a raster image which contains a name and the extents of the raster image.

Definition at line 34 of file FdoGrfpRasterImageDefinition.h.

Public Member Functions

FDOGRFP_API void _writeXml (FdoXmlWriter *xmlWriter, const FdoXmlFlags *flags)
FDOGRFP_API FdoInt32 GetFrameNumber ()
 Gets the frame number of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API FdoGrfpRasterGeoreferenceLocationGetGeoreferencedLocation ()
 Gets the georeferenced location of the raster image.
virtual FDOGRFP_API void InitFromXml (FdoXmlSaxContext *pContext, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *attrs)
FDOGRFP_API void SetFrameNumber (FdoInt32 frameNumber)
 Sets the frame number of the raster image.
FDOGRFP_API void SetGeoreferencedLocation (FdoGrfpRasterGeoreferenceLocation *location)
 Sets the georeferenced location of the raster image.
virtual FDOGRFP_API void XmlCharacters (FdoXmlSaxContext *, FdoString *)
virtual FDOGRFP_API FdoBoolean XmlEndElement (FdoXmlSaxContext *context, FdoString *uri, FdoString *name, FdoString *qname)
virtual FDOGRFP_API FdoXmlSaxHandler * XmlStartElement (FdoXmlSaxContext *context, FdoString *uri, FdoString *name, FdoString *qname, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *atts)

Static Public Member Functions

static FDOGRFP_API FdoGrfpRasterImageDefinitionCreate ()
 Constructs a new Raster Image Definition.

Protected Member Functions

void Dispose (void)
FDOGRFP_API FdoGrfpRasterImageDefinition (void)
virtual FDOGRFP_API ~FdoGrfpRasterImageDefinition (void)


class FdoGrfpRasterBandDefinition

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