API Reference OSGeo FDO Provider for WMS

FDO Provider for WMS Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
FdoWmsOvClassCollectionThe FdoWmsOvClassCollection holds a list of WMS physical class mapping definitions
FdoWmsOvClassDefinitionDefines mapping overrides for a WMS feature class that exposes WMS layers as an FDO class. The properties defined here will be used in the WMS Getap operation when querying data from the WMS server
FdoWmsOvLayerCollectionThe FdoWmsOvLayerCollection holds a list of WMS Layer definitions
FdoWmsOvLayerDefinitionWMS Layer defined on a WMS Server. A request to render a Map through WMS will allow mutliple layers to be specified in order to form a composite image
FdoWmsOvPhysicalSchemaMappingFdoWmsOvPhysicalSchemaMapping is the concrete class that defines the Schema Overrides for a WMS Provider logical schema
FdoWmsOvRasterDefinitionDefines the physical overrides for a raster property in a WMS FDO schema
FdoWmsOvStyleDefinitionDefines a WMS style that will be used to stylize a WMS layer
