API Reference OSGeo FDO Provider for WMS

FdoWmsOvClassDefinition Class Reference

#include <FdoWmsOvClassDefinition.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoWmsOvClassDefinition class defines mapping overrides for a WMS feature class that exposes WMS layers as an FDO class. The properties defined here will be used in the WMS Getap operation when querying data from the WMS server.

Definition at line 34 of file FdoWmsOvClassDefinition.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual FDOWMS_API FdoStringP GetQualifiedName ()
 Gets the fully qualified name of this element.
FDOWMS_API FdoWmsOvRasterDefinitionGetRasterDefinition ()
 Gets the physical overrides for a raster property definition.
FDOWMS_API void SetRasterDefinition (FdoWmsOvRasterDefinition *rasterDefinition)
 Sets the physical overrides for a raster property definition.

Static Public Member Functions

static FDOWMS_API FdoWmsOvClassDefinitionCreate ()
 Constructs a new empty WMS physical mapping class definition.

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