FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema Namespace Reference


interface  IApplySchema
 The IApplySchema interface defines the ApplySchema command, which creates or updates a feature schema within the DataStore. Input to the ApplySchema command is the feature schema instance to be created or updated. Optionally, a provider-specific IPhysicalSchemaMapping interface can be specified that can be used to control how the feature schema elements are mapped into physical storage. More...
class  IApplySchemaImp
 The IApplySchemaImp class is a concrete implementation of IApplySchema. The IApplySchema interface defines the ApplySchema command, which creates or updates a feature schema within the DataStore. Input to the ApplySchema command is the feature schema instance to be created or updated. Optionally, a provider-specific IPhysicalSchemaMapping interface can be specified that can be used to control how the feature schema elements are mapped into physical storage. More...
interface  IDescribeSchema
 The IDescribeSchema interface defines the DescribeSchema command, which describes the feature schemas available from the connection. The DescribeSchema command can describe a single schema or all schemas available from the connection. The Execute operation returns an FeatureSchemaCollection object. More...
class  IDescribeSchemaImp
 The IDescribeSchemaImp class is a concrete implementation of IDescribeSchema. The IDescribeSchema interface defines the DescribeSchema command, which describes the feature schemas available from the connection. The DescribeSchema command can describe a single schema or all schemas available from the connection. The Execute operation returns an FeatureSchemaCollection object. More...
interface  IDescribeSchemaMapping
 The IDescribeSchemaMapping interface defines the DescribeSchemaMapping command, which describes the logical to physical schema mappings for feature schemas available from the connection. The DescribeSchemaMapping command can describe the mappings for a single schema or all schemas available from the connection. The Execute operation returns an PhysicalSchemaMappingCollection object. More...
class  IDescribeSchemaMappingImp
 The IDescribeSchemaMappingImp class is a concrete implementation of IDescribeSchemaMapping. The IDescribeSchemaMapping interface defines the DescribeSchemaMapping command, which describes the logical to physical schema mappings for feature schemas available from the connection. The DescribeSchemaMapping command can describe the mappings for a single schema or all schemas available from the connection. The Execute operation returns an PhysicalSchemaMappingCollection object. More...
interface  IDestroySchema
 The IDestroySchema interface defines the DestroySchema command, which destroys a schema definition, including all class definitions, relationship definitions, and instance data within it. If elements in other schemas refer to the schema to be destroyed command, execution will fail. Input to the delete schema command is the name of the schema to be destroyed. More...
class  IDestroySchemaImp
 The IDestroySchemaImp class is a concrete implementation of IDestroySchema. The IDestroySchema interface defines the DestroySchema command, which destroys a schema definition, including all class definitions, relationship definitions, and instance data within it. If elements in other schemas refer to the schema to be destroyed command, execution will fail. Input to the delete schema command is the name of the schema to be destroyed. More...
interface  IPhysicalElementMapping
 IPhysicalElementMapping is an abstract interface that acts as a base interface for all Physical Schema Mapping Override classes. FDO also provides a number of sub-classes for particular types of Provider-specific override classes:. More...
interface  IPhysicalPropertyMapping
 IPhysicalPropertyMapping is an abstract interface that acts as a base interface for all Physical Schema Mapping property overrides. More...
class  PhysicalClassMapping
 PhysicalClassMapping is an abstract class that acts as a base class for all Physical Schema Mapping class overrides. More...
class  PhysicalElementMapping
 PhysicalElementMapping is an abstract class that acts as a base class for all Physical Schema Mapping Override classes. FDO also provides a number of sub-classes for particular types of Provider-specific override classes:. More...
class  PhysicalPropertyMapping
 PhysicalPropertyMapping is an abstract class that acts as a base class for all Physical Schema Mapping property overrides. More...
class  PhysicalSchemaMapping
 PhysicalSchemaMapping is an abstract class that is the base class of all Schema Override sets. Each instance contains the overrides for a particular Feature Schema and FDO Provider. Each FDO Provider, that allows Schema Overrides, must create a sub-class of this class. This sub-class must implement the overrides that are specific to the provider. The Provider can also add support, for serializing to an XML document, by overriding the functions inherited from XmlSerializable. More...
class  PhysicalSchemaMappingCollection
 PhysicalSchemaMappingCollection defines a collection of Schema Override sets. This is a generic collection which can contain override sets for different FDO Providers. More...


OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::IXmlSaxHandlerChoiceSubElementError (OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlSaxContext *context, System::String *parentElement, OSGeo::FDO::Common::StringCollection *subElements)
 Error reporting function that are not yet part of the supported FDO API. Return a XmlSkipElementHandler, which can be used to skip over the element in error.
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::IXmlSaxHandlerDuplicateSubElementError (OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlSaxContext *context, System::String *parentElement, System::String *subElement, System::String *subElementName)
 Error reporting function that are not yet part of the supported FDO API. Return a XmlSkipElementHandler, which can be used to skip over the element in error.
System::Void Execute ()
 Executes the destroy schema command, which removes the schema, class definitions, relation definitions, and all instance data from the DataStore. If elements in other schemas refer to the schema to be destroyed an exception is thrown.
__property System::Boolean get_CanSetName ()
 Indicates whether the name of the Element can be changed once it has been created.
__property System::Boolean get_IgnoreStates ()
 Indicates whether Execute() will ignore element states when applying the feature schema.
__property System::Boolean get_IncludeDefaults ()
 Gets the current "include default mappings" setting.
__property System::String * get_Name ()
 Gets the fully qualified name of this element.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::PhysicalSchemaMappingget_PhysicalMapping ()
 Gets the PhysicalSchemaMapping used to specify how the schema definition gets mapped into physical storage.
__property System::String * get_QualifiedName ()
 Gets the fully qualified name of this element.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::PhysicalSchemaMappingget_SchemaMapping ()
 Gets the PhysicalSchemaMapping that this element is a part of. Returns null if this object has not been added to a feature schema.
System::Void InitFromXml (OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlSaxContext *context, OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlAttributeCollection *attributes)
 Initializes this Physical Element Mapping from its XML attributes. Called when the element is deserialized from XML. Can be extended to handle particular XML attributes for derived classes.
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::IXmlSaxHandlerMultiSubElementError (OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlSaxContext *context, System::String *parentElement, System::String *subElement)
 Error reporting function that are not yet part of the supported FDO API. Return a XmlSkipElementHandler, which can be used to skip over the element in error.
__property System::Void set_FeatureSchema (OSGeo::FDO::Schema::FeatureSchema *value)
 Sets the name of the schema to create.
__property System::Void set_IgnoreStates (System::Boolean ignoreStates)
 Changes the handling of element states by Execute().
__property System::Void set_IncludeDefaults (System::Boolean includeDefaults)
 Sets the "include default mappings" setting.
__property System::Void set_Name (System::String *name)
 Gets the name of this element.
__property System::Void set_PhysicalMapping (OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::PhysicalSchemaMapping *value)
 Sets the PhysicalSchemaMapping used to specify how the schema definition gets mapped into physical storage.
__property System::Void set_SchemaName (System::String *value)
 Sets the name of the schema to destroy as a string.
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::IXmlSaxHandlerSubElementError (OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlSaxContext *context, System::String *parentElement, System::String *subElement)
 Error reporting function that are not yet part of the supported FDO API. Return a XmlSkipElementHandler, which can be used to skip over the element in error.
System::Void WriteXml (OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlWriter *xmlWriter, OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlFlags *flags)
 Writes this Physical Property Mapping to XML. Called when this element is serialized to XML. This function converts (encodes) property names to be valid XML element names. Can be extended to handle particular XML attributes and sub-elements for derived classes.


public __gc __interface OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlAttributeCollectionattributes
public __gc __interface IApplySchema
public __gc __interface IDescribeSchema
public __gc __interface IDescribeSchemaMapping
public __gc __interface IDestroySchema
public __gc __interface IPhysicalElementMapping
public __gc __interface IPhysicalElementMapping
public __gc __interface IPhysicalElementMapping
public __gc __interface IPhysicalPropertyMapping

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