FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext Namespace Reference


interface  IActivateSpatialContext
 The IActivateSpatialContext interface defines the ActivateSpatialContext command, which activates a specified spatial context. Input to the command is the name of the context to activate. More...
class  IActivateSpatialContextImp
 The IActivateSpatialContextImp class is a concrete implementation of IActivateSpatialContext. The IActivateSpatialContext interface defines the ActivateSpatialContext command, which activates a specified spatial context. Input to the command is the name of the context to activate. More...
interface  ICreateSpatialContext
 The ICreateSpatialContext interface defines the CreateSpatialContext command, which creates a new spatial context. Input to the command includes the name, description, coordinate system, extent type, and extent for the new context. Command execution will fail if the context already exists, or if the coordinate system or extent type is not supported by the provider. More...
class  ICreateSpatialContextImp
 The ICreateSpatialContextImp class is a concrete implementation of ICreateSpatialContext. The ICreateSpatialContext interface defines the CreateSpatialContext command, which creates a new spatial context. Input to the command includes the name, description, coordinate system, extent type, and extent for the new context. Command execution will fail if the context already exists, or if the coordinate system or extent type is not supported by the provider. More...
interface  IDestroySpatialContext
 The IDestroySpatialContext interface defines the DestroySpatialContext command, which destroys an existing spatial context. Input to the command is the name of the context to destroy. Destroying a spatial context destroys all data stored in that context. More...
class  IDestroySpatialContextImp
 The IDestroySpatialContextImp class is a concrete implementation of IDestroySpatialContext. The IDestroySpatialContext interface defines the DestroySpatialContext command, which destroys an existing spatial context. Input to the command is the name of the context to destroy. Destroying a spatial context destroys all data stored in that context. More...
interface  IGetSpatialContexts
 IGetSpatialContexts interface defines the GetSpatialContexts command, which enumerates the existing spatial contexts. More...
class  IGetSpatialContextsImp
 The IGetSpatialContextsImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetSpatialContexts. The IGetSpatialContexts interface defines the GetSpatialContexts command, which enumerates the existing spatial contexts. More...
interface  ISpatialContextReader
 ISpatialContextReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality for enumerating spatial contexts. A reference to an ISpatialContextReader is returned from the GetSpatialContexts command. The initial position of the ISpatialContextReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...
class  ISpatialContextReaderImp
 The ISpatialContextReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ISpatialContextReader. The ISpatialContextReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality for enumerating spatial contexts. A reference to an ISpatialContextReader is returned from the GetSpatialContexts command. The initial position of the ISpatialContextReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data. More...


System::Void Execute ()
 Executes the GetSpatialContexts command returning an ISpatialContextReader.
__property System::String * get_CoordinateSystem ()
 Gets the coordinate system of the context to create as a string in OpenGIS SRS WKT format.
__property System::String * get_CoordinateSystemWkt ()
 Gets the coordinate system definition in OGC SRS WKT format for the spatial context currently being created. If the result is an empty string, the coordinate system WKT description has not been set.
__property System::String * get_Description ()
 Gets the description of the context to create as a string.
__property System::Byte get_Extent ()[]
 Gets the extent of the context to create as a byte array in FGF format. If the extent type is dynamic, any value specified via this function is ignored.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::SpatialContextExtentType get_ExtentType ()
 Gets the desired extent type of the context to create, either static or dynamic.
__property System::Boolean get_UpdateExisting ()
 Gets a Boolean flag that indicates how the CreateSpatialContext command should behave if the spatial context already exists. If update existing is true and a spatial context with the specified name already exists then it will be updated. If update existing is false and a spatial context with the specified name already exists, command execution will fail.
__property System::Double get_XYTolerance ()
 Gets the tolerance value to use for X/Y ordinates. Tolerances are used in some geometric tests, mostly for equality between coordinates. This occurs frequently in spatial queries, especially with "on boundary" or "just touching" conditions. It is also an objective amount that can be used when formulating step distances for parametric curve interpolation.
__property System::Double get_ZTolerance ()
 Gets the tolerance value to use for Z ordinates. Tolerances are used in some geometric tests, mostly for equality between coordinates. This occurs frequently in spatial queries, especially with "on boundary" or "just touching" conditions. It is also an objective amount that can be used when formulating step distances for parametric curve interpolation.
System::String * GetCoordinateSystem ()
 Gets the name of the coordinate system of the spatial context currently being read. If the result is a null or empty string, the coordinate system is unknown to the spatial context.
System::String * GetCoordinateSystemWkt ()
 Gets the name of the coordinate system in OpenGIS SRS WKT format of the spatial context currently being read. If the result is an empty string, the coordinate system WKT description is not available.
System::String * GetDescription ()
 Gets the description of the spatial context currently being read.
System::Byte GetExtent ()[]
 Gets the extent of the spatial context currently being read as a byte array in FGF format.
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::SpatialContextExtentType GetExtentType ()
 Gets the extent type of the spatial context currently being read.
System::Double GetXYTolerance ()
 Gets the tolerance value for XY ordinates of the spatial context currently being read. Tolerances are used in some geometric tests, mostly for equality between coordinates. This occurs frequently in spatial queries, especially with "on boundary" or "just touching" conditions. It is also an objective amount that can be used when formulating step distances for parametric curve interpolation.
System::Double GetZTolerance ()
 Gets the tolerance value for Z ordinates of the spatial context currently being read. Tolerances are used in some geometric tests, mostly for equality between coordinates. This occurs a frequently in spatial queries, especially with "on boundary" or "just touching" conditions. It is also an objective amount that can be used when formulating step distances for parametric curve interpolation.
System::Boolean IsActive ()
 Returns true if the spatial context currently being read is the active spatial context.
System::Boolean ReadNext ()
 Advances the reader to the next item. The default position of the reader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data.
__property System::Void set_ActiveOnly (System::Boolean value)
 Sets a Boolean flag that indicates if the GetSpatialContexts command will return only the active spatial context or all spatial contexts. The default value of this flag is false, return all spatial contexts.
__property System::Void set_CoordinateSystem (System::String *value)
 Sets the coordinate system of the context to create as a string in OpenGIS SRS WKT format.
__property System::Void set_CoordinateSystemWkt (System::String *value)
 Sets the coordinate system definition in OGC SRS WKT format for the spatial context currently being created.
__property System::Void set_Description (System::String *value)
 Sets the description of the context to create as a string.
__property System::Void set_Extent (System::Byte buffer[])
 Sets the extent of the context to create as a byte array in FGF format. If the extent type is dynamic this is optional and any value specified is ignored.
__property System::Void set_ExtentType (OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::SpatialContextExtentType value)
 Sets the desired extent type of the context to create, either static or dynamic.
__property System::Void set_Name (System::String *value)
 Sets the name of the context to destroy as a string.
__property System::Void set_UpdateExisting (System::Boolean value)
 Sets a Boolean flag that indicates how the CreateSpatialContext command should behave if the spatial context already exists. If update existing is true and a spatial context with the specified name already exists then it will be updated. If update existing is false and a spatial context with the specified name already exists, command execution will fail.
__property System::Void set_XYTolerance (System::Double value)
 Sets the tolerance value to use for X/Y ordinates. Tolerances are used in some geometric tests, mostly for equality between coordinates. This occurs frequently in spatial queries, especially with "on boundary" or "just touching" conditions. It is also an objective amount that can be used when formulating step distances for parametric curve interpolation.
__property System::Void set_ZTolerance (System::Double value)
 Sets the tolerance value to use for Z ordinates. Tolerances are used in some geometric tests, mostly for equality between coordinates. This occurs frequently in spatial queries, especially with "on boundary" or "just touching" conditions. It is also an objective amount that can be used when formulating step distances for parametric curve interpolation.


public __gc __interface IActivateSpatialContext
public __gc __interface ICreateSpatialContext
public __gc __interface IDestroySpatialContext
public __gc __interface IGetSpatialContexts
public __gc __interface ISpatialContextReader
public __gc __interface ISpatialContextReader
public __gc __interface ISpatialContextReader
public __gc __interface ISpatialContextReader

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