FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Raster Namespace Reference


class  DataValueCollection
 DataValueCollection is a collection of DataValue objects. More...
interface  IRaster
 The IRaster interface specifies the data type and organization of raster data retrieved and stored. Using this class and the image extents in width and length, the binary format of the image data returned by and accepted by the IoStreamReader class can be interpreted. More...
class  IRasterImp
 IRasterImp specifies the data type and organization of raster data retrieved and stored. Using this class and the image extents in width and length, the binary format of the image data returned by and accepted by the IoStreamReader class can be interpreted. More...
interface  IRasterPropertyDictionary
 The IRasterPropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the raster properties. Through this interface the non-standard properties of a raster image can be determined and their values can be retrieved and set. Data values are exchanged through the DataValue object to accommodate various data types, boolean, integer, double, string etc. More...
class  IRasterPropertyDictionaryImp
 The IRasterPropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the raster properties. Through this interface the non-standard properties of a raster image can be determined and their values can be retrieved and set. Data values are exchanged through the DataValue object to accommodate various data types, boolean, integer, double, string etc. More...
class  RasterDataModel
 The RasterDataModel specifies the data type and organization of raster data retrieved and stored. Using this class and the image extents in width and length, the binary format of the image data returned by and accepted by the IStreamReader class can be interpreted. More...


__property System::Byte get_Bounds ()[]
 Get the minimum bounding box around the curent band of the image.
__property System::Int32 get_CurrentBand ()
 Gets the currently active band/channel.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Raster::RasterDataModelget_DataModel ()
 Gets the data model in use by this raster property.
__property System::Int32 get_ImageXSize ()
 Gets the size of image file in the horizontal direction in pixels (number of columns).
__property System::Int32 get_ImageYSize ()
 Gets the size of image file in the vertical direction in pixels (number of rows).
__property OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DataValueget_NullPixelValue ()
 Gets the pixel value that represents a NULL value in the available raster stream.
__property System::Int32 get_NumberOfBands ()
 Gets the number of bands/channels contained in the raster image.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DataValueget_Property (System::String *name)
 Gets the value of the specified property (or its default).
__property OSGeo::FDO::Schema::DataType get_PropertyDataType (System::String *name)
 Gets the data type for the specified property.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DataValueget_PropertyDefault (System::String *name)
 Gets the default value for the specified property.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Raster::DataValueCollectionget_PropertyValues (System::String *name)
 Access the values of the specified enumerable property. The property must respond TRUE to IsPropertyEnumerable.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Common::IStreamReaderImpget_StreamReader ()
 Get the source of image data. Image data is shipped using a paradigm similar to BLOB I/O. When fetching a raster image the GetStreamReader() method provides a IStreamReader from which the client may request the image data. The format of the image data expected is determined by the DataModel property. The data type, bit depth, tiling and organization specify the meaning of the image data. By setting the DataModel property prior to getting a reader for the data, the FDO client application can control the way data is retrieved from the FDO raster subsystem. When a tiled image is fetched, the image data will be tiled by default, unless a spatial query is used that covers a portion of a tile, in which case the image is converted to monolithic form prior to returning to the client. The client may force a monolithic image in the former case by setting the DataModel to monolithic prior to getting the stream reader. Or conversely it can request a re-tiling of the remaining sub-image by setting the DataModel property to tiled (in this case the tile origin is at the new upper left corner of the sub-image).
__property System::String * get_VerticalUnits ()
 Gets the Vertical Unit of Measure corresponding to the Raster Band. The string value returned will be a considered lookup value that will be used to identify the properties of the Unit of Measure using the IGetMeasureUnits command.
OSGeo::FDO::Raster::IRasterPropertyDictionaryGetAuxiliaryProperties ()
 Get a dictionary style interface to the raster properties. Through this interface the non-standard properties of a raster image can be determined and their values can be retrieved and set. Data values are exchanged through the DataValue object to accommodate various data types, boolean, integer, double, string, etc.
System::Boolean IsPropertyEnumerable (System::String *name)
 Predicate to determine if the property is enumerable (has more than one value).
System::Boolean IsPropertyRequired (System::String *name)
 Predicate to determine if the property is required to be set.
__property System::Void set_Bounds (System::Byte bounds[])
 Set the minimum bounding box around the image. For georeferenced images, the coordinate system is specified by the spatial context in force when the object is created. The act of setting this property georeferences the image. In order to provide for non-georeferenced images, this property is Nullable (doesn't need to be set).
__property System::Void set_CurrentBand (System::Int32 value)
 Sets the currently active band/channel.
__property System::Void set_DataModel (OSGeo::FDO::Raster::RasterDataModel *dataModel)
 Sets the data model used by this raster property. Allowed values are only those data models that are acceptable to the SupportsDataModel capability.
__property System::Void set_ImageXSize (System::Int32 size)
 Sets the size of image file in the horizontal direction in pixels (number of columns). By setting the X and Y image size properties prior to getting a reader for the data, the client application can control the density of pixels fetched by the provider, which may reduce the amount of data shipped by the reader and reduce processing time significantly. For example, a certain query in the coordinate system of the raster object class returns a IRaster object with image size 12091 by 8043. But the image only needs to be displayed in an area 1167 by 776 on the users monitor.
__property System::Void set_ImageYSize (System::Int32 size)
 Sets the size of image file in the vertical direction in pixels (number of rows). See SetImageXSize.
__property System::Void set_NumberOfBands (System::Int32 value)
 Sets the number of bands/channels contained in the raster image.
__property System::Void set_Property (System::String *name, OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DataValue *value)
 Sets the value of the specified property.
__property System::Void set_PropertyValues (System::String *name, OSGeo::FDO::Raster::DataValueCollection *collection)
 Set the values of the specified enumerable property. The property must respond TRUE to IsPropertyEnumerable. Clients will need to use SetPropertyValues when creating an image with specific values for the enumerable property. An example would be setting a table of wavelength ranges corresponding to the false colour used to encode the image.
__property System::Void set_StreamReader (OSGeo::FDO::Common::IStreamReaderImp *reader)
 Set the source of image data. Image data is shipped using a paradigm similar to BLOB I/O. When inserting or updating an object with a raster property, the SetStreamReader method provides a means to set a IStreamReader callback. On execution of an insert or update command, requests are made on the reader for the image data (which is supplied by the FDO client application). The format of the image data expected is determined by the DataModel property. The data type, bit depth, tiling and organization specify the meaning of the image data. By setting the DataModel property prior to setting a reader for the data, the FDO client application can control the way data is understood by, the FDO raster subsystem.
__property System::Void set_VerticalUnits (System::String *units)
 Sets the Vertical Unit of Measure corresponding to the Raster Band.
System::Void SetNull ()
 Sets the IRaster to a null value.


public __gc __interface IRaster
public __gc __interface IRaster
public __gc __interface IRaster
public __gc __interface IRaster
public __gc __interface IRaster
public __gc __interface IRaster
public __gc __interface IRasterPropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IRasterPropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IRasterPropertyDictionary

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