FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Connections Namespace Reference


interface  IConnection
 The IConnection interface enables a feature provider to implement a connection class, which represents a unique session with a data store. More...
class  IConnectionImp
 The IConnection interface enables a feature provider to implement a connection class, which represents a unique session with a data store. More...
interface  IConnectionInfo
 The IConnectionInfo interface exposes information about the feature provider and provides access to the IConnectionPropertyDictionary interface. More...
class  IConnectionInfoImp
 The IConnectionInfo interface exposes information about the feature provider and provides access to the IConnectionPropertyDictionary interface. More...
interface  IConnectionPropertyDictionary
 The IConnectionPropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the connection properties. The properties required to establish a connection can be determined and their values can be set through this interface. Modifying connection properties through this interface dynamically modifies the connection string held by the connection object. When the connection is in an open state, calling SetProperty on this interface will result in an error. More...
class  IConnectionPropertyDictionaryImp
 The IConnectionPropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the connection properties. The properties required to establish a connection can be determined and their values can be set through this interface. Modifying connection properties through this interface dynamically modifies the connection string held by the connection object. When the connection is in an open state, calling SetProperty on this interface will result in an error. More...
interface  ITransaction
 The ITransaction interface represents a transaction to be performed in a DataStore, and is implemented by feature providers that support transactions. More...
class  ITransactionImp
 The ITransaction interface represents a transaction to be performed in a DataStore, and is implemented by feature providers that support transactions. More...


namespace  Capabilities


OSGeo::FDO::Connections::ITransactionBeginTransaction ()
 Begins a transaction and returns an object that realizes ITransaction.
System::Void Close ()
 Closes the connection to the DataStore.
System::Void Commit ()
 Commits the transaction.
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::ICommandCreateCommand (OSGeo::FDO::Commands::CommandType commandType)
 Creates and returns the specified type of command object associated with the connection.
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::PhysicalSchemaMappingCreateSchemaMapping ()
 Factory function that creates an empty Schema Override set specific to this FDO Provider.
System::String * EnumeratePropertyValues (System::String *name)[]
 Returns an array of possible values for the specified property.
System::Void Flush ()
 Forces the writes of any cached data to the targed datastore.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ICommandCapabilitiesget_CommandCapabilities ()
 Gets an ICommandCapabilities interface describing the commands a provider supports.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::IConnectionInfoget_ConnectionInfo ()
 Gets an IConnectionInfo interface that can be used to interrogate and set connection properties.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::IConnectionPropertyDictionaryget_ConnectionProperties ()
 Gets the IConnectionPropertyDictionary interface that can be used to dynamically query and set the properties required to establish a connection.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::ConnectionState get_ConnectionState ()
 Gets the current state of the connection.
__property System::String * get_ConnectionString ()
 Gets the connection string used to open a DataStore.
__property System::Int32 get_ConnectionTimeout ()
 Gets the number of milliseconds to wait while trying to establish a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error. If the provider does not support the timeout capability 0 will be returned.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Common::StringCollectionget_DependentFileNames ()
 File-based providers depend on a various files. This function returns a list of fully qualified dependend file names. The return parameter will be NULL if the provider is not a file-based provider.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IExpressionCapabilitiesget_ExpressionCapabilities ()
 Gets an IExpressionCapabilities interface describing the provider's support for expressions.
__property System::String * get_FeatureDataObjectsVersion ()
 Gets the version of the Feature Data Objects specification to which this provider conforms.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IFilterCapabilitiesget_FilterCapabilities ()
 Gets an IFilterCapabilities interface describing the provider's support for filters.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IGeometryCapabilitiesget_GeometryCapabilities ()
 Gets an IGeometryCapabilities interface describing the provider's support for geometry.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::ProviderDatastoreType get_ProviderDatastoreType ()
 Returns the provider type. A provider can be a file-based, database-based or web-based provider. The valid values the function may return are defined in the enumeration ProviderDatastoreType. The enumeration includes the following values: ProviderDatastoreType_Unknown, ProviderDatastoreType_File, ProviderDatastoreType_DatabaseServer, ProviderDatastoreType_WebServer.
__property System::String * get_ProviderDescription ()
 Gets the description of the feature provider.
__property System::String * get_ProviderDisplayName ()
 Gets the display name of the feature provider.
__property System::String * get_ProviderVersion ()
 Gets the version of the feature provider.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IRasterCapabilitiesget_RasterCapabilities ()
 Gets an IRasterCapabilities interface describing the provider's support for raster images.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ISchemaCapabilitiesget_SchemaCapabilities ()
 Gets an ISchemaCapabilities interface describing the provider's support for the feature schema.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ITopologyCapabilitiesget_TopologyCapabilities ()
 Gets an ITopologyCapabilities interface describing the provider's support for topology.
System::String * GetLocalizedName (System::String *name)
 Gets a localized name for the property (for NLS purposes).
System::String * GetProperty (System::String *name)
 Gets the value of the specified property.
System::String * GetPropertyDefault (System::String *name)
 Gets the default value for the specified property.
System::Boolean IsPropertyEnumerable (System::String *name)
 Determines if the possible values for the specified property can be enumerated via the EnumeratePropertyValues method.
System::Boolean IsPropertyProtected (System::String *name)
 Indicates if the property is a password or other protected field that should be kept secure.
System::Boolean IsPropertyRequired (System::String *name)
 Determines if the specified property is required.
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::ConnectionState Open ()
 Opens a feature connection with the settings specified by the ConnectionString attribute of the provider-specific feature connection object.
System::Void Rollback ()
 Rolls back a transaction from a pending state.
__property System::Void set_Configuration (OSGeo::FDO::Common::Io::IoStream *configStream)
 Sets the XML configuration stream used to configure the Data Store. SetConfiguration can only be called while the connection is closed.
__property System::Void set_ConnectionString (System::String *value)
 Sets the connection string used to open a DataStore. SetConnectionString can only be set while the connection is closed.
__property System::Void set_ConnectionTimeout (System::Int32 value)
 Sets the number of milliseconds to wait while trying to establish a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error. If the provider does not support the timeout capability then attempting to set a timeout will result in an exception.
System::Void SetProperty (System::String *name, System::String *value)
 Sets the value of the specified property. An exception is thrown if the connection is currently open.


public __gc __interface IConnection
public __gc __interface IConnection
public __gc __interface IConnection
public __gc __interface IConnection
public __gc __interface IConnection
public __gc __interface IConnection
public __gc __interface IConnection
public __gc __interface IConnection
public __gc __interface IConnection
public __gc __interface IConnection
public __gc __interface IConnectionInfo
public __gc __interface IConnectionInfo
public __gc __interface IConnectionInfo
public __gc __interface IConnectionPropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IConnectionPropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface IConnectionPropertyDictionary
public __gc __interface ITransaction
public __gc __interface ITransaction
public __gc __interface ITransaction
public __gc __interface ITransaction
public __gc __interface ITransaction

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