FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities Namespace Reference


class  ArgumentDefinition
 The ArgumentDefinition class contains metadata that describes an argument to a function. More...
class  ArgumentDefinitionCollection
 ArgumentDefinitionCollection is a collection of ArgumentDefinition objects. More...
class  FunctionDefinition
 The FunctionDefinition class contains metadata that describes a function and its arguments. More...
class  FunctionDefinitionCollection
 FunctionDefinitionCollection is a collection of FunctionDefinition objects. More...
interface  ICommandCapabilities
 The ICommandCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Commands. More...
class  ICommandCapabilitiesImp
 The ICommandCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Commands. More...
interface  IConnectionCapabilities
 The IConnectionCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's capabilities. More...
class  IConnectionCapabilitiesImp
 The IConnectionCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's capabilities. More...
interface  IExpressionCapabilities
 The IExpressionCapbilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Expression classes. More...
class  IExpressionCapabilitiesImp
 The IExpressionCapbilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Expression classes. More...
interface  IFilterCapabilities
 The IFilterCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Filter classes. More...
class  IFilterCapabilitiesImp
 The IFilterCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Filter classes. More...
interface  IGeometryCapabilities
 The IGeometryCapabilities class delineates available support for raster processing from a provider. More...
class  IGeometryCapabilitiesImp
 The IGeometryCapabilities class delineates available support for raster processing from a provider. More...
interface  IRasterCapabilities
 The IRasterCapabilities class delineates available support for raster processing from a provider. More...
class  IRasterCapabilitiesImp
 The IRasterCapabilities class delineates available support for raster processing from a provider. More...
interface  ISchemaCapabilities
 The ISchemaCapbilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for the Feature Schema. More...
class  ISchemaCapabilitiesImp
 The ISchemaCapbilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for the Feature Schema. More...
interface  ITopologyCapabilities
 FDO supports properties that inform the client code about capabilities that may vary between providers. More...
class  ITopologyCapabilitiesImp
 FDO supports properties that inform the client code about capabilities that may vary between providers. More...
class  ReadOnlyArgumentDefinitionCollection
 ReadOnlyArgumentDefinitionCollection is a collection of ReadOnlyArgumentDefinition objects. More...
class  ReadOnlySignatureDefinitionCollection
 The ReadOnlySignatureDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of ReadOnlySignatureDefinition objects. More...
class  SignatureDefinition
 The FDO SignatureDefinition class allows the signatures of FDO FunctionDefinition objects to be defined. More...
class  SignatureDefinitionCollection
 SignatureDefinitionCollection is a collection of SignatureDefinition elements. More...


System::Boolean ActivatesTopologyByArea ()
System::Boolean BreaksCurveCrossingsAutomatically ()
System::Boolean ConstrainsFeatureMovements ()
__property OSGeo::FDO::Schema::DataType get_DataTypes ()[]
 Returns an array of the DataType objects the feature provider supports.
__property System::Int32 get_Dimensionalities ()
 Returns the supported dimensionalities which are based on the bit masks defined in the Dimensionality enum. The Z and M bits indicate if the provider supports 3d or Measure dimensions in geometry data. The XY bit should be set too.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Filter::DistanceOperations get_DistanceOperations ()[]
 Returns an array of DistanceOperation objects the feature provider supports.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::FunctionDefinitionCollectionget_Functions ()
 Returns a collection of FunctionDefinition objects the feature provider supports within expressions.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Common::GeometryComponentType get_GeometryComponentTypes ()[]
 Return the list of supported component types. For example, if a client wanted to know if circular arcs were supported by a provider, it would call GetGeometryComponentTypes and check for CircularArcSegment in the returned list.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::LockType get_LockTypes ()[]
 Gets an array of the LockType values supported by the feature provider.
__property System::Int64 get_MaximumDataValueLength (OSGeo::FDO::Schema::DataType dataType)
 Returns the maximum supported length of String, BLOB, or CLOB data properties. For decimal, it is the combination of the maximum scale and precision. For other data types that are not variable in size, the value returned is the byte length.
__property System::Int32 get_MaximumDecimalPrecision ()
 Returns the maximum supported precision for a decimal data property.
__property System::Int32 get_MaximumDecimalScale ()
 Returns the maximum supported scale for a decimal data property.
__property System::Int32 get_NameSizeLimit (OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::SchemaElementNameType name)
 Returns the maximum size of a value of the given type. It includes limits for the data store name, shema name, class name, property name and description.
__property System::String * get_ReservedCharactersForName ()
 Returns a string that includes all the reserved characters that cannot be used for the various schema element names for the provider.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::SpatialContextExtentType get_SpatialContextTypes ()[]
 Gets the spatial context extent types supported by the feature provider.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Filter::SpatialOperations get_SpatialOperations ()[]
 Returns an array of SpatialOperation objects the feature provider supports.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Schema::DataType get_SupportedAutoGeneratedTypes ()[]
 Returns an array of the DataType objects the feature provider supports for auto-generation.
__property OSGeo::FDO::Schema::DataType get_SupportedIdentityPropertyTypes ()[]
 Returns a list of property types that can be used for identity properties.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsAssociationProperties ()
 Determines if the provider supports association property.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsAutoIdGeneration ()
 Determines if the provider can auto-generate unique ID values for a class.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsCompositeId ()
 Determines if the provider supports multiple identity properties per class.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsCompositeUniqueValueConstraints ()
 Determines if the provider supports composite unique value constraint.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsDataStoreScopeUniqueIdGeneration ()
 Determines if the provider can auto-generate unique ID values that are unique for the entire datastore, rather than just for a particular class.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsDefaultValue ()
 Returns TRUE if default values can be specified for a data property definition, FALSE otherwise.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsExclusiveValueRangeConstraints ()
 Determines if the provider supports exclusive value range constraints.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsInclusiveValueRangeConstraints ()
 Determines if the provider supports inclusive value range constraints.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsInheritance ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports inheritance.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsMultipleSchemas ()
 Determines if the provider supports multiple schemas. Returns false if the provider supports only a single schema.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsNetworkModel ()
 Determines if the provider supports the network model.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsNullValueConstraints ()
 Determines if the provider supports nullable value constraint.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsObjectProperties ()
 Determines if the provider supports object properties. Returns false if the provider supports only data and geometric properties.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsSchemaModification ()
 Determines if the provider support update a schema through the ApplySchema command. If False, then an application can only create a schema once for the provider. They can use the ApplySchema command once for a given datastore. Once the schema is defined, it cannot be changed. If True, then the provider supports the ability to modify or add to the schema after it is defined initially.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsSchemaOverrides ()
 Determines if the provider supports Schema Mapping Overrides (overrides to the default rules for mapping Feature Schemas to provider-specific physical schemas).
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsUniqueValueConstraints ()
 Determines if the provider supports unique value constraint.
__property System::Boolean get_SupportsValueConstraintsList ()
 Determines if the provider supports value constraints list.
System::Boolean SupportsConfiguration ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports XML configuration.
System::Boolean SupportsCSysWKTFromCSysName ()
 Determines if the provider supports specifying the coordinate system by name or ID without specifying the WKT when creating a new spatial context.
System::Boolean SupportsDataModel (OSGeo::FDO::Raster::RasterDataModel *model)
 Returns true if the provider can handle the provided data model. It is expected that when used to transform between data models, the matrix defined by input and output data models is not sparse for every data model that is supported.
System::Boolean SupportsFlush ()
 Determines if the provider can support the flush function. Flush is used to write any outstanding data to the datastore. This is mainly used by the file based providers to ensure that any cached data is writen to the file.
System::Boolean SupportsGeodesicDistance ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports geodesic distance measurement. Returns false if the feature provider supports only linear distance measurement.
System::Boolean SupportsLocking ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports persistent locking.
System::Boolean SupportsLongTransactions ()
 Determines true if the feature provider supports long transactions.
System::Boolean SupportsMultipleSpatialContexts ()
 Determines if the provider supports multiple spatial contexts.
System::Boolean SupportsNonLiteralGeometricOperations ()
 Determines if spatial and distance operations can be applied between two geometric properties. Returns false if spatial and distance operations can be applied only between a geometric property and a literal geometry.
System::Boolean SupportsParameters ()
 Determines if commands support parameterization.
System::Boolean SupportsSelectDistinct ()
 Determines if Distinct can be used with SelectAggregates. This can be true only if the SelectAggregates command is supported by the provider.
System::Boolean SupportsSelectExpressions ()
 Determines if the feature provider can use expressions for properties with Select and SelectAggregate commands.
System::Boolean SupportsSelectFunctions ()
 Determines if simple functions can be used in Select and SelectAggregates command. Aggregate functions can only be used in the SelectAggregates command. Capability for using SelectAggregates is found in CommandCapabilities.
System::Boolean SupportsSelectGrouping ()
 Determines if a grouping criteria is available in the SelectAggregates command. This can be true only if the SelectAggregates command is supported by the provider.
System::Boolean SupportsSelectOrdering ()
 Determines if ordering is available in the Select and SelectAggregates command.
System::Boolean SupportsSQL ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports SQL commands.
System::Boolean SupportsStitching ()
 Returns true if the provider has the capability to stitch images from a select command (query) together into a single image.
System::Boolean SupportsSubsampling ()
 Returns true if the provider can reduce the resolution of an image.
System::Boolean SupportsTimeout ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports connection timeout.
System::Boolean SupportsTopologicalHierarchy ()
System::Boolean SupportsTransactions ()
 Determines if the feature provider supports transactions.


public __gc __interface ICommandCapabilities
public __gc __interface ICommandCapabilities
public __gc __interface ICommandCapabilities
public __gc __interface IConnectionCapabilities
public __gc __interface IConnectionCapabilities
public __gc __interface IConnectionCapabilities
public __gc __interface IExpressionCapabilities
public __gc __interface IExpressionCapabilities
public __gc __interface IExpressionCapabilities
public __gc __interface IFilterCapabilities
public __gc __interface IFilterCapabilities
public __gc __interface IFilterCapabilities
public __gc __interface IGeometryCapabilities
public __gc __interface IGeometryCapabilities
public __gc __interface IGeometryCapabilities
public __gc __interface IRasterCapabilities
public __gc __interface IRasterCapabilities
public __gc __interface IRasterCapabilities
public __gc __interface ISchemaCapabilities
public __gc __interface ISchemaCapabilities
public __gc __interface ISchemaCapabilities
public __gc __interface ITopologyCapabilities
public __gc __interface ITopologyCapabilities
public __gc __interface ITopologyCapabilities

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