FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects
static System::Boolean OSGeo::FDO::Spatial::SpatialUtility::PointInPolygon ( OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IPolygon polygon,
System::Double  coordinateX,
System::Double  coordinateY,
System::Boolean *  isOnExtBoundary,
System::Boolean *  isOnInBoundary 
) [static]

Tests whether a point is within a polygon (including its islands) or not.

polygon Input Polygon to test
coordinateX Input X ordinate.
coordinateY Input Y ordinate.
isOnExtBoundary Output Specifies if the specified point is on the exterior boundary of the polygon.
isOnInBoundary Output Specifies if the specified point is on the interior boundary of the polygon.
Returns TRUE if the point is within polygon or on its boundary, FALSE otherwise.

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