FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Spatial::SpatialUtility Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

A Spatial utility class.


Definition at line 39 of file mgSpatialUtility.h.

Static Public Member Functions

static OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometryApproximateGeometryWithLineStrings (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometry *geometry, System::Double maxSpacing, System::Double maxOffset, OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::GeometryFactoryAbstract *geometryFactory)
 Approximates a geometry, which may contain parametric curve components, with a geometry that only contains straight, linear components.
static System::Double ComputeLinearRingArea (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILinearRing *ring)
 Computes the area of a ring.
static System::Double ComputeLinearRingLength (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILinearRing *ring)
 Computes the length (perimeter) of a ring.
static OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometryCreateGeometryFromRings (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::LinearRingCollection *rings, System::Boolean relateRings)
 Creates a Polygon or a MultiPolygon from a collection of rings.
static System::Boolean Evaluate (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometry *g1, OSGeo::FDO::Filter::SpatialOperations op, OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometry *g2)
 Evaluates if two FDO geometric objects spatially interact with each other based on a user supplied spatial operator. For example: Contains, Crosses, Disjoint, Equals, Intersects, Overlaps, Touches, Within, CoveredBy, Inside, EnvelopeIntersects.
static System::Void GetExtents (System::Byte bytes[], System::Double *minX, System::Double *minY, System::Double *minZ, System::Double *maxX, System::Double *maxY, System::Double *maxZ)
 Gets the extents of a geometry contained in a byte array.
static System::Void GetExtents (System::Byte bytes[], System::Double *minX, System::Double *minY, System::Double *maxX, System::Double *maxY)
 Gets the extents of a geometry contained in a byte array.
static System::Boolean IsCircularArcValid (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICircularArcSegment *arc, System::Double tolerance)
 Checks the geometric validity of a circular arc. E.g. Checks whether the points describing the arc are collinear within a tolerance.
static System::Boolean PointInPolygon (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IPolygon *polygon, System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY)
 Tests whether a point is within a polygon (including its islands) or not.
static System::Boolean PointInPolygon (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IPolygon *polygon, System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY, System::Boolean *isOnExtBoundary)
 Tests whether a point is within a polygon (including its islands) or not.
static System::Boolean PointInPolygon (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IPolygon *polygon, System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY, System::Boolean *isOnExtBoundary, System::Boolean *isOnInBoundary)
 Tests whether a point is within a polygon (including its islands) or not.
static System::Boolean PointInRing (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILinearRing *ring, System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY)
 Tests whether a point is within a ring or not.
static System::Boolean PointInRing (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILinearRing *ring, System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY, System::Boolean *isOnBoundary)
 Tests whether a point is within a ring or not.
static OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometryTesselateCurve (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometry *curve)
 Tesselates a curve geometry into a set of line strings that approximate the curve geometry.
static OSGeo::FDO::Spatial::SpatialGeometryValidity ValidateGeometryByType (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometry *geometry, OSGeo::FDO::Common::GeometryType geometryTypes[], OSGeo::FDO::Common::GeometryComponentType geometryComponentTypes[], System::Int32 dimensionality)
 Tests whether a geometry can be supported using the given types and dimensionality.

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