FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::EnvelopeImpl Class Reference

Inherits OSGeo::FDO::Runtime::Disposable, and OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IEnvelope.

Inheritance diagram for OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::EnvelopeImpl:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The EnvelopeImpl class is a default implementation of IEnvelope. EnvelopeImpl implements accessors from IEnvelope, matching mutators, and simple data members. Assignment, exact equality operators, and utility methods are also provided.


Definition at line 38 of file mgEnvelopeImpl.h.

Public Member Functions

 EnvelopeImpl (System::IntPtr unmanaged, System::Boolean autoDelete)
 Constructs an Envelope based on an unmanaged instance of the object.
 EnvelopeImpl (System::Int32 dimensionType, System::Double ordinates __gc[])
 Constructs a EnvelopeImpl object by copying from an array of ordinates.
 EnvelopeImpl (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IDirectPosition *lowerLeft, OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IDirectPosition *upperRight)
 Constructs a EnvelopeImpl object from two positions.
 EnvelopeImpl (EnvelopeImpl *envelopeImpl)
 Constructs a copy of a EnvelopeImpl.
 EnvelopeImpl (System::Double minX, System::Double minY, System::Double minZ, System::Double maxX, System::Double maxY, System::Double maxZ)
 Constructs a 3D EnvelopeImpl object from X, Y and Z ordinates.
 EnvelopeImpl (System::Double minX, System::Double minY, System::Double maxX, System::Double maxY)
 Constructs a 2D EnvelopeImpl object from X and Y ordinates.
 EnvelopeImpl ()
 Constructs a default instance of a EnvelopeImpl object.
System::Boolean Equals (System::Object *obj)
 Equality function for EnvelopeImpl.
System::Void Expand (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IEnvelope *envelope)
 Expands the envelope's extents to include another envelope.
System::Void Expand (OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IDirectPosition *position)
 Expands the envelope's extents to include a given position.
__property System::Boolean get_IsEmpty ()
 Indicates whether the envelope's extents are set.
__property System::Double get_MaxX ()
 Gets the maximum X coordinate value.
__property System::Double get_MaxY ()
 Gets the maximum Y coordinate value.
__property System::Double get_MaxZ ()
 Gets the maximum Z coordinate value.
__property System::Double get_MinX ()
 Gets the minimum X coordinate value.
__property System::Double get_MinY ()
 Gets the minimum Y coordinate value.
__property System::Double get_MinZ ()
 Gets the minimum Z coordinate value.
__property System::Void set_MaxX (System::Double maxX)
 Sets the maximum X coordinate value.
__property System::Void set_MaxY (System::Double maxY)
 Sets the maximum Y coordinate value.
__property System::Void set_MaxZ (System::Double maxZ)
 Sets the maximum Z coordinate value.
__property System::Void set_MinX (System::Double minX)
 Sets the minimum X coordinate value.
__property System::Void set_MinY (System::Double minY)
 Sets the minimum Y coordinate value.
__property System::Void set_MinZ (System::Double minZ)
 Sets the minimum Z coordinate value.

Static Public Member Functions

static System::Boolean op_Equality (EnvelopeImpl *left, EnvelopeImpl *right)
 Equality function for EnvelopeImpl.
static System::Boolean op_Inequality (EnvelopeImpl *left, EnvelopeImpl *right)
 InEquality function for EnvelopeImpl.

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