FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoGeometryStreamReader Class Reference

#include <GeometryStreamReader.h>

Inherits FdoIDisposable.

Inheritance diagram for FdoGeometryStreamReader:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoGeometryStreamReader class is a reader for serialized geometric data (abstract). The data source is defined by the implementation. FdoGeometryStreamReader is a helper type and does not inherit from FdoIGeometry.

Definition at line 37 of file GeometryStreamReader.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoByteArrayGetData ()=0
 Gets an array representing the entire serialized Geometry.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoGeometryStreamFactoryGetFactory ()=0
 Gets a factory object that can create more streams of the same implementation type as this object.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoInt32 GetLength ()=0
 Gets the amount of data in the array returned by GetData(), in bytes.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoByte ReadByte ()=0
 Reads one byte from the stream.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoIDirectPositionReadDirectPosition (FdoInt32 dimension)=0
 Reads a geometric position with the given dimensionality from the stream.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API void ReadDirectPositionByMembers (FdoInt32 dimensionality, double *x, double *y, double *z, double *m)=0
 Reads a geometric position with the given dimensionality from the stream, by value of its ordinates (for performance).
virtual FDO_GEOM_API double ReadDouble ()=0
 Reads one number as a "double" from current position in the stream.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API FdoInt32 ReadInt ()=0
 Reads one number as a "FdoInt32" from the stream.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API void Reset ()=0
 Resets the current position to the beginning of the stream.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API void SetData (const FdoByte *data, FdoInt32 count)=0
 Sets the array used by the reader.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API void SetData (FdoByteArray *data)=0
 Sets the array used by the reader.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API void SkipBytes (FdoInt32 count)=0
 Advances the current position by skipping past bytes.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API void SkipDirectPositions (FdoInt32 dimension, FdoInt32 count)=0
 Advances the current position by skipping past geometric positions with the given dimension.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API void SkipDoubles (FdoInt32 count)=0
 Advances the current position by skipping past doubles.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API void SkipInts (FdoInt32 count)=0
 Advances the current position by skipping past integers.

Protected Member Functions

FDO_GEOM_API FdoGeometryStreamReader ()
 Constructs a default instance of a FdoGeometryStreamReader.
virtual FDO_GEOM_API ~FdoGeometryStreamReader ()
 Default destructor.

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