FDO API Reference Feature Data Objects

FdoAssociationPropertyDefinition Class Reference

#include <AssociationPropertyDefinition.h>

Inherits FdoPropertyDefinition.

Inheritance diagram for FdoAssociationPropertyDefinition:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

The FdoAssociationPropertyDefinition class derives from FdoPropertyDefinition and represents the association between two classes. The class of the associated class must already be defined in the feature schema and cannot be abstract.

Definition at line 37 of file AssociationPropertyDefinition.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual void _writeXml (FdoSchemaXmlContext *pContext)
 Serialize this property to XML.
FDO_API FdoClassDefinitionGetAssociatedClass ()
 Gets a reference to the associated class.
FDO_API FdoDeleteRule GetDeleteRule ()
 Gets the delete rule.
FDO_API FdoDataPropertyDefinitionCollectionGetIdentityProperties ()
 Gets a reference to an FdoDataPropertyDefinitionCollection which is a collection of properties of the current class that are used as key for this association. Initially, this collection is empty. The user can optionally add any number of properties. If the collection is left empty, the identity properties of the associated class are added to the current class. The number, order and types should match the property of the ReverseIdentityProperties collection. All properties in the collection should already exist in the containing class. This is needed in case the current class already has properties (foreign keys) that are used to reference the associated feature.
FDO_API bool GetIsReadOnly ()
 This method is used to verify if this association property is a read-only association property. A read-only association property is created internally when the reverse name of an association property is specified. The read-only association property is added automatically to the associated class and can be used to navigate from the associated class to the associating class.
FDO_API bool GetLockCascade ()
 Gets the lock cascade option. true to cascade the lock otherwise the lock is not cascaded.
FDO_API FdoStringGetMultiplicity ()
 This method is used to return the association multiplicity from the owner class side. See SetMultiplicity method for description of the possible values.
virtual FDO_API FdoPropertyType GetPropertyType ()
 Gets the concrete property type.
FDO_API FdoDataPropertyDefinitionCollectionGetReverseIdentityProperties ()
 Gets a reference to an FdoDataPropertyDefinitionCollection used to return a collection of properties of the associated class that are used as key for this association. The number, order and types should match the IdentityProperties. If the reverse identity collection is empty, then the associated class identity properties will be used. The properties of the collection should already exist on the associated class.
FDO_API FdoStringGetReverseMultiplicity ()
 This method is used to return the association multiplicity from the associated class side. See SetReverseMultiplicity method for description of the possible values.
FDO_API FdoStringGetReverseName ()
 Gets the reverse name of this property. See description of SetReverseName.
virtual void InitFromXml (const FdoString *propertyTypeName, FdoSchemaXmlContext *pContext, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *attrs)
 Initialize this property from its XML attributes.
virtual void Set (FdoPropertyDefinition *pProperty, FdoSchemaXmlContext *pContext)
 Update this property from the given property.
FDO_API void SetAssociatedClass (FdoClassDefinition *value)
 Sets a reference to the associated class.
FDO_API void SetDeleteRule (FdoDeleteRule value)
 Sets the delete rule.
FDO_API void SetIsReadOnly (bool value)
 This method is used to set the read-only status of the association property. This method should only be called by FDO providers to set to read-only the association property added internally to the associated class that represent the reverse association property.
FDO_API void SetLockCascade (bool value)
 Sets the lock cascade option.
FDO_API void SetMultiplicity (FdoString *value)
 This method is used to set the association multiplicity from the property owner class side. The only possible values are 1 or m. If the multiplicity is set to 1, then only one instance of the owning class can be associated to a given instance of the associated class. If the multiplicity is set to m, then many instances of the owning class can be associated to the same instance of the associated class.
virtual void SetParent (FdoSchemaElement *value)
FDO_API void SetReverseMultiplicity (FdoString *value)
 This method is used to set the association multiplicity from the associated class side. The only possible values are 0 or 1. If the multiplicity is set to 0, then it is not mandatory to initialize the association property when a new object is created. If the multiplicity is set to 1, then the association property must be initialized when a new object is created.
FDO_API void SetReverseName (FdoString *name)
 This method is used to set the name of this association as seen by the associated class. This is an optional parameter that can be provided if the navigation back from the associated class is needed. This property will appear as read-only property on the associated class. For example let's assume that we have an Accident class that associated to a Road class by an association called Road? If we wanted to find all the accidents associated to a given road, we will need to provide a reverse property name of the road association property. In this case an appropriate value for such a name would be accident. The filter that can be used to find all the accidents would look like: accident not null.
virtual FdoBoolean XmlEndElement (FdoXmlSaxContext *context, FdoString *uri, FdoString *name, FdoString *qname)
 Element end.
virtual FdoXmlSaxHandlerXmlStartElement (FdoXmlSaxContext *context, FdoString *uri, FdoString *name, FdoString *qname, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *atts)

Static Public Member Functions

static FDO_API FdoAssociationPropertyDefinitionCreate (FdoString *name, FdoString *description, bool system=false)
 Constructs an instance of an FdoAssociationPropertyDefinition using the specified arguments.
static FDO_API FdoAssociationPropertyDefinitionCreate ()
 Constructs a default instance of an FdoAssociationPropertyDefinition.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void _AcceptChanges ()
virtual void _BeginChangeProcessing ()
virtual void _EndChangeProcessing ()
virtual void _RejectChanges ()
virtual void _StartChanges ()
 FdoFeatureSchema::RejectChanges() support.
FDO_API FdoAssociationPropertyDefinition (FdoString *name, FdoString *description, bool system=false)
FDO_API FdoAssociationPropertyDefinition ()
 Constructs a default instance of an FdoAssociationPropertyDefinition.

Protected Attributes

FdoDeleteRule m_deleteRuleCHANGED
bool m_isReadOnlyCHANGED
bool m_lockCascadeCHANGED
wchar_t * m_multiplicityCHANGED
wchar_t * m_reverseMultiplicityCHANGED
wchar_t * m_reverseNameCHANGED

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