$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 onFormReset, gazetteerWFS. events
 onWfsConfSelect, gazetteerWFS. events
 openDialog, digitize. events
 printBox, printPDF
 register, Event
 reload, Reload
 remove, Marker
 requestCount, Ajax
 send, Request
 set, Extent
 setExtent, Map
 setFeatureProperty, ResultGeometryListModel
 show, Sandclock
 showResult, printPDF
 toString, Extent
 trigger, Event
 undocumented perl feature:, Mapbender
 unregister, Event
 updateFeature, ResultGeometryListModel
Logs a notice in the log file, in a console window or as an alert
Mapbender.Notice = function (message)
An AJAX notification (it doesn’t expect a reply from the server)
An OpenLayers Map, configured with WMS from Mapbender application settings
An OpenLayers Layer Switch
An OpenLayers MousePosition
An OpenLayers navigation Control
An OpenLayers Layer Switch
An OpenLayers PanPanel
An OpenLayers Permalink
Various OpenLayers popups
An OpenLayers Scale
An OpenLayers ScaleLine
Loads configured WMS from the Mapbender database and loads them into OpenLayers
event is fired whenever the form is resetted
event is fired whenever a new WFS is selected
This Mapbender.Event is fired before the user opens the dialog for inserting or updating.
Use the overview map to navigate the main map window.
shows and hides the overview module with a jQuery animation
A class representing a two- (or three-) dimensional point.
Mapbender.Point = function (x,
just pass a Point in order to clone it.
the movable printframe
Mapbender print PDF with PDF templates module.
this.register = function(aFunction,
A function that needs to be executed, when the event occurs, has to be registered via this function.
this.reload = function ()
Reloads the window.
A button that reloads the whole window.
this.remove = function ()
Remove the marker from the map.
Repaints a map.
An AJAX request (it expects a reply from the server)
Mapbender.Ajax.Request = function (options)
counts the number of requests that have been made
Adds a resizable plugin to the module in target, for example mapframe1
This modul dynamically resizes the mapframe in relation to the browsersize.
A feature collection of a result geometry list.
var ResultGeometryListModel = function ()
A result list for featureCollections
A result list detail popup for showing single feature attributes
A highlighting functionality for a mapbender result list
A zoom functionality for a mapbender result list
Displays an arbitrary sandclock image on a map
save workspace as WMC
Displays scalebar in the map.
Zoom by rectangle
Select the map size from a pre defined settings, like large or small
this.send = function ()
Sends the request to the server side
Checks whether the GET API has loaded services and conflicts arose.
this.set = function (min,
Allows to set the center (one param) or the extent (two params)
this.setExtent = function(minx,
set the extent of the wms
this.setFeatureProperty = function (index,
Set a property of a feature in the geometry array = function (nodeId,
Displays the sandclock
var showResult = function (res,
load the generated PDF from the returned URL as an attachment, that triggers a download popup or is displayed in PDF plugin.
Exports the current application as SQL
An accordion decorator, replaces the deprecated element “tabs”
Mapbender.Extent.prototype.toString = function ()
Returns a comma-separated list of all four coordinates
this.trigger = function(properties,
This function triggers the event.
this.unregister = function(aFunction)
Exclude a previously registered function from the event permanently
this.updateFeature = function (index,
Replace a feature in the geometry array
Logs an warning in the log file, in a console window or as an alert
Mapbender.Warning = function (message)
Find an interval with two datepickers and attach it to getMap requests of WMS in your application
sets the TIME parameter for all activated WMS (years only)
A basic WMS layer switcher.
This module adds a slider to your application which can be used for navigation.
Click button to zoom to the full extent of the BoundingBox.
Click button, which minimizes the real world bounding box of the visible map section, doubles the scale (halfes the scale number).
Click button, which doubles the real world bounding box of the visible map section, halfes the scale (doubles the scale number).