Berkeley DB XML
version 2.5.16

Class XmlContainer

  extended by com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer

public class XmlContainer
extends Object

The XmlContainer class encapsulates a document container and its related indices and statistics. XmlContainer exposes methods for managing (putting and deleting) XmlDocument objects, managing indices, and retrieving container statistics.

If the container has never before been opened, use XmlManager.createContainer(java.lang.String) to instantiate an XmlContainer object. If the container already exists, use XmlManager.openContainer(java.lang.String) instead. XmlContainers are always opened until the last referencing handle is destroyed.

You can delete containers using XmlManager.removeContainer(java.lang.String) and rename containers using XmlManager.renameContainer(java.lang.String, java.lang.String).

A copy constructor is provided for this class. The class is implemented using a handle-body idiom. When a handle is copied both handles maintain a reference to the same body.

This object is free threaded, and can be safely shared among threads in an application.

Field Summary
static int NodeContainer
          Documents are broken down into their component nodes, and these nodes are stored individually in the container.
static int WholedocContainer
          Documents are stored intact; all white space and formatting is preserved.
Constructor Summary
XmlContainer(XmlContainer o)
          Copy constructor.
Method Summary
 boolean addAlias(String alias)
          Adds a new named alias for the container.
 void addDefaultIndex(String index)
          Adds a default index to the container.
 void addDefaultIndex(String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Adds a default index to the container.
 void addDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index)
          Adds a default index to the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void addDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Adds a default index to the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void addIndex(String uri, String name, int indexType, int syntaxType)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node.
 void addIndex(String uri, String name, int indexType, int syntaxType, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node.
 void addIndex(String uri, String name, String index)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node.
 void addIndex(String uri, String name, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node.
 void addIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, int indexType, int syntaxType)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void addIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, int indexType, int syntaxType, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void addIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void addIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void close()
          This is a synonym for delete()
 void delete()
          Close the container.
 void deleteDefaultIndex(String index)
          Deletes the default index for the container.
 void deleteDefaultIndex(String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Deletes the default index for the container.
 void deleteDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index)
          Deletes the default index for the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void deleteDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Deletes the default index for the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void deleteDocument(String name)
          Removes the named document from the container.
 void deleteDocument(String name, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Removes the named document from the container.
 void deleteDocument(XmlDocument document)
          Removes the specified XmlDocument from the container.
 void deleteDocument(XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Removes the specified XmlDocument from the container.
 void deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name)
          Removes the named document from the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Removes the named document from the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document)
          Removes the specified XmlDocument from the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Removes the specified XmlDocument from the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void deleteIndex(String uri, String name, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Deletes an index of the specified type for the named document node.
 void deleteIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Deletes an index of the specified type for the named document node in the context of a transaction.
 XmlResults getAllDocuments(XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Returns all XmlDocument objects in the container, with configuration options.
 XmlResults getAllDocuments(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Returns all XmlDocument objects in the container, with configuration options, in the context of a transaction.
 boolean getAutoIndexing()
          Retrieves the current state of automatic indexing for the container.
 boolean getAutoIndexing(XmlTransaction txn)
          Retrieves the current state of automatic indexing for the container in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlContainerConfig getContainerConfig()
          Returns a copy of the configuration object for the container.
 int getContainerType()
          Returns the container's type.
 XmlDocument getDocument(String name)
          Returns the XmlDocument with the specified name.
 XmlDocument getDocument(String name, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Returns the XmlDocument with the specified name, with configuration options.
 XmlDocument getDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name)
          Returns the XmlDocument with the specified name in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlDocument getDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Returns the XmlDocument with the specified name in the scope of a transaction, with configuration options.
 boolean getIndexNodes()
          Returns whether or not the container is indexing at the node level.
 XmlIndexSpecification getIndexSpecification()
          Retrieves the current index specification for the container.
 XmlIndexSpecification getIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn)
          Retrieves the current index specification for the container in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlIndexSpecification getIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Retrieves the current index specification for the container in the scope of a transaction using the specified XmlDocumentConfig object.
 XmlManager getManager()
          Returns the XmlManager object for the XmlContainer.
 String getName()
          Returns the name of the XmlContainer.
 XmlResults getNode(String handle)
          Returns the XmlResults which contains the object associated with the specified handle.
 XmlResults getNode(XmlTransaction txn, String handle, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Returns the XmlResults which contains the object associated with the specified handle in the scope of a transaction.
 int getNumDocuments()
          Returns the number of XmlDocument objects in the container.
 int getNumDocuments(XmlTransaction txn)
          Returns the number of XmlDocument objects in the container, in the context of a transaction.
 int getPageSize()
          Returns the underlying database page size for the container.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String index)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index, XmlValue value)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index, XmlValue value, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String index)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index, XmlValue value)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index, XmlValue value, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(String uri, String name, String index)
          Returns an XmlStatistics object for the identified index.
 XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index)
          Lookup statistics for the identified edge index.
 XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index, XmlValue value)
          Lookup statistics for the identified edge index.
 XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value)
          Returns an XmlStatistics object for the identified index.
 XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index)
          Returns an XmlStatistics object for the identified index.
 XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index)
          Lookup statistics for the identified edge index in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index, XmlValue value)
          Lookup statistics for the identified edge index in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value)
          Returns an XmlStatistics object for the identified index.
 String putDocument(String name, String contents)
          Inserts a document into the container with a given name and string content.
 String putDocument(String name, String content, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container.
 String putDocument(String name, String contents, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts a document into the container with a given name and string content.
 String putDocument(String name, String content, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container.
 String putDocument(String name, XmlEventReader reader)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content.
 String putDocument(String name, XmlEventReader reader, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content.
 String putDocument(String name, XmlEventReader reader, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content.
 String putDocument(String name, XmlEventReader reader, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content.
 String putDocument(String name, XmlInputStream input)
          Inserts a document into the container with a given name and content from a stream.
 String putDocument(String name, XmlInputStream input, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document into the container with a given name and content from a stream.
 String putDocument(String name, XmlInputStream input, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts a document into the container with a given name and content from a stream.
 String putDocument(String name, XmlInputStream input, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and content into the container.
 void putDocument(XmlDocument document)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container, with configuration options.
 void putDocument(XmlDocument document, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container, with configuration options.
 void putDocument(XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container.
 void putDocument(XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container, with configuration options.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, String content)
          Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, String content, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, String contents, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts a document into the container with a given name and string content in the scope of a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, String content, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlEventReader reader)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlEventReader reader, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlEventReader reader, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlEventReader reader, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlInputStream input)
          Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlInputStream input, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlInputStream input, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlInputStream input, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlDocument document)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter.
 XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlDocument document, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter.
 XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter.
 XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter.
 XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.
 boolean removeAlias(String alias)
          Removes the named alias from the container.
 void replaceDefaultIndex(String index)
          Replaces the container's default index.
 void replaceDefaultIndex(String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Replaces the container's default index.
 void replaceDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index)
          Replaces the container's default index in the scope of a transaction.
 void replaceDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Replaces the container's default index in the scope of a transaction.
 void replaceIndex(String uri, String name, String index)
          Replaces an index of the specified type for the named document node.
 void replaceIndex(String uri, String name, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Replaces an index of the specified type for the named document node.
 void replaceIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index)
          Replaces an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void replaceIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Replaces an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void setAutoIndexing(boolean value)
          Sets the current state of automatic indexing for the container.
 void setAutoIndexing(XmlTransaction txn, boolean value)
          Sets the current state of automatic indexing for the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void setIndexSpecification(XmlIndexSpecification index)
          Defines the type of indexing to be maintained for a container of documents.
 void setIndexSpecification(XmlIndexSpecification index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Defines the type of indexing to be maintained for a container of documents.
 void setIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn, XmlIndexSpecification index)
          Defines the type of indexing to be maintained for a container of documents in the scope of a transaction.
 void setIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn, XmlIndexSpecification index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Defines the type of indexing to be maintained for a container of documents in the scope of a transaction.
 void sync()
          Flush database pages for the container to disk.
 void updateDocument(XmlDocument document)
          Updates an XmlDocument in the container.
 void updateDocument(XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Updates an XmlDocument in the container.
 void updateDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document)
          Updates an XmlDocument in the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void updateDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Updates an XmlDocument in the container in the scope of a transaction.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int WholedocContainer
Documents are stored intact; all white space and formatting is preserved.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NodeContainer
Documents are broken down into their component nodes, and these nodes are stored individually in the container. This is the preferred container storage type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public XmlContainer(XmlContainer o)
             throws XmlException
Copy constructor.

Method Detail


public void delete()
Close the container. This method closes the container if there are no further valid references to this object. If there are references (which may come from other un-deleted objects), the underlying container and its resources will remain open. This method also frees native resources if possible.


public void close()
           throws XmlException
This is a synonym for delete()



public boolean addAlias(String alias)
                 throws XmlException
Adds a new named alias for the container. The alias can be used to name the container in XQuery expressions. For removing an alias, see removeAlias(String). Returns true if the alias is added. Returns false if the alias is already present.

alias - The alias to be added.


public void addDefaultIndex(String index)
                     throws XmlException
Adds a default index to the container. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.


public void addDefaultIndex(String index,
                            XmlUpdateContext context)
                     throws XmlException
Adds a default index to the container. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void addDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                            String index)
                     throws XmlException
Adds a default index to the container in the scope of a transaction. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.


public void addDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                            String index,
                            XmlUpdateContext context)
                     throws XmlException
Adds a default index to the container in the scope of a transaction. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void addIndex(String uri,
                     String name,
                     String index)
              throws XmlException
Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node. These methods are for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for more information.

uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.


public void addIndex(String uri,
                     String name,
                     String index,
                     XmlUpdateContext context)
              throws XmlException
Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node. These methods are for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for more information.

uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void addIndex(String uri,
                     String name,
                     int indexType,
                     int syntaxType)
              throws XmlException
Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node. These methods are for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for more information.

uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
indexType - A series of values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
syntaxType - Identifies the type of information being indexed. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.


public void addIndex(String uri,
                     String name,
                     int indexType,
                     int syntaxType,
                     XmlUpdateContext context)
              throws XmlException
Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node. These methods are for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for more information.

uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
indexType - A series of values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
syntaxType - Identifies the type of information being indexed. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void addIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                     String uri,
                     String name,
                     String index)
              throws XmlException
Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction. These methods are for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.


public void addIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                     String uri,
                     String name,
                     String index,
                     XmlUpdateContext context)
              throws XmlException
Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction. These methods are for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void addIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                     String uri,
                     String name,
                     int indexType,
                     int syntaxType)
              throws XmlException
Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction. These methods are for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
indexType - A series of values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
syntaxType - Identifies the type of information being indexed. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.


public void addIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                     String uri,
                     String name,
                     int indexType,
                     int syntaxType,
                     XmlUpdateContext context)
              throws XmlException
Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction. These methods are for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
indexType - A series of values bitwise OR'd together to form the index strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
syntaxType - Identifies the type of information being indexed. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, int, int) for a complete description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void deleteDefaultIndex(String index)
                        throws XmlException
Deletes the default index for the container. This method is for convenience - see XmlIndexSpecification.deleteDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.


public void deleteDefaultIndex(String index,
                               XmlUpdateContext context)
                        throws XmlException
Deletes the default index for the container. This method is for convenience - see XmlIndexSpecification.deleteDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void deleteDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                               String index)
                        throws XmlException
Deletes the default index for the container in the scope of a transaction. This method is for convenience - see XmlIndexSpecification.deleteDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.


public void deleteDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                               String index,
                               XmlUpdateContext context)
                        throws XmlException
Deletes the default index for the container in the scope of a transaction. This method is for convenience - see XmlIndexSpecification.deleteDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void deleteDocument(String name)
                    throws XmlException
Removes the named document from the container.

name - The name of the document to be deleted.


public void deleteDocument(String name,
                           XmlUpdateContext context)
                    throws XmlException
Removes the named document from the container.

name - The name of the document to be deleted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void deleteDocument(XmlDocument document)
                    throws XmlException
Removes the specified XmlDocument from the container.

document - The XmlDocument to be deleted from the container. The name to be deleted is extracted from this parameter.


public void deleteDocument(XmlDocument document,
                           XmlUpdateContext context)
                    throws XmlException
Removes the specified XmlDocument from the container.

document - The XmlDocument to be deleted from the container. The name to be deleted is extracted from this parameter.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                           String name)
                    throws XmlException
Removes the named document from the container in the scope of a transaction.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be deleted.


public void deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                           String name,
                           XmlUpdateContext context)
                    throws XmlException
Removes the named document from the container in the scope of a transaction.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be deleted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                           XmlDocument document)
                    throws XmlException
Removes the specified XmlDocument from the container in the scope of a transaction.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The XmlDocument to be deleted from the container. The name to be deleted is extracted from this parameter.


public void deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                           XmlDocument document,
                           XmlUpdateContext context)
                    throws XmlException
Removes the specified XmlDocument from the container in the scope of a transaction.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The XmlDocument to be deleted from the container. The name to be deleted is extracted from this parameter.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void deleteIndex(String uri,
                        String name,
                        String index,
                        XmlUpdateContext context)
                 throws XmlException
Deletes an index of the specified type for the named document node. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.deleteIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for more information.

uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void deleteIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                        String uri,
                        String name,
                        String index,
                        XmlUpdateContext context)
                 throws XmlException
Deletes an index of the specified type for the named document node in the context of a transaction. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.deleteIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public XmlResults getAllDocuments(XmlDocumentConfig config)
                           throws XmlException
Returns all XmlDocument objects in the container, with configuration options. The results are unconditionally returned using lazy evaluation, which means that methods such as XmlResults.size() will throw an exception.

config - Configuration settings for this operation. If null, the default is to return lazy documents.


public XmlResults getAllDocuments(XmlTransaction txn,
                                  XmlDocumentConfig config)
                           throws XmlException
Returns all XmlDocument objects in the container, with configuration options, in the context of a transaction. The results are unconditionally returned using lazy evaluation, which means that methods such as XmlResults.size() will throw an exception.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
config - Configuration settings for this operation. If null, the default is to return lazy documents.


public boolean getAutoIndexing()
                        throws XmlException
Retrieves the current state of automatic indexing for the container. The state can be modified using setAutoIndexing(boolean). See setAutoIndexing(boolean) for a description of the feature.



public boolean getAutoIndexing(XmlTransaction txn)
                        throws XmlException
Retrieves the current state of automatic indexing for the container in the scope of a transaction. The state can be modified using setAutoIndexing(boolean).

The application must open the container before attempting to retrieve this value.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().


public XmlContainerConfig getContainerConfig()
                                      throws XmlException
Returns a copy of the configuration object for the container. The configuration settings cannot be changed on an open container.



public int getContainerType()
                     throws XmlException
Returns the container's type. Possible return values are: NodeContainer or WholedocContainer.



public XmlDocument getDocument(String name)
                        throws XmlException
Returns the XmlDocument with the specified name.

name - The name of the XmlDocument to be retrieved from the container.


public XmlResults getNode(String handle)
                   throws XmlException
Returns the XmlResults which contains the object associated with the specified handle.

The handle must have been returned from XmlValue.getNodeHandle() on a node within this container, and the document must not have been modified in a way that invalidates the handle. If the handle is no longer valid an exception may be thrown, or in some cases, an incorrect node could be returned.

handle - The handle returned from XmlValue.getNodeHandle().


public XmlResults getNode(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String handle,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Returns the XmlResults which contains the object associated with the specified handle in the scope of a transaction.

The handle must have been returned from XmlValue.getNodeHandle() on a node within this container, and the document must not have been modified in a way that invalidates the handle. If the handle is no longer valid an exception may be thrown, or in some cases, an incorrect node could be returned.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
handle - The handle returned from XmlValue.getNodeHandle().
config - Configuration settings for this operation.


public XmlDocument getDocument(String name,
                               XmlDocumentConfig config)
                        throws XmlException
Returns the XmlDocument with the specified name, with configuration options.

name - The name of the XmlDocument to be retrieved from the container.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public XmlDocument getDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                               String name)
                        throws XmlException
Returns the XmlDocument with the specified name in the scope of a transaction.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the XmlDocument to be retrieved from the container.


public XmlDocument getDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                               String name,
                               XmlDocumentConfig config)
                        throws XmlException
Returns the XmlDocument with the specified name in the scope of a transaction, with configuration options.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the XmlDocument to be retrieved from the container.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public boolean getIndexNodes()
                      throws XmlException
Returns whether or not the container is indexing at the node level.

Returns true if indexes are at the node level, false otherwise.



public int getPageSize()
                throws XmlException
Returns the underlying database page size for the container.



public XmlIndexSpecification getIndexSpecification()
                                            throws XmlException
Retrieves the current index specification for the container. The index specification can be modified using setIndexSpecification(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlIndexSpecification).



public XmlIndexSpecification getIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn)
                                            throws XmlException
Retrieves the current index specification for the container in the scope of a transaction. The index specification can be modified using setIndexSpecification(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlIndexSpecification).

The application must open the container before attempting to retrieve its index specification.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().


public XmlIndexSpecification getIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn,
                                                   XmlDocumentConfig config)
                                            throws XmlException
Retrieves the current index specification for the container in the scope of a transaction using the specified XmlDocumentConfig object. The index specification can be modified using setIndexSpecification(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlIndexSpecification).

The application must open the container before attempting to retrieve its index specification.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
config - If provided, the only valid option is a LockMode of RMW, set via XmlDocumentConfig.setLockMode(com.sleepycat.db.LockMode) to indicate a read-modify-write cycle. This would be used if the index specification is going to be modified in the transaction.


public XmlManager getManager()
                      throws XmlException
Returns the XmlManager object for the XmlContainer.



public String getName()
               throws XmlException
Returns the name of the XmlContainer.



public int getNumDocuments()
                    throws XmlException
Returns the number of XmlDocument objects in the container.



public int getNumDocuments(XmlTransaction txn)
                    throws XmlException
Returns the number of XmlDocument objects in the container, in the context of a transaction.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().


public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String index,
                              XmlValue value)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String index)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String parentUri,
                              String parentName,
                              String index,
                              XmlValue value)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String parentUri,
                              String parentName,
                              String index)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                              XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String index,
                              XmlValue value)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String index,
                              XmlValue value,
                              XmlDocumentConfig config)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                              XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String index)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                              XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String index,
                              XmlValue value,
                              XmlDocumentConfig config)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String parentUri,
                              String parentName,
                              String index,
                              XmlValue value,
                              XmlDocumentConfig config)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                              XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String parentUri,
                              String parentName,
                              String index)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                              XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String parentUri,
                              String parentName,
                              String index,
                              XmlValue value)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlResults lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                              XmlQueryContext context,
                              String uri,
                              String name,
                              String parentUri,
                              String parentName,
                              String index,
                              XmlValue value,
                              XmlDocumentConfig config)
                       throws XmlException
Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.



public XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(String uri,
                                      String name,
                                      String index,
                                      XmlValue value)
                               throws XmlException
Returns an XmlStatistics object for the identified index. This object identifies the number of keys (both total and unique) maintained for the identified index.

uri - The namespace of the node to which this index is applied.
name - The name of the node to which this index is applied.
index - Identifies the index for which you want the statistics returned. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for a description of valid index specifications.
value - Provides the value to which equality indices must be equal. This parameter is required when returning documents on equality indices, and it is ignored for all other types of indices.


public XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(String uri,
                                      String name,
                                      String index)
                               throws XmlException
Returns an XmlStatistics object for the identified index. This object identifies the number of keys (both total and unique) maintained for the identified index.

uri - The namespace of the node to which this index is applied.
name - The name of the node to which this index is applied.
index - Identifies the index for which you want the statistics returned. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for a description of valid index specifications.


public XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn,
                                      String uri,
                                      String name,
                                      String index,
                                      XmlValue value)
                               throws XmlException
Returns an XmlStatistics object for the identified index. This object identifies the number of keys (both total and unique) maintained for the identified index.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
uri - The namespace of the node to which this index is applied.
name - The name of the node to which this index is applied.
index - Identifies the index for which you want the statistics returned. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for a description of valid index specifications.
value - Provides the value to which equality indices must be equal. This parameter is required when returning documents on equality indices, and it is ignored for all other types of indices.


public XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn,
                                      String uri,
                                      String name,
                                      String index)
                               throws XmlException
Returns an XmlStatistics object for the identified index. This object identifies the number of keys (both total and unique) maintained for the identified index.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
uri - The namespace of the node to which this index is applied.
name - The name of the node to which this index is applied.
index - Identifies the index for which you want the statistics returned. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for a description of valid index specifications.


public XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(String uri,
                                      String name,
                                      String parentUri,
                                      String parentName,
                                      String index,
                                      XmlValue value)
                               throws XmlException
Lookup statistics for the identified edge index. Edge indices are indices maintained for those locations in a document where two nodes (a parent node and a child node) meet. See the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide for details.

uri - The namespace of the node to which this index is applied.
name - The name of the node to which this index is applied.
parentUri - The namespace of the parent node to which this edge index is applied.
parentName - The name of the parent node to which this edge index is applied.
index - Identifies the index for which you want the documents returned. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for a description of valid index specifications.
value - Provides the value to which equality indices must be equal. This parameter is required when returning documents on equality indices, and it is ignored for all other types of indices.


public XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(String uri,
                                      String name,
                                      String parentUri,
                                      String parentName,
                                      String index)
                               throws XmlException
Lookup statistics for the identified edge index. Edge indices are indices maintained for those locations in a document where two nodes (a parent node and a child node) meet. See the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide for details.

uri - The namespace of the node to which this index is applied.
name - The name of the node to which this index is applied.
parentUri - The namespace of the parent node to which this edge index is applied.
parentName - The name of the parent node to which this edge index is applied.
index - Identifies the index for which you want the documents returned. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for a description of valid index specifications.


public XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn,
                                      String uri,
                                      String name,
                                      String parentUri,
                                      String parentName,
                                      String index,
                                      XmlValue value)
                               throws XmlException
Lookup statistics for the identified edge index in the scope of a transaction. Edge indices are indices maintained for those locations in a document where two nodes (a parent node and a child node) meet. See the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide for details.

uri - The namespace of the node to which this index is applied.
name - The name of the node to which this index is applied.
parentUri - The namespace of the parent node to which this edge index is applied.
parentName - The name of the parent node to which this edge index is applied.
index - Identifies the index for which you want the documents returned. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for a description of valid index specifications.
value - Provides the value to which equality indices must be equal. This parameter is required when returning documents on equality indices, and it is ignored for all other types of indices.


public XmlStatistics lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn,
                                      String uri,
                                      String name,
                                      String parentUri,
                                      String parentName,
                                      String index)
                               throws XmlException
Lookup statistics for the identified edge index in the scope of a transaction. Edge indices are indices maintained for those locations in a document where two nodes (a parent node and a child node) meet. See the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide for details.

uri - The namespace of the node to which this index is applied.
name - The name of the node to which this index is applied.
parentUri - The namespace of the parent node to which this edge index is applied.
parentName - The name of the parent node to which this edge index is applied.
index - Identifies the index for which you want the documents returned. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for a description of valid index specifications.


public void putDocument(XmlDocument document)
                 throws XmlException
Inserts an XmlDocument into the container, with configuration options.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

document - The document to be inserted.


public void putDocument(XmlDocument document,
                        XmlDocumentConfig config)
                 throws XmlException
Inserts an XmlDocument into the container, with configuration options.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

document - The document to be inserted.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public void putDocument(XmlDocument document,
                        XmlUpdateContext context)
                 throws XmlException
Inserts an XmlDocument into the container.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

document - The document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public String putDocument(String name,
                          String contents)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document into the container with a given name and string content.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
contents - The content of the document to be inserted.


public String putDocument(String name,
                          String contents,
                          XmlUpdateContext context)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document into the container with a given name and string content.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
contents - The content of the document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public String putDocument(String name,
                          XmlInputStream input)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document into the container with a given name and content from a stream.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
input - The content of the document to be inserted.


public String putDocument(String name,
                          XmlInputStream input,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document into the container with a given name and content from a stream.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
input - The content of the document to be inserted.
config - Configuration settings for this operation.


public String putDocument(String name,
                          XmlInputStream input,
                          XmlUpdateContext context)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document into the container with a given name and content from a stream.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
input - The content of the document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void putDocument(XmlDocument document,
                        XmlUpdateContext context,
                        XmlDocumentConfig config)
                 throws XmlException
Inserts an XmlDocument into the container, with configuration options.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

document - The document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.
config - Configuration settings for this operation.


public void putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                        XmlDocument document)
                 throws XmlException
Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The document to be inserted.


public void putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                        XmlDocument document,
                        XmlUpdateContext context,
                        XmlDocumentConfig config)
                 throws XmlException
Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(String name,
                          XmlInputStream input,
                          XmlUpdateContext context,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name and content into the container.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
input - The content of the document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          XmlInputStream input)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
input - The content of the document to be inserted.


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          XmlInputStream input,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
input - The content of the document to be inserted.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          XmlInputStream input,
                          XmlUpdateContext context,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
input - The content of the document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(String name,
                          String content,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid

Returns the document name..

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
content - The content of the document to be inserted.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(String name,
                          String content,
                          XmlUpdateContext context,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
content - The content of the document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(String name,
                          XmlEventReader reader)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The content is retrieved from the XmlEventReader object, and is not subject to validation.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
reader - The XmlEventReader object from which content is read.


public String putDocument(String name,
                          XmlEventReader reader,
                          XmlUpdateContext context)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The content is retrieved from the XmlEventReader object, and is not subject to validation.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
reader - The XmlEventReader object from which content is read.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public String putDocument(String name,
                          XmlEventReader reader,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The content is retrieved from the XmlEventReader object, and is not subject to validation.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
reader - The XmlEventReader object from which content is read.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(String name,
                          XmlEventReader reader,
                          XmlUpdateContext context,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The content is retrieved from the XmlEventReader object, and is not subject to validation.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
reader - The XmlEventReader object from which content is read.
context - The update context to use for the operation.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          XmlEventReader reader)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name.

The content is retrieved from the XmlEventReader object, and is not subject to validation.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
reader - The XmlEventReader object from which content is read.


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          XmlEventReader reader,
                          XmlUpdateContext context)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name.

The content is retrieved from the XmlEventReader object, and is not subject to validation.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
reader - The XmlEventReader object from which content is read.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          XmlEventReader reader,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The content is retrieved from the XmlEventReader object, and is not subject to validation.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
reader - The XmlEventReader object from which content is read.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          XmlEventReader reader,
                          XmlUpdateContext context,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The content is retrieved from the XmlEventReader object, and is not subject to validation.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
reader - The XmlEventReader object from which content is read.
context - The update context to use for the operation.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlDocument document)
                                        throws XmlException
Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter.

The document content must be provided by the caller via calls to the returned XmlEventWriter object. When the content is completely written, XmlEventWriter.close() must be called to complete the operation.

Database resources are held for the duration of the operation, so it should not be delayed if at all possible.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

document - The document to be inserted.


public XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlDocument document,
                                               XmlDocumentConfig config)
                                        throws XmlException
Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter.

The document content must be provided by the caller via calls to the returned XmlEventWriter object. When the content is completely written, XmlEventWriter.close() must be called to complete the operation.

Database resources are held for the duration of the operation, so it should not be delayed if at all possible.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

document - The document to be inserted.
config - Configuration settings for this operation.


public XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlDocument document,
                                               XmlUpdateContext context)
                                        throws XmlException
Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter.

The document content must be provided by the caller via calls to the returned XmlEventWriter object. When the content is completely written, XmlEventWriter.close() must be called to complete the operation.

Database resources are held for the duration of the operation, so it should not be delayed if at all possible.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

document - The document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlDocument document,
                                               XmlUpdateContext context,
                                               XmlDocumentConfig config)
Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter.

The document content must be provided by the caller via calls to the returned XmlEventWriter object. When the content is completely written, XmlEventWriter.close() must be called to complete the operation.

Database resources are held for the duration of the operation, so it should not be delayed if at all possible.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

document - The document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn,
                                               XmlDocument document)
                                        throws XmlException
Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.

The document content must be provided by the caller via calls to the returned XmlEventWriter object. When the content is completely written, XmlEventWriter.close() must be called to complete the operation.

Database resources are held for the duration of the operation, so it should not be delayed if at all possible.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The document to be inserted.


public XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn,
                                               XmlDocument document,
                                               XmlUpdateContext context)
                                        throws XmlException
Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.

The document content must be provided by the caller via calls to the returned XmlEventWriter object. When the content is completely written, XmlEventWriter.close() must be called to complete the operation.

Database resources are held for the duration of the operation, so it should not be delayed if at all possible.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn,
                                               XmlDocument document,
                                               XmlDocumentConfig config)
                                        throws XmlException
Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.

The document content must be provided by the caller via calls to the returned XmlEventWriter object. When the content is completely written, XmlEventWriter.close() must be called to complete the operation.

Database resources are held for the duration of the operation, so it should not be delayed if at all possible.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The document to be inserted.
config - Configuration settings for this operation.


public XmlEventWriter putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn,
                                               XmlDocument document,
                                               XmlUpdateContext context,
                                               XmlDocumentConfig config)
Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.

The document content must be provided by the caller via calls to the returned XmlEventWriter object. When the content is completely written, XmlEventWriter.close() must be called to complete the operation.

Database resources are held for the duration of the operation, so it should not be delayed if at all possible.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public void putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                        XmlDocument document,
                        XmlDocumentConfig config)
                 throws XmlException
Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The document to be inserted.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public void putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                        XmlDocument document,
                        XmlUpdateContext context)
                 throws XmlException
Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          String content)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
content - The content of the document to be inserted.


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          String content,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
content - The content of the document to be inserted.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          String content,
                          XmlUpdateContext context,
                          XmlDocumentConfig config)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
content - The content of the document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          XmlInputStream input,
                          XmlUpdateContext context)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
name - The name of the document to be inserted.
input - The content of the document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public String putDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                          String name,
                          String contents,
                          XmlUpdateContext context)
                   throws XmlException
Inserts a document into the container with a given name and string content in the scope of a transaction.

Note that the name used for the document must be unique in the container or an exception is thrown. The configuration setting XmlDocumentConfig.setGenerateName(boolean), can be used to generate a name. To change a document that already exists in the container, use updateDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification. The indexer supports the Xerces content encodings and expects the content to be well-formed, but it need not be valid.

Returns the document name.

name - The name of the document to be inserted.
contents - The content of the document to be inserted.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public boolean removeAlias(String alias)
                    throws XmlException
Removes the named alias from the container. The alias must have been added using addAlias(String). Returns true if the alias is found, and matches the container.

alias - The alias to be removed.


public void replaceDefaultIndex(String index)
                         throws XmlException
Replaces the container's default index. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.replaceDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.


public void replaceDefaultIndex(String index,
                                XmlUpdateContext context)
                         throws XmlException
Replaces the container's default index. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.replaceDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void replaceDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                                String index)
                         throws XmlException
Replaces the container's default index in the scope of a transaction. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.replaceDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.


public void replaceDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                                String index,
                                XmlUpdateContext context)
                         throws XmlException
Replaces the container's default index in the scope of a transaction. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.replaceDefaultIndex(int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void replaceIndex(String uri,
                         String name,
                         String index)
                  throws XmlException
Replaces an index of the specified type for the named document node. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.replaceIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for more information.

uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.


public void replaceIndex(String uri,
                         String name,
                         String index,
                         XmlUpdateContext context)
                  throws XmlException
Replaces an index of the specified type for the named document node. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.replaceIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for more information.

uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void replaceIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                         String uri,
                         String name,
                         String index)
                  throws XmlException
Replaces an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.replaceIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.


public void replaceIndex(XmlTransaction txn,
                         String uri,
                         String name,
                         String index,
                         XmlUpdateContext context)
                  throws XmlException
Replaces an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction. This method is for convenience -- see XmlIndexSpecification.replaceIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, int) for more information.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
uri - The namespace of the node to be indexed. The default namespace is selected by passing an empty string for the namespace.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be indexed.
index - A comma-separated list of strings that represent the indexing strategy. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(String, String, String) for a full description.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void setAutoIndexing(boolean value)
                     throws XmlException
Sets the current state of automatic indexing for the container. The state can be retrieved using getAutoIndexing().

If the value on the container is true (the default for newly-created containers) then indexes are added automatically for leaf elements and attributes. The indexes added are "node-equality-string" and "node-equality-double" for elements and attributes. If auto-indexing is not desired it should be disabled using this interface upon container creation. Auto-indexing is recognized by insertion of new documents as well as updates of existing documents, including modification via XQuery Update. The auto-indexing state is persistent and will remain stable across container close/re-open operations. Indexes added via auto-indexing are normal indexes and can be removed using the normal mechanisms.

A significant implication of auto-indexing is that any operation that may add an index (e.g. putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument)) can have the side effect of reindexing the entire container. For this reason auto-indexing is not recommended for containers of heterogenous documents and that it be disabled once a representative set of documents has been inserted.

value - Set to true to enable auto-indexing, false otherwise.


public void setAutoIndexing(XmlTransaction txn,
                            boolean value)
                     throws XmlException
Sets the current state of automatic indexing for the container in the scope of a transaction. The state can be retrieved using getAutoIndexing().

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
value - Set to true to enable auto-indexing, false otherwise.


public void setIndexSpecification(XmlIndexSpecification index)
                           throws XmlException
Defines the type of indexing to be maintained for a container of documents. The currently defined indexing specification can be retrieved with the getIndexSpecification() method.

If the container is not empty then the contained documents are incrementally indexed. Index keys for disabled index strategies are removed and index keys for enabled index strategies are added. Note that the length of time taken to perform this re-indexing operation is proportional to the size of the container.

index - The indexing specification for the container.


public void setIndexSpecification(XmlIndexSpecification index,
                                  XmlUpdateContext context)
                           throws XmlException
Defines the type of indexing to be maintained for a container of documents. The currently defined indexing specification can be retrieved with the getIndexSpecification() method.

If the container is not empty then the contained documents are incrementally indexed. Index keys for disabled index strategies are removed and index keys for enabled index strategies are added. Note that the length of time taken to perform this re-indexing operation is proportional to the size of the container.

index - The indexing specification for the container.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void setIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn,
                                  XmlIndexSpecification index)
                           throws XmlException
Defines the type of indexing to be maintained for a container of documents in the scope of a transaction. The currently defined indexing specification can be retrieved with the getIndexSpecification() method.

If the container is not empty then the contained documents are incrementally indexed. Index keys for disabled index strategies are removed and index keys for enabled index strategies are added. Note that the length of time taken to perform this re-indexing operation is proportional to the size of the container.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
index - The indexing specification for the container.


public void setIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn,
                                  XmlIndexSpecification index,
                                  XmlUpdateContext context)
                           throws XmlException
Defines the type of indexing to be maintained for a container of documents in the scope of a transaction. The currently defined indexing specification can be retrieved with the getIndexSpecification() method.

If the container is not empty then the contained documents are incrementally indexed. Index keys for disabled index strategies are removed and index keys for enabled index strategies are added. Note that the length of time taken to perform this re-indexing operation is proportional to the size of the container.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
index - The indexing specification for the container.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void sync()
          throws XmlException
Flush database pages for the container to disk.



public void updateDocument(XmlDocument document)
                    throws XmlException
Updates an XmlDocument in the container. The document must have been retrieved from the container using getDocument(java.lang.String), XmlManager.query(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocumentConfig), or XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext). It is possible to use a constructed XmlDocument object, if its name is set to a valid name in the container. The document must still exist within the container. The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification, with index keys being removed for the previous document content, and added for the updated document content.

document - The XmlDocument to be updated in the container.


public void updateDocument(XmlDocument document,
                           XmlUpdateContext context)
                    throws XmlException
Updates an XmlDocument in the container. The document must have been retrieved from the container using getDocument(java.lang.String), XmlManager.query(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocumentConfig), or XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext). It is possible to use a constructed XmlDocument object, if its name is set to a valid name in the container. The document must still exist within the container. The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification, with index keys being removed for the previous document content, and added for the updated document content.

document - The XmlDocument to be updated in the container.
context - The update context to use for the operation.


public void updateDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                           XmlDocument document)
                    throws XmlException
Updates an XmlDocument in the container in the scope of a transaction. The document must have been retrieved from the container using getDocument(java.lang.String), XmlManager.query(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocumentConfig), or XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext). It is possible to use a constructed XmlDocument object, if its name is set to a valid name in the container. The document must still exist within the container. The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification, with index keys being removed for the previous document content, and added for the updated document content.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The XmlDocument to be updated in the container.


public void updateDocument(XmlTransaction txn,
                           XmlDocument document,
                           XmlUpdateContext context)
                    throws XmlException
Updates an XmlDocument in the container in the scope of a transaction. The document must have been retrieved from the container using getDocument(java.lang.String), XmlManager.query(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocumentConfig), or XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext). It is possible to use a constructed XmlDocument object, if its name is set to a valid name in the container. The document must still exist within the container. The document content is indexed according to the container indexing specification, with index keys being removed for the previous document content, and added for the updated document content.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from XmlManager.createTransaction().
document - The XmlDocument to be updated in the container.
context - The update context to use for the operation.

Berkeley DB XML
version 2.5.16

Copyright (c) 1996,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.