Berkeley DB XML
version 2.5.16

Class XmlManager

  extended by com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlManager

public class XmlManager
extends Object

Provides a high-level object used to manage various aspects of Berkeley DB XML usage. An XmlManager object is used to perform activities such as container management (including creation and open), preparing XQuery queries, executing one-off queries, creating transaction objects, creating update and query context objects, and creating input streams.

The class is implemented using a handle-body idiom. When a handle is copied both handles maintain a reference to the same body.

This object is free threaded, and can be safely shared among threads in an application.

Field Summary
static int CATEGORY_ALL
          All messages.
          Container messages.
          Dictionary messages.
          Indexer messages.
          Manager messages.
          Node storage messages.
static int CATEGORY_NONE
          No message category.
          Optimizer messages.
          Query processor messages.
static int LEVEL_ALL
          Enable all debug levels.
static int LEVEL_DEBUG
          Enable program execution tracing messages.
static int LEVEL_ERROR
          Enable fatal error messages.
static int LEVEL_INFO
          Enable informational messages.
static int LEVEL_NONE
          Disable logging.
static int LEVEL_WARNING
          Enable warning messages.
static String metaDataName_name
          The "name" of the XmlDocument name metadata item
static String metaDataName_root
          The "name" of the root metadata item
static String metaDataNamespace_prefix
          The prefix for the built-in BDB XML metadata namespace.
static String metaDataNamespace_uri
          The URI for the built-in BDB XML metadata namespace.
Constructor Summary
          Constructor that uses a private internal database environment.
XmlManager(Environment dbenv, XmlManagerConfig config)
          Constructor that uses the provided Environment for the underlying environment.
XmlManager(XmlManagerConfig config)
          Constructor that uses a private internal database environment.
Method Summary
 void close()
          Close the XmlManager instance.
 void compactContainer(String name, XmlUpdateContext uc)
          Compacts the content of the container.
 void compactContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlUpdateContext uc)
          Compacts the content of the container in the context of a transaction.
 XmlContainer createContainer(String name)
          Creates and opens a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlContainer createContainer(String name, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Creates a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlContainer createContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name)
          Creates and opens a container in the context of a transaction, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlContainer createContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Creates a container in the scope of a transaction, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlDocument createDocument()
          Instantiate a XmlDocument object.
 XmlIndexLookup createIndexLookup(XmlContainer container, String uri, String name, String index)
          Returns a XmlIndexLookup object that can be executed to perform and index lookup on a container.
 XmlIndexLookup createIndexLookup(XmlContainer container, String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value)
          Returns a XmlIndexLookup object that can be executed to perform and index lookup on a container.
 XmlIndexLookup createIndexLookup(XmlContainer container, String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value, int op)
          Returns a XmlIndexLookup object that can be executed to perform and index lookup on a container.
 XmlInputStream createInputStream(InputStream is)
          Returns a XmlInputStream that wraps a InputStream.
 XmlInputStream createLocalFileInputStream(String filename)
          Returns a XmlInputStream to the file filename.
 XmlInputStream createMemBufInputStream(String buffer, int bufLen, boolean copyBuf)
          Returns a XmlInputStream for the buffer buffer.
 XmlQueryContext createQueryContext()
          Creates a new XmlQueryContext.
 XmlQueryContext createQueryContext(int rt)
          Creates a new XmlQueryContext.
 XmlQueryContext createQueryContext(int rt, int et)
          Creates a new XmlQueryContext.
 XmlResults createResults()
          Instantiates an new, empty XmlResults object.
 XmlInputStream createStdInInputStream()
          Returns an XmlInputStream to the console.
 XmlTransaction createTransaction()
          Creates a new XmlTransaction object by calling Environment.beginTransaction(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, com.sleepycat.db.TransactionConfig).
 XmlTransaction createTransaction(Transaction toUse)
          Creates a new XmlTransaction object by adopting the provided transaction handle.
 XmlTransaction createTransaction(Transaction parent, TransactionConfig config)
          Creates a new XmlTransaction object by calling Environment.beginTransaction(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, com.sleepycat.db.TransactionConfig) with the supplied parent transaction.
 XmlUpdateContext createUpdateContext()
          Instantiates a new, default, XmlUpdateContext object.
 XmlInputStream createURLInputStream(String baseId, String systemId)
          Creates an input stream to the identified URL.
 XmlInputStream createURLInputStream(String baseId, String systemId, String publicId)
          Creates an input stream to the identified URL.
 void delete()
          Close the XmlManager instance.
 void dumpContainer(String name, String filename)
          Dumps the contents of the specified container to the specified output file.
 int existsContainer(String name)
          See if a container exists.
static int get_version_major()
          Returns the DB XML release's major version number.
static int get_version_minor()
          Returns the DB XML release's minor version number.
static int get_version_patch()
          Returns the DB XML release's patch version number.
static String get_version_string()
          Returns the DB XML release's version as a string.
 String getCompression()
          Returns the name of the default compression algorithm.
 XmlContainerConfig getDefaultContainerConfig()
          Gets the default configuration object used for containers opened and created by this XmlManager object.
 int getDefaultContainerType()
          Returns the default type used for containers opened and created by this XmlManager object.
 int getDefaultPageSize()
          Gets the size of the pages used to store documents in the database.
 int getDefaultSequenceIncrement()
          Returns the integer increment to be used when pre-allocating document ids for new documents created by XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).
 Environment getEnvironment()
          Returns a handle to the underlying database environment.
 String getHome()
          Returns the home directory for the underlying database environment.
 int getImplicitTimezone()
          Gets the implicit timezone to be used for XQuery expressions, in offset in minutes from GMT.
 XmlManagerConfig getManagerConfig()
          Gets the configuration object for this XmlManager instance.
 void loadContainer(String name, String filename, XmlUpdateContext uc)
          Loads data from the specified file into the container.
 XmlContainer openContainer(String name)
          Opens a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlContainer openContainer(String name, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Opens a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlContainer openContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name)
          Opens a container in the context of a transaction, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlContainer openContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Opens a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlQueryExpression prepare(String query, XmlQueryContext context)
          Compile an XQuery expression into an XmlQueryExpression object.
 XmlQueryExpression prepare(XmlTransaction txn, String query, XmlQueryContext context)
          Compile an XQuery expression into an XmlQueryExpression object.
 XmlResults query(String query, XmlQueryContext context)
          Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object.
 XmlResults query(String query, XmlQueryContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object.
 XmlResults query(XmlTransaction txn, String query, XmlQueryContext context)
          Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object.
 XmlResults query(XmlTransaction txn, String query, XmlQueryContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object.
 void registerCompression(String name, XmlCompression compression)
          Identifies by name an XmlCompression object to be used for compression.
 void registerResolver(XmlResolver resolver)
          Identifies an XmlResolver object to be used for file resolution.
 void reindexContainer(String name, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Reindex a container.
 void reindexContainer(String name, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Reindex a container.
 void reindexContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Reindex a container.
 void reindexContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Reindex a container.
 void removeContainer(String name)
          Removes the underlying file for the container from the file system.
 void removeContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name)
          Removes the underlying file for the container from the file system in the context of a transaction.
 void renameContainer(String oldName, String newName)
          Renames the container's underlying file.
 void renameContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String oldName, String newName)
          Renames the container's underlying file in the context of a transaction.
 void setCompression(String name)
          Sets the name of the default compression algorithm used by containers.
 void setDefaultContainerConfig(XmlContainerConfig config)
          Sets the default configuration object used for containers opened and created by this XmlManager object.
 void setDefaultContainerType(int type)
          Sets the default type used for containers opened and created by this XmlManager object.
 void setDefaultPageSize(int pageSize)
          Sets the size of the pages used to store documents in the database.
 void setDefaultSequenceIncrement(int incr)
           Sets the integer increment to be used when pre-allocating document ids for new documents created by XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).
 void setImplicitTimezone(int tz)
          Sets the implicit timezone to be used for XQuery expressions
static void setLogCategory(int category, boolean enabled)
          Enable or disable a category of log messages.
static void setLogLevel(int level, boolean enabled)
          Enable or disable log messages of a given level of importance.
 void truncateContainer(String name, XmlUpdateContext uc)
          Truncates the content of the container.
 void truncateContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlUpdateContext uc)
          Truncates the content of the container in the context of a transaction.
 void upgradeContainer(String name, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Upgrades the container from a previous version of Berkeley DB XML, or Berkeley DB, to the current version.
 void verifyContainer(String name, String filename)
          Checks that the container data files are not corrupt, and optionally writes the salvaged container data to the specified output stream.
 void verifyContainer(String name, String filename, VerifyConfig config)
          Checks that the container data files are not corrupt, and optionally writes the salvaged container data to the specified output stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int LEVEL_NONE
Disable logging.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL_DEBUG
Enable program execution tracing messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL_INFO
Enable informational messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL_WARNING
Enable warning messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL_ERROR
Enable fatal error messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEVEL_ALL
Enable all debug levels.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CATEGORY_NONE
No message category.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CATEGORY_INDEXER
Indexer messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CATEGORY_QUERY
Query processor messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CATEGORY_OPTIMIZER
Optimizer messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CATEGORY_DICTIONARY
Dictionary messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CATEGORY_CONTAINER
Container messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CATEGORY_NODESTORE
Node storage messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CATEGORY_MANAGER
Manager messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CATEGORY_ALL
All messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String metaDataNamespace_uri
The URI for the built-in BDB XML metadata namespace.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String metaDataNamespace_prefix
The prefix for the built-in BDB XML metadata namespace.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String metaDataName_name
The "name" of the XmlDocument name metadata item

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String metaDataName_root
The "name" of the root metadata item

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public XmlManager()
           throws XmlException
Constructor that uses a private internal database environment. No external processes can join the environment, but the XmlManager object can be shared between threads within the opening process.

Note that for this form of the constructor, the environment home is located in either the current working directory, or in the directory identified by the DB_HOME environment variable.



public XmlManager(XmlManagerConfig config)
           throws XmlException
Constructor that uses a private internal database environment. No external processes can join the environment, but the XmlManager object can be shared between threads within the opening process.

Note that for this form of the constructor, the environment home is located in either the current working directory, or in the directory identified by the DB_HOME environment variable.

config - The configuration settings for this XmlManager instance.


public XmlManager(Environment dbenv,
                  XmlManagerConfig config)
           throws XmlException
Constructor that uses the provided Environment for the underlying environment. The Berkeley DB subsystems initiated by this environment (for example, transactions, logging, the memory pool), are the subsystems that are available to Berkeley DB XML when operations are performed using this manager object.

dbenv - The environment handle to use for the underlying database environment. The handle provided here must be opened.
config - The configuration settings for this XmlManager instance.
Method Detail


public void delete()
Close the XmlManager instance. If an Environment was adopted, that is closed, as well. This method also frees the native resources.


public void close()
           throws XmlException
Close the XmlManager instance. This method is a synonym for delete().



public void compactContainer(String name,
                             XmlUpdateContext uc)
                      throws XmlException
Compacts the content of the container. This method uses Database.compact(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry, com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry, com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry, com.sleepycat.db.CompactConfig)

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

name - The name of the container to be compacted.
uc - Update context for the operation.


public void compactContainer(XmlTransaction txn,
                             String name,
                             XmlUpdateContext uc)
                      throws XmlException
Compacts the content of the container in the context of a transaction. This method uses Database.compact(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry, com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry, com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry, com.sleepycat.db.CompactConfig)

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from createTransaction().
name - The name of the container to be compacted.
uc - Update context for the operation.


public XmlContainer createContainer(String name)
                             throws XmlException
Creates and opens a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object. If the container already exists at the time this method is called, an exception is thrown. The container is set up to use node-level storage unless setDefaultContainerType(int) has been called.

Use openContainer(java.lang.String) to open a container that has already been created.

Containers always remain open until the last handle referencing the container is destroyed.

name - The container's name. The container is created relative to the underlying environment's home directory (see XmlManager for more information) unless an absolute path is used for the name; in that case the container is created in the location identified by the path.

The name provided here must be unique for the environment or an exception is thrown.



public XmlContainer createContainer(XmlTransaction txn,
                                    String name)
                             throws XmlException
Creates and opens a container in the context of a transaction, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object. If the container already exists at the time this method is called, an exception is thrown. The container is set up to use node-level storage unless setDefaultContainerType(int) has been called.

Use openContainer(java.lang.String) to open a container that has already been created.

Containers always remain open until the last handle referencing the container is destroyed.

txn - The transaction handle to use for this container creation.
name - The container's name. The container is created relative to the underlying environment's home directory (see XmlManager for more information) unless an absolute path is used for the name; in that case the container is created in the location identified by the path.

The name provided here must be unique for the environment or an exception is thrown.



public XmlContainer createContainer(String name,
                                    XmlContainerConfig config)
                             throws XmlException
Creates a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.

name - The container's name. The container is created relative to the underlying environment's home directory (see XmlManager for more information) unless an absolute path is used for the name; in that case the container is created in the location identified by the path.

The name provided here must be unique for the environment or an exception is thrown.

config - The configuration settings for the container


public XmlContainer createContainer(XmlTransaction txn,
                                    String name,
                                    XmlContainerConfig config)
                             throws XmlException
Creates a container in the scope of a transaction, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.

txn - The transaction handle to use for this container creation.
name - The container's name. The container is created relative to the underlying environment's home directory (see XmlManager for more information) unless an absolute path is used for the name; in that case the container is created in the location identified by the path.

The name provided here must be unique for the environment or an exception is thrown.

config - The configuration settings for the container


public XmlDocument createDocument()
                           throws XmlException
Instantiate a XmlDocument object.



public XmlIndexLookup createIndexLookup(XmlContainer container,
                                        String uri,
                                        String name,
                                        String index,
                                        XmlValue value,
                                        int op)
                                 throws XmlException
Returns a XmlIndexLookup object that can be executed to perform and index lookup on a container.

The constructed object can be further configured, and used with the XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) method to perform the lookup operation.

container - The target container for the lookup operation
uri - The namespace of the node to be used. The default namespace is selected by passing a null string.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be used.
index - Identifies the index to be used for the lookup operation. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) for a description of valid index specifications, with the exceptions that only one index can be specified, and substring indexes are not supported.
value - The value to be used as the single value for an equality or inequality lookup, or as the lower bound of a range lookup. An empty value is specified using a null object.
op - The comparison operation to be performed. See XmlIndexLookup for valid operations.


public XmlIndexLookup createIndexLookup(XmlContainer container,
                                        String uri,
                                        String name,
                                        String index,
                                        XmlValue value)
                                 throws XmlException
Returns a XmlIndexLookup object that can be executed to perform and index lookup on a container.

The constructed object can be further configured, and used with the XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) method to perform the lookup operation.

container - The target container for the lookup operation
uri - The namespace of the node to be used. The default namespace is selected by passing a null string.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be used.
index - Identifies the index to be used for the lookup operation. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) for a description of valid index specifications, with the exceptions that only one index can be specified, and substring indexes are not supported.
value - The value to be used as the single value for an equality or inequality lookup, or as the lower bound of a range lookup. An empty value is specified using a null object.


public XmlIndexLookup createIndexLookup(XmlContainer container,
                                        String uri,
                                        String name,
                                        String index)
                                 throws XmlException
Returns a XmlIndexLookup object that can be executed to perform and index lookup on a container.

The constructed object can be further configured, and used with the XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) method to perform the lookup operation.

container - The target container for the lookup operation
uri - The namespace of the node to be used. The default namespace is selected by passing a null string.
name - The name of the element or attribute node to be used.
index - Identifies the index to be used for the lookup operation. The value supplied here must be a valid index. See XmlIndexSpecification.addIndex(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) for a description of valid index specifications, with the exceptions that only one index can be specified, and substring indexes are not supported.


public XmlInputStream createLocalFileInputStream(String filename)
                                          throws XmlException
Returns a XmlInputStream to the file filename. Use this input stream with XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument) or XmlDocument.setContentAsXmlInputStream(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlInputStream).

The input stream must be passed to one of these methods, or the underlying memory will leak. It cannot be deleted from Java code. Note that there is no attempt to ensure that the file referenced contains well-formed or valid XML. Exceptions may be thrown at the time that this input stream is actually read if the stream does not contain well-formed, or valid XML.

filename - The file to which you want an input stream formed.


public XmlInputStream createMemBufInputStream(String buffer,
                                              int bufLen,
                                              boolean copyBuf)
                                       throws XmlException
Returns a XmlInputStream for the buffer buffer. Use this input stream with XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument) or XmlDocument.setContentAsXmlInputStream(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlInputStream).

The input stream must be passed to one of these methods, or the underlying memory will leak. It cannot be deleted from Java code. Note that there is no attempt to ensure that the file referenced contains well-formed or valid XML. Exceptions may be thrown at the time that this input stream is actually read if the stream does not contain well-formed, or valid XML.

buffer - The buffer from which you want an input stream formed.
bufLen - The number of bytes in buffer. Do not include any trailing null.
copyBuf - Must be true to indicate that the buffer should be copied.


public XmlInputStream createInputStream(InputStream is)
                                 throws XmlException
Returns a XmlInputStream that wraps a InputStream. Use this input stream with XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument) or XmlDocument.setContentAsXmlInputStream(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlInputStream).

The input stream must be passed to one of these methods, or the underlying memory may leak. It cannot be deleted from Java code. Note that there is no attempt to ensure that the file referenced contains well-formed or valid XML. Exceptions may be thrown at the time that this input stream is actually read if the stream does not contain well-formed, or valid XML.

is - a from which the XmlInputStream should be created.


public XmlQueryContext createQueryContext(int rt,
                                          int et)
                                   throws XmlException
Creates a new XmlQueryContext.

rt - Specifies return type. Must be XmlQueryContext.LiveValues
et - The evaluation type must be specified as either: XmlQueryContext.Eager or XmlQueryContext.Lazy.


public XmlQueryContext createQueryContext()
                                   throws XmlException
Creates a new XmlQueryContext.



public XmlQueryContext createQueryContext(int rt)
                                   throws XmlException
Creates a new XmlQueryContext.

rt - Specifies return type. Must be XmlQueryContext.LiveValues


public XmlResults createResults()
                         throws XmlException
Instantiates an new, empty XmlResults object. You can then use XmlResults.add(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue) to add XmlValue objects to this result set.



public XmlInputStream createStdInInputStream()
                                      throws XmlException
Returns an XmlInputStream to the console. Use this input stream with XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument) or XmlDocument.setContentAsXmlInputStream(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlInputStream).

If the input stream is passed to either of these methods, it will be adopted, and deleted. If it is not passed, it is the responsibility of the user to delete the object.

Use this input stream with XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument) or XmlDocument.setContentAsXmlInputStream(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlInputStream).



public XmlTransaction createTransaction()
                                 throws XmlException
Creates a new XmlTransaction object by calling Environment.beginTransaction(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, com.sleepycat.db.TransactionConfig).

If transactions were not initialized when this XmlManager object was opened then this method throws an exception.



public XmlTransaction createTransaction(Transaction toUse)
                                 throws XmlException
Creates a new XmlTransaction object by adopting the provided transaction handle.

If transactions were not initialized when this XmlManager object was opened then this method throws an exception.

toUse - A transaction handle to adopt. If the returned XmlTransaction is not committed or aborted, the state of the underlying transaction is left unchanged. This allows a transaction to be controlled external to its XmlTransaction object.


public XmlTransaction createTransaction(Transaction parent,
                                        TransactionConfig config)
                                 throws XmlException
Creates a new XmlTransaction object by calling Environment.beginTransaction(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, com.sleepycat.db.TransactionConfig) with the supplied parent transaction.

If transactions were not initialized when this XmlManager object was opened then this method throws an exception.

parent - The parent transaction passed to Environment.beginTransaction(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, com.sleepycat.db.TransactionConfig).
config - The transaction configuration passed to Environment.beginTransaction(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, com.sleepycat.db.TransactionConfig).


public XmlUpdateContext createUpdateContext()
                                     throws XmlException
Instantiates a new, default, XmlUpdateContext object. This object is used for XmlContainer operations that add, delete, and modify documents, and documents in containers.



public XmlInputStream createURLInputStream(String baseId,
                                           String systemId,
                                           String publicId)
                                    throws XmlException
Creates an input stream to the identified URL. File URLs are always supported by this method. URLs that require network access (for example, http://...) are supported only if Xerces was compiled with socket support. Use this input stream with XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument) or XmlDocument.setContentAsXmlInputStream(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlInputStream).

If the input stream is passed to either of these methods, it will be adopted, and deleted. If it is not passed, it is the responsibility of the user to delete the object. Note that there is no attempt to ensure that the URI referenced contains well-formed or valid XML. Exceptions may be thrown at the time that this input stream is actually read if the stream does not contain well-formed, or valid XML.

baseId - The base ID to use for this URL.
systemId - The system ID to use for this URL.
publicId - The public ID to use for this URL.


public XmlInputStream createURLInputStream(String baseId,
                                           String systemId)
                                    throws XmlException
Creates an input stream to the identified URL. File URLs are always supported by this method. URLs that require network access (for example, http://...) are supported only if Xerces was compiled with socket support. Use this input stream with XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument) or XmlDocument.setContentAsXmlInputStream(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlInputStream).

If the input stream is passed to either of these methods, it will be adopted, and deleted. If it is not passed, it is the responsibility of the user to delete the object. Note that there is no attempt to ensure that the URI referenced contains well-formed or valid XML. Exceptions may be thrown at the time that this input stream is actually read if the stream does not contain well-formed, or valid XML.

baseId - The base ID to use for this URL.
systemId - The system ID to use for this URL.


public void dumpContainer(String name,
                          String filename)
                   throws XmlException
Dumps the contents of the specified container to the specified output file. The container can be reconstructed by a call to loadContainer(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlUpdateContext).

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

The container must be have been opened at least once; the system throws an exception if the underlying files have not yet been created.

name - The name of the container to dump.
filename - The filename to which the container is to be dumped.


public int existsContainer(String name)
                    throws XmlException
See if a container exists.

Returns 0 if the file named either does not exist or is not a container. Returns the format version if it is a valid container.

name - The name of the container.


public void setDefaultContainerConfig(XmlContainerConfig config)
                               throws XmlException
Sets the default configuration object used for containers opened and created by this XmlManager object. If a form of createContainer(java.lang.String) or openContainer(java.lang.String) is used that takes an XmlContainerConfig argument, the settings provided using this method are ignored.

config - The configuration object to use for container creation.


public XmlContainerConfig getDefaultContainerConfig()
                                             throws XmlException
Gets the default configuration object used for containers opened and created by this XmlManager object.



public void setCompression(String name)
Sets the name of the default compression algorithm used by containers. If the compression algorithm is users implemented then it must be registered with the XmlManager using the given name using the function registerCompression(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlCompression).

name - The name of the compression algorithm.


public String getCompression()
Returns the name of the default compression algorithm.


public void setDefaultPageSize(int pageSize)
                        throws XmlException
Sets the size of the pages used to store documents in the database. The size is specified in bytes in the range 512 bytes to 64K bytes. The system selects a page size based on the underlying file system I/O block size if one is not explicitly set by the application. The default page size has a lower limit of 512 bytes and an upper limit of 16K bytes. Documents that are larger than a single page are stored on multiple pages.

This method will only affect containers created after it is set. It has no effect on existing containers.

pageSize - The page size in bytes.


public int getDefaultPageSize()
                       throws XmlException
Gets the size of the pages used to store documents in the database.



public void setDefaultContainerType(int type)
                             throws XmlException
Sets the default type used for containers opened and created by this XmlManager object. If a form of createContainer(java.lang.String) or openContainer(java.lang.String) is used that is provided with a type via XmlContainerConfig.setNodeContainer(boolean), the settings provided using this method are ignored.

type - The type of container to create. One of: XmlContainer.NodeContainer or XmlContainer.WholedocContainer.


public int getDefaultContainerType()
                            throws XmlException
Returns the default type used for containers opened and created by this XmlManager object. One of: XmlContainer.NodeContainer or XmlContainer.WholedocContainer.



public int getImplicitTimezone()
                        throws XmlException
Gets the implicit timezone to be used for XQuery expressions, in offset in minutes from GMT.



public void setImplicitTimezone(int tz)
                         throws XmlException
Sets the implicit timezone to be used for XQuery expressions

tz - The offset in minutes from GMT.


public void setDefaultSequenceIncrement(int incr)
                                 throws XmlException

Sets the integer increment to be used when pre-allocating document ids for new documents created by XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).

incr - The integer increment to use.


public int getDefaultSequenceIncrement()
                                throws XmlException
Returns the integer increment to be used when pre-allocating document ids for new documents created by XmlContainer.putDocument(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlDocument).



public Environment getEnvironment()
                           throws XmlException
Returns a handle to the underlying database environment.



public String getHome()
               throws XmlException
Returns the home directory for the underlying database environment. XmlContainer files are placed relative to this directory unless an absolute path is used for the container name.



public XmlManagerConfig getManagerConfig()
                                  throws XmlException
Gets the configuration object for this XmlManager instance.



public static int get_version_major()
Returns the DB XML release's major version number.


public static int get_version_minor()
Returns the DB XML release's minor version number.


public static int get_version_patch()
Returns the DB XML release's patch version number.


public static String get_version_string()
Returns the DB XML release's version as a string.


public void loadContainer(String name,
                          String filename,
                          XmlUpdateContext uc)
                   throws XmlException
Loads data from the specified file into the container. The container's existing contents are discarded and replaced with the documents from the stream.

The specified input stream should contain data as created by dumpContainer(java.lang.String, java.lang.String).

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

The container must be have been opened at least once; the system throws an exception if the underlying files have not yet been created.

name - The name of the container to load.
filename - The filename from which the container is to be loaded.


public XmlContainer openContainer(String name)
                           throws XmlException
Opens a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.

Use createContainer(java.lang.String) to create and open a new container.

Containers always remain open until the last handle referencing the container is destroyed.

name - The container's name. The container is opened relative to the underlying environment's home directory (see XmlManager for more information) unless an absolute path is used for the name; in that case the container is opened in the location identified by the path.

The name provided here must be unique for the environment or an exception is thrown.



public XmlContainer openContainer(XmlTransaction txn,
                                  String name)
                           throws XmlException
Opens a container in the context of a transaction, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.

Use createContainer(java.lang.String) to create and open a new container.

Containers always remain open until the last handle referencing the container is destroyed.

txn - The transaction handle to use for this container creation.
name - The container's name. The container is opened relative to the underlying environment's home directory (see XmlManager for more information) unless an absolute path is used for the name; in that case the container is opened in the location identified by the path.

The name provided here must be unique for the environment or an exception is thrown.



public XmlContainer openContainer(String name,
                                  XmlContainerConfig config)
                           throws XmlException
Opens a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.

Containers always remain open until the last handle referencing the container is destroyed.

name - The container's name. The container is opened relative to the underlying environment's home directory (see XmlManager for more information) unless an absolute path is used for the name; in that case the container is opened in the location identified by the path.

The name provided here must be unique for the environment or an exception is thrown.

config - The configuration settings for the container


public XmlContainer openContainer(XmlTransaction txn,
                                  String name,
                                  XmlContainerConfig config)
                           throws XmlException
Opens a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.

Containers always remain open until the last handle referencing the container is destroyed.

txn - The transaction handle to use for this container creation.
name - The container's name. The container is opened relative to the underlying environment's home directory (see XmlManager for more information) unless an absolute path is used for the name; in that case the container is opened in the location identified by the path.

The name provided here must be unique for the environment or an exception is thrown.

config - The configuration settings for the container


public XmlQueryExpression prepare(String query,
                                  XmlQueryContext context)
                           throws XmlException
Compile an XQuery expression into an XmlQueryExpression object. You can then run the XQuery expression repeatedly using XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext).

Use this method to compile and evaluate XQuery expressions against your XmlContainer and XmlDocument objects any time you want to evaluate the expression more than once.

Note that the scope of the query provided here can be restricted using one of the XQuery navigational functions. For example:




The scope of a query can also be controlled by passing an appropriate contextItem object to XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext).

query - The XQuery query string to compile.
context - The XmlQueryContext to use for this query.


public XmlQueryExpression prepare(XmlTransaction txn,
                                  String query,
                                  XmlQueryContext context)
                           throws XmlException
Compile an XQuery expression into an XmlQueryExpression object. You can then run the XQuery expression repeatedly using XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext).

Use this method to compile and evaluate XQuery expressions against your XmlContainer and XmlDocument objects any time you want to evaluate the expression more than once.

Note that the scope of the query provided here can be restricted using one of the XQuery navigational functions. For example:




The scope of a query can also be controlled by passing an appropriate contextItem object to XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext).

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from createTransaction().
query - The XQuery query string to compile.
context - The XmlQueryContext to use for this query.


public XmlResults query(String query,
                        XmlQueryContext context,
                        XmlDocumentConfig config)
                 throws XmlException
Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object. This method is the equivalent of calling prepare(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) and then XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) on the prepared query.

The scope of the query can be restricted using one of the XQuery navigational functions. For example:




The scope of a query can also be controlled by passing an appropriate contextItem object to XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext).

Note that this method is suitable for performing one-off queries. If you want to execute a query more than once, you should use prepare(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) to compile the expression, and then use XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) to run it.

This method returns an XmlResults object. You then iterate over the results set contained in that object using and XmlResults.previous().

For more information on querying containers and documents, see the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide.

query - The XQuery query string.
context - The XmlQueryContext to use for this query.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public XmlResults query(XmlTransaction txn,
                        String query,
                        XmlQueryContext context,
                        XmlDocumentConfig config)
                 throws XmlException
Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object. This method is the equivalent of calling prepare(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) and then XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) on the prepared query.

The scope of the query can be restricted using one of the XQuery navigational functions. For example:




The scope of a query can also be controlled by passing an appropriate contextItem object to XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext).

Note that this method is suitable for performing one-off queries. If you want to execute a query more than once, you should use prepare(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) to compile the expression, and then use XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) to run it.

This method returns an XmlResults object. You then iterate over the results set contained in that object using and XmlResults.previous().

For more information on querying containers and documents, see the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from createTransaction().
query - The XQuery query string.
context - The XmlQueryContext to use for this query.
config - Configuration settings for this operation


public XmlResults query(String query,
                        XmlQueryContext context)
                 throws XmlException
Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object. This method is the equivalent of calling prepare(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) and then XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) on the prepared query.

The scope of the query can be restricted using one of the XQuery navigational functions. For example:




The scope of a query can also be controlled by passing an appropriate contextItem object to XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext).

Note that this method is suitable for performing one-off queries. If you want to execute a query more than once, you should use prepare(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) to compile the expression, and then use XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) to run it.

This method returns an XmlResults object. You then iterate over the results set contained in that object using and XmlResults.previous().

For more information on querying containers and documents, see the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide.

query - The XQuery query string.
context - The XmlQueryContext to use for this query.


public XmlResults query(XmlTransaction txn,
                        String query,
                        XmlQueryContext context)
                 throws XmlException
Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object. This method is the equivalent of calling prepare(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) and then XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) on the prepared query.

The scope of the query can be restricted using one of the XQuery navigational functions. For example:




The scope of a query can also be controlled by passing an appropriate contextItem object to XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext).

Note that this method is suitable for performing one-off queries. If you want to execute a query more than once, you should use prepare(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) to compile the expression, and then use XmlQueryExpression.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) to run it.

This method returns an XmlResults object. You then iterate over the results set contained in that object using and XmlResults.previous().

For more information on querying containers and documents, see the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from createTransaction().
query - The XQuery query string.
context - The XmlQueryContext to use for this query.


public void registerCompression(String name,
                                XmlCompression compression)
                         throws XmlException
Identifies by name an XmlCompression object to be used for compression. This object is used to compress document data before it is stored in the database and to decompress it after it is retrieved from the database. The registered compression will be used for data in any container that is created using an XmlContainerConfig object that has the compression name set as the registered name. When a container is created with user defined compression whenever it is opened again the user defined compression must be registered under the same name or the attempt to open the container will fail.

name - The name used to identify the compression object.
compression - A user implemented class that inherits from XmlCompression.


public void registerResolver(XmlResolver resolver)
                      throws XmlException
Identifies an XmlResolver object to be used for file resolution. This object is used by the internal XML document parser to locate data based on URIs, or public and system ids. Custom XmlResolver objects can be created by applications to provide a mechanism to name and retrieve collections, documents, and XML entities external to Berkeley DB XML.

resolver - The XmlResolver instance to be used for file resolution.


public void reindexContainer(String name,
                             XmlContainerConfig config)
                      throws XmlException
Reindex a container.

Remove indexes and reindex the container, to change the indexing mode between node-level and document-level indexes.

The container should be backed up before using this method. This method may take a very long time, depending on the size of the container, and should not be used casually.

name - The name of the container to reindex
config - XmlContainerConfig. For document indexes, pass null, for node indexes, use new XmlContainerConfig().setIndexNodes(true). See XmlContainerConfig.


public void reindexContainer(String name,
                             XmlUpdateContext context,
                             XmlContainerConfig config)
                      throws XmlException
Reindex a container.

Remove indexes and reindex the container, to change the indexing mode between node-level and document-level indexes.

The container should be backed up before using this method. This method may take a very long time, depending on the size of the container, and should not be used casually.

name - The name of the container to reindex
context - The update context for the opeartion
config - XmlContainerConfig. For document indexes, pass null, for node indexes, use new XmlContainerConfig().setIndexNodes(true). See XmlContainerConfig.


public void reindexContainer(XmlTransaction txn,
                             String name,
                             XmlContainerConfig config)
                      throws XmlException
Reindex a container.

Remove indexes and reindex the container, to change the indexing mode between node-level and document-level indexes.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from createTransaction().
name - The name of the container to reindex
config - XmlContainerConfig. For document indexes, pass null, for node indexes, use new XmlContainerConfig().setIndexNodes(true). See XmlContainerConfig.


public void reindexContainer(XmlTransaction txn,
                             String name,
                             XmlUpdateContext context,
                             XmlContainerConfig config)
                      throws XmlException
Reindex a container.

Remove indexes and reindex the container, to change the indexing mode between node-level and document-level indexes.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from createTransaction().
name - The name of the container to reindex
context - The update context for the opeartion
config - XmlContainerConfig. For document indexes, pass null, for node indexes, use new XmlContainerConfig().setIndexNodes(true). See XmlContainerConfig.


public void removeContainer(String name)
                     throws XmlException
Removes the underlying file for the container from the file system.

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

The container must have been opened at least once; the system throws an exception if the underlying file has not yet been created.

name - The name of the container to be removed.


public void removeContainer(XmlTransaction txn,
                            String name)
                     throws XmlException
Removes the underlying file for the container from the file system in the context of a transaction.

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

The container must have been opened at least once; the system throws an exception if the underlying file has not yet been created.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from createTransaction().
name - The name of the container to be removed.


public void renameContainer(String oldName,
                            String newName)
                     throws XmlException
Renames the container's underlying file.

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

The container must have been opened at least once; the system throws an exception if the underlying file has not yet been created.

oldName - The name of the container whose name you want to change.
newName - The new container name.


public void renameContainer(XmlTransaction txn,
                            String oldName,
                            String newName)
                     throws XmlException
Renames the container's underlying file in the context of a transaction.

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

The container must have been opened at least once; the system throws an exception if the underlying file has not yet been created.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from
oldName - The name of the container whose name you want to change.
newName - The new container name.


public static void setLogCategory(int category,
                                  boolean enabled)
                           throws XmlException
Enable or disable a category of log messages.

Berkeley DB XML can be configured to generate a stream of messages to help application debugging. The messages are categorized by subsystem, and by importance. The messages are sent to the output stream that is configured in the Berkeley DB environment associated with the XmlManager generating the message. The output is sent to System.err if no environment is associated with the XmlManager.

enabled - Whether to enable or disable the category.


public static void setLogLevel(int level,
                               boolean enabled)
                        throws XmlException
Enable or disable log messages of a given level of importance.

Berkeley DB XML can be configured to generate a stream of messages to help application debugging. The messages are categorized by subsystem, and by importance. The messages are sent to the output stream that is configured in the Berkeley DB environment associated with the XmlManager generating the message. The output is sent to System.err if no environment is associated with the XmlManager.

level - The log level to enable or disable. One of: LEVEL_DEBUG, LEVEL_INFO, LEVEL_WARNING, LEVEL_ERROR, or LEVEL_ALL.
enabled - Whether to enable or disable the importance level.


public void truncateContainer(String name,
                              XmlUpdateContext uc)
                       throws XmlException
Truncates the content of the container. The container will have no content, as if it were newly created. This method uses Database.truncate(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, boolean)

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

name - The name of the container to be truncated.
uc - The update context for the operation.


public void truncateContainer(XmlTransaction txn,
                              String name,
                              XmlUpdateContext uc)
                       throws XmlException
Truncates the content of the container in the context of a transaction. The container will have no content, as if it were newly created. This method uses Database.truncate(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, boolean)

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

txn - If the operation is to be transaction-protected, the txn parameter is an XmlTransaction handle returned from createTransaction().
name - The name of the container to be truncated.
uc - The update context for the operation.


public void upgradeContainer(String name,
                             XmlUpdateContext context)
                      throws XmlException
Upgrades the container from a previous version of Berkeley DB XML, or Berkeley DB, to the current version. A Berkeley DB upgrade is first performed using the Database.upgrade(java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseConfig) method, and then the Berkeley DB XML container is upgraded. If no upgrade is needed, then no changes are made.

Container upgrades are done in place and are destructive. For example, if pages need to be allocated and no disk space is available, the container may be left corrupted. Backups should be made before containers are upgraded. See Upgrading databases for more information.

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

name - The name of the container to be upgraded.
context - The XmlUpdateContext object to be used for this operation.


public void verifyContainer(String name,
                            String filename)
                     throws XmlException
Checks that the container data files are not corrupt, and optionally writes the salvaged container data to the specified output stream.

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

The container must have been opened at least once; the system throws an exception if the underlying files have not yet been created.

name - The name of the container to be verified.
filename - The name of the file into which salvaged container data is to be dumped.


public void verifyContainer(String name,
                            String filename,
                            VerifyConfig config)
                     throws XmlException
Checks that the container data files are not corrupt, and optionally writes the salvaged container data to the specified output stream.

The container must be closed; the system throws an exception if the container is open.

The container must have been opened at least once; the system throws an exception if the underlying files have not yet been created.

name - The name of the container to be verified.
filename - The name of the file into which salvaged container data is to be dumped.
config - The configuration settings for this operation.

Berkeley DB XML
version 2.5.16

Copyright (c) 1996,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.