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Analyze time series of DEMs

E. Hardin, M.O. Kurum, H. Mitasova

# set the region 
g.region rast=coast_2001_2m -p
d.rast coast_2001_2m

# compute mean and standard deviation 
dates=( 19961016 19971002 19980907 19990909 19990918 19991104 2001 20040925 20051126 20080327 )
methods=( minimum maximum min_raster max_raster stddev slope detcoeff )
r.series input=$( for date in ${dates[@]}; do echo -n JR_${date}_05mrst,; done ) \
	out=$( for method in ${methods[@]}; do echo -n JR_${method}_05mrst,; done ) \
	method=$( for method in ${methods[@]}; do echo -n ${method},; done )
r.colors coast1997_2008_std co=rules 
 0 grey
 0.5 cyan
 1.0 yellow
 2 orange
 5 red
 15 magenta

# display results 
d.rast coast1997_2008_stddev