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Visualization and communication of data and results

E. Hardin, M.O. Kurum, H. Mitasova

Create 2D maps, 3D visualizations, animations, graphs, tables

# set the region 
g.region rast=coast_2001_2m -p
d.rast coast_2001_2m

# assign color table 
r.colors coast1997_2008_std co=rules <
# more color tables 
REFINE USING RGB, see color tables for the paper, link images with legends
Change to % where applicable
# Regression Slope (rate of change)
-10 magenta 
-2 magenta 
-1 yellow 
-0.5 red 
0 white 
0.5 blue 
1 purple 
2 green 
10 green

#Standard Deviations
0 white 
0.14 white 
0.141 blue 
0.3 blue 
0.31 green 
1 yellow 
2 orange 
3 red

#Coefficient of Determination
0 white 
.25 blue 
.5 green 
.75 yellow 
1 red

0 blue 
1.5 white 
3 red 
5 red 
5.1 indigo 
20 indigo 
30 green 
40 orange

# Coastal Elevation 
-2 blue 
-1 aqua 
-.2 aqua 
-0.1 grey 
0.1 grey 
1 yellow 
3 orange 
5 green 
10 brown 
20 black