FDO .NET API Reference Feature Data Objects

FDO API Reference - Managed Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ArgumentDefinitionThe ArgumentDefinition class contains metadata that describes an argument to a function
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ArgumentDefinitionCollectionArgumentDefinitionCollection is a collection of ArgumentDefinition objects
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::AssociationPropertyDefinitionAssociationPropertyDefinition class derives PropertyDefinition and represents the association between two classes. The class of the associated class must already be defined in the feature schema and cannot be abstract
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::BatchParameterValueCollectionThe BatchParameterValueCollection class represents a collection of parameter value collections that is used for optimized batch inserts
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BinaryExpressionThe BinaryExpression class derives from Expression and represents string concatenation and the simple arithmetic operations add, subtract, multiply, and divide
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::BinaryLogicalOperatorThe BinaryLogicalOperator class derives from LogicalOperator and allows two filters to be combined via a logical "and" or a logical "or"
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BLOBValueThe BLOBValue class derives from LOBValue and represents a literal BLOB value
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::BooleanValueThe BooleanValue class derives from DataValue and represents a Boolean value
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::ByteValueThe ByteValue class derives from DataValue and represents a literal byte value
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::ClassClass derives ClassDefinition and can be used to represent any type of non-spatial data within a feature schema. Typically, classes are used in the feature schema to define complex properties of other feature types by containment. However, they can also be used at global scope and instances can be created, deleted, updated, and selected through FDO commands. The Class type does not pre-define any base properties
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::ClassCapabilitiesThe ClassCapabilites class describes various capabilities for a particular FDO Class Definition and an FDO Provider datastore
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::ClassCollectionThe ClassCollection class represents a collection of ClassDefinition objects
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::ClassDefinitionClassDefinition is an abstract class that derives from SchemaElement. ClassDefinition is a base class for all concrete class types (e.g., FdoClass, FeatureClass) in the Schema package
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::CLOBValueThe CLOBValue class derives from LOBValue and represents a literal CLOB value
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::ComparisonConditionThe ComparisonCondition class derives SearchCondition and can be used to test the equality of two expressions
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::ComputedIdentifierThe ComputedIdentifier class derives from Identifier and represents an expression with alias. The name or alias must be a simple name and should not be scoped or contain the the schema name. The ComputedIdentifier can be used to provide an alias to an expression
OSGeo::FDO::ClientServices::ConnectionManagerThe ConnectionManager class supports dynamic creation of connection objects given a provider name. Derives from the IConnectionManager interface
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::CurvePolygonCollectionThe CurvePolygonCollection class is a collection of CurvePolygon objects
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::CurveSegmentCollectionThe CurveSegmentCollection class represents a collection of CurveSegment objects
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::CurveStringCollectionThe CurveStringCollection class is a collection of CurvePolygon objects
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::DataPropertyDefinitionThe DataPropertyDefinition class derives PropertyDefinition and represents simple values or collections of simple values. DataPropertyDefinitions can take on any of the data types listed in DataType enumeration
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::DataPropertyDefinitionCollectionThe DataPropertyDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of DataPropertyDefinition objects
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DataValueThe DataValue class derives from LiteralValue and represents a literal value such as a string or a number
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DataValueCollectionDataValueCollection is a collection of DataValue objects
OSGeo::FDO::Raster::DataValueCollectionDataValueCollection is a collection of DataValue objects
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DateTimeValueThe DateTimeValue class derives from DataValue and represents a date or time
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DecimalValueThe DecimalValue class derives from DataValue and represents a decimal value
OSGeo::FDO::Common::DictionaryElementDictionaryElement is an element in a DictionaryElementCollection. It consists of a name-value pair
OSGeo::FDO::Common::DictionaryElementCollectionDictionaryElementCollection is a collection of DictionaryElement objects(name-value pairs)
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::DirectPositionCollectionThe DirectPositionCollection class is a collection of DirectPosition objects
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::DirectPositionImplThe DirectPositionImpl class is a default implementation of IDirectPosition. DirectPositionImpl implements accessors from IDirectPosition, matching mutators, and simple data members. Assignment and exact equality operators are also provided
OSGeo::FDO::Runtime::DisposableThis class should be used as a base class for the managed classes we define in this project since we need to manage the lifetime of unmanaged C++ FDO classes. For more information on why this is necessary see "Implementing Finalize and Dispose to Clean Up Unmanaged Resources" in the .Net Framework Reference Help
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::DistanceConditionThe DistanceCondition class derives GeometricCondition and can be used to test whether the value of a geometric property is within or beyond a specified distance of the specified geometric value. Some feature providers may only support literal geometric values; if so, the provider's capabilities will indicate this limitation
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::DoubleValueThe DoubleValue class derives from DataValue and represents a double-precision floating point number
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::EnvelopeImplThe EnvelopeImpl class is a default implementation of IEnvelope. EnvelopeImpl implements accessors from IEnvelope, matching mutators, and simple data members. Assignment, exact equality operators, and utility methods are also provided
OSGeo::FDO::Common::ExceptionException is a root class for the exception type thrown from classes. It derives from a language level exception class that is environment specific
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::ExpressionExpression is an abstract base class that forms the root of an expression tree. The Expression class contains operations for converting between the well defined text representation and the object representation of an expression
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::ExpressionCollectionExpressionCollection is a collection of Expression objects
OSGeo::FDO::ClientServices::FeatureAccessManagerThe FeatureAccessManager class manages the set of feature providers stored in the FDO provider registry and provides support for dynamic discovery and binding to registered feature providers
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::FeatureClassThe FeatureClass class can be used to represent spatial or non-spatial features. Spatial features must have at lease one geometric property. FeatureClass type has one pre-defined base property "Bounds". The "Bounds" read-only property can be used to get the geometric boundary of the spatial feature. The value of this property will be null if the feature is not a spatial feature
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::FeatureClassCollectionThe FeatureClassCollection class represents a collection of FeatureClasse objects
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::FeatureSchemaThe FeatureSchema class derives from SchemaElement. A feature schema contains all of the classes and relationships that make up a particular data model. The FeatureSchema class can be used to either create a new schema or to browse the schema end of a connection. In the later case, the FeatureSchema instance is created by the DescribeSchema command. In this case the schema objects have additional properties, such as coordinate system definitions that can be useful to the application when placed in context with the schema objects
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::FeatureSchemaCollectionThe FeatureSchemaCollection class represents a collection of FeatureSchema objects
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::FgfGeometryFactoryThe FgfGeometryFactory class is an FGF-based Geometry factory, a concrete class that implements all the members from GeometryFactoryAbstract
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::FilterFilter is an abstract class which acts as a base class for condition and operator classes that can occur in a filter expression tree. The Filter class contains operations for converting between the text and expression tree representation of a filter
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::FunctionThe Function class derives from Expression and represents a function call. As such it defines the name of the function and the collection of arguments to be passed to it
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::FunctionDefinitionThe FunctionDefinition class contains metadata that describes a function and its arguments
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::FunctionDefinitionCollectionFunctionDefinitionCollection is a collection of FunctionDefinition objects
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::GeometricConditionGeometricCondition is an abstract class that derives from SearchCondition and can be used to test whether the value of a geometric property meets a particular spatial criteria. GeometricCondition is the base class for DistanceCondition and SpatialCondition
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::GeometricPropertyDefinitionGeometricPropertyDefinition derives from PropertyDefinition and represents a geometric value. Geometric properties can take on any of the geometric types listed in the GeometricType enumeration. Note: Geometric properties do not actually store the coordinate system or measure units, this is to enable the use of the same schema in different geometric locals. GeometricType informs the client application what types of geometric primitives it can expect when reading a particular geometric property (and what types they can store in the property on insert/update). The client application can interpret the actual geometry values as it wants, e.g., displaying and manipulating the vertices of a Polyline as a group of independent points
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::GeometryCollectionThe GeometryCollection class is a collection of Geometry objects
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::GeometryFactoryAbstractThe GeometryFactoryAbstract class is a factory (abstract, non-pure) for Geometry objects and Geometry helper objects
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::GeometryValueThe GeometryValue class derives from LiteralValue and represents a geometric value
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IAcquireLockThe IAcquireLock interface locks feature instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the acquire lock command includes the name of the class, the lock type, the lock strategy, and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be locked. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The lock type value is one of
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IAcquireLockImpThe IAcquireLockImp class is a concrete implementation of IAcquireLock. The IAcquireLock interface locks feature instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the acquire lock command includes the name of the class, the lock type, the lock strategy, and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be locked. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The lock type value is one of
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IActivateLongTransactionThe IActivateLongTransaction interface defines the ActivateLongTransaction command, which activates a long transaction where feature manipulation and locking commands operate on it. Input to the activate long transaction command is the long transaction name. The Execute operation activates the identified long transaction if the user has access privileges for it
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IActivateLongTransactionCheckpointThe IActivateLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the ActivateLongTransactionCheckpoint command, which allows the user to activate the named checkpoint for the given long transaction. As a result, the long transaction that owns the checkpoint will be activated as well if it is not already the active long transaction. The user requires the access privilege on the long transaction for which the attempt is made to activate a checkpoint
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IActivateLongTransactionCheckpointImpThe IActivateLongTransactionCheckpointImp class is a concrete implementation of IActivateLongTransactionCheckpoint. The IActivateLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the IActivateLongTransactionCheckpointImp command, which allows the user to activate the named checkpoint for the given long transaction. As a result, the long transaction that owns the checkpoint will be activated as well if it is not already the active long transaction. The user requires the access privilege on the long transaction for which the attempt is made to activate a checkpoint
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IActivateLongTransactionImpThe IActivateLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of IActivateLongTransaction. The IActivateLongTransaction interface defines the ActivateLongTransaction command, which activates a long transaction where feature manipulation and locking commands operate on it. Input to the activate long transaction command is the long transaction name. The Execute operation activates the identified long transaction if the user has access privileges for it
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::IActivateSpatialContextThe IActivateSpatialContext interface defines the ActivateSpatialContext command, which activates a specified spatial context. Input to the command is the name of the context to activate
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::IActivateSpatialContextImpThe IActivateSpatialContextImp class is a concrete implementation of IActivateSpatialContext. The IActivateSpatialContext interface defines the ActivateSpatialContext command, which activates a specified spatial context. Input to the command is the name of the context to activate
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::IApplySchemaThe IApplySchema interface defines the ApplySchema command, which creates or updates a feature schema within the DataStore. Input to the ApplySchema command is the feature schema instance to be created or updated. Optionally, a provider-specific IPhysicalSchemaMapping interface can be specified that can be used to control how the feature schema elements are mapped into physical storage
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::IApplySchemaImpThe IApplySchemaImp class is a concrete implementation of IApplySchema. The IApplySchema interface defines the ApplySchema command, which creates or updates a feature schema within the DataStore. Input to the ApplySchema command is the feature schema instance to be created or updated. Optionally, a provider-specific IPhysicalSchemaMapping interface can be specified that can be used to control how the feature schema elements are mapped into physical storage
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IArcSegmentAbstractThe IArcSegmentAbstract class is an arc curve segment (abstract)
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IArcSegmentAbstractImpThe IArcSegmentAbstract class is an arc curve segment (abstract)
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IBaseSelectThe IBaseSelect interface defines a base interface for the the FDO ISelect command, which queries for features of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the select command includes the name of the class, the list of properties to be returned, and a filter. All but the class name is optional. If the list of properties to be returned is empty then all properties are returned. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The result of executing a select command is an IFeatureReader reference (see "Reading Features"). If the feature provider supports locking, then the select command can optionally lock all of the features selected, via the ExecuteWithLock method (see "Locking Commands" for more information on locking features)
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IBaseSelectImpThe IBaseSelectImp class is a concrete implementation class for interface IBaseSelect. The IBaseSelect interface defines a base interface for the the FDO ISelect command, which queries for features of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the select command includes the name of the class, the list of properties to be returned, and a filter. All but the class name is optional. If the list of properties to be returned is empty then all properties are returned. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The result of executing a select command is an IFeatureReader reference (see "Reading Features"). If the feature provider supports locking, then the select command can optionally lock all of the features selected, via the ExecuteWithLock method (see "Locking Commands" for more information on locking features)
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IChangeLongTransactionPrivilegesThe IChangeLongTransactionPrivileges interface defines the ChangeLongTransactionPrivileges command, which grants or revokes long transaction privileges for the named user. The ability to change the privileges might be restricted by the datastore security if the long transaction doesn’t belong to the user executing the command
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IChangeLongTransactionPrivilegesImpThe IChangeLongTransactionPrivilegesImp class is a concrete implementation of IChangeLongTransactionPrivileges. The IChangeLongTransactionPrivileges interface defines the ChangeLongTransactionPrivileges command, which grants or revokes long transaction privileges for the named user. The ability to change the privileges might be restricted by the datastore security if the long transaction doesn’t belong to the user executing the command
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IChangeLongTransactionSetThe IChangeLongTransactionSet interface defines the ChangeLongTransactionSet command, which allows the user to add a transaction to, remove a transaction from, or clear the long transaction selection set. Users can add or remove long transactions to the selection set for which they have access privileges. Any attempt to add a long transaction for which the user does not have the access privilege will result in a failure of the command
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IChangeLongTransactionSetImpThe IChangeLongTransactionSetImp class is a concrete implementation of IChangeLongTransactionSet. The IChangeLongTransactionSet interface defines the ChangeLongTransactionSet command, which allows the user to add a transaction to, remove a transaction from, or clear the long transaction selection set. Users can add or remove long transactions to the selection set for which they have access privileges. Any attempt to add a long transaction for which the user does not have the access privilege will result in a failure of the command
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICircularArcSegmentThe ICircularArcSegment class is a circular arc curve segment
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICircularArcSegmentImpThe ICircularArcSegment class is a circular arc curve segment
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::ICommandThe ICommand interface defines behavior common to all commands in FDO. In order to be executed, commands must have an association to a connection. Commands can also be optionally associated with a transaction if the connection supports transactions. The parameter values collection allows values to be specified for commands that support expressions and/or filters
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ICommandCapabilitiesThe ICommandCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Commands
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ICommandCapabilitiesImpThe ICommandCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Commands
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::ICommandImpThe ICommandImp class is a concrete instantiation of interface ICommand. ICommand defines behavior common to all commands in FDO. In order to be executed, commands must have an association to a connection. Commands can also be optionally associated with a transaction if the connection supports transactions. The parameter values collection allows values to be specified for commands that support expressions and/or filters
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICommitLongTransactionThe ICommitLongTransaction interface defines the CommitLongTransaction command, which allows a user to execute commit operations on a long transaction. Two different commit operations are distinguished: full and partial
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICommitLongTransactionImpThe ICommitLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of ICommitLongTransaction. The ICommitLongTransaction interface defines the CommitLongTransaction command, which allows a user to execute commit operations on a long transaction. Two different commit operations are distinguished: full and partial
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::IConnectionThe IConnection interface enables a feature provider to implement a connection class, which represents a unique session with a data store
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IConnectionCapabilitiesThe IConnectionCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's capabilities
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IConnectionCapabilitiesImpThe IConnectionCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's capabilities
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::IConnectionImpThe IConnection interface enables a feature provider to implement a connection class, which represents a unique session with a data store
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::IConnectionInfoThe IConnectionInfo interface exposes information about the feature provider and provides access to the IConnectionPropertyDictionary interface
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::IConnectionInfoImpThe IConnectionInfo interface exposes information about the feature provider and provides access to the IConnectionPropertyDictionary interface
OSGeo::FDO::IConnectionManagerThe IConnectionManager interface supports dynamic creation of connection objects given a provider name
OSGeo::FDO::IConnectionManagerImpThe IConnectionManagerImp class is a concrete implementation of IConnectionManager. IConnectionManager supports dynamic creation of connection objects given a provider name
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::IConnectionPropertyDictionaryThe IConnectionPropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the connection properties. The properties required to establish a connection can be determined and their values can be set through this interface. Modifying connection properties through this interface dynamically modifies the connection string held by the connection object. When the connection is in an open state, calling SetProperty on this interface will result in an error
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::IConnectionPropertyDictionaryImpThe IConnectionPropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the connection properties. The properties required to establish a connection can be determined and their values can be set through this interface. Modifying connection properties through this interface dynamically modifies the connection string held by the connection object. When the connection is in an open state, calling SetProperty on this interface will result in an error
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::ICreateDataStoreThe ICreateDataStore interface defines the create datastore command, which can be used to create new provider specific datastores. The input is provided through a dictionary of name value pairs that is provider dependant
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::ICreateDataStoreImpThe ICreateDataStoreImp class is a concrete implementation of interface ICreateDataStore. ICreateDataStore defines the create datastore command, which can be used to create new provider specific datastores. The input is provided through a dictionary of name value pairs that is provider dependant
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICreateLongTransactionThe ICreateLongTransaction interface defines the CreateLongTransaction command which creates a long transaction that is based upon the currently active long transaction. If no long transaction is active, then the long transaction is based upon the root data. Input to the create long transaction command includes a name and description for the new long transaction
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICreateLongTransactionCheckpointThe ICreateLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the CreateLongTransactionCheckpoint command, which allows the user to create a checkpoint for any long transaction to which the user has the access privileges
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICreateLongTransactionCheckpointImpThe ICreateLongTransactionCheckpointImp class is a concrete implementation of ICreateLongTransactionCheckpoint. The ICreateLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the CreateLongTransactionCheckpoint command, which allows the user to create a checkpoint for any long transaction to which the user has the access privileges
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ICreateLongTransactionImpThe ICreateLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of ICreateLongTransaction. command which creates a long transaction that is based upon the currently active long transaction. If no long transaction is active, then the long transaction is based upon the root data. Input to the create long transaction command includes a name and description for the new long transaction
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::UnitOfMeasure::ICreateMeasureUnitThe ICreateMeasureUnit interface defines the CreateMeasureUnit command, which creates or updates a measurement unit. Input to the command includes the abbreviation, name, description, measure type, base unit, and scale factor that defines the measure unit. The update existing flag indicates how the command should behave in the presence of an existing measure unit. If it is false, and the specified measure unit already exists, command execution will fail. If it is true, the command will either create a new measure unit or update an existing one
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::UnitOfMeasure::ICreateMeasureUnitImpThe ICreateMeasureUnitImp class is a concrete implementation of ICreateMeasureUnit. The ICreateMeasureUnit interface defines the CreateMeasureUnit command, which creates or updates a measurement unit. Input to the command includes the abbreviation, name, description, measure type, base unit, and scale factor that defines the measure unit. The update existing flag indicates how the command should behave in the presence of an existing measure unit. If it is false, and the specified measure unit already exists, command execution will fail. If it is true, the command will either create a new measure unit or update an existing one
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::ICreateSpatialContextThe ICreateSpatialContext interface defines the CreateSpatialContext command, which creates a new spatial context. Input to the command includes the name, description, coordinate system, extent type, and extent for the new context. Command execution will fail if the context already exists, or if the coordinate system or extent type is not supported by the provider
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::ICreateSpatialContextImpThe ICreateSpatialContextImp class is a concrete implementation of ICreateSpatialContext. The ICreateSpatialContext interface defines the CreateSpatialContext command, which creates a new spatial context. Input to the command includes the name, description, coordinate system, extent type, and extent for the new context. Command execution will fail if the context already exists, or if the coordinate system or extent type is not supported by the provider
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICurveAbstractThe ICurveAbstract class is a curve Geometry type (abstract). ICurveAbstract is the most general curve type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICurveAbstractImpThe ICurveAbstractImp class is a curve Geometry type (concrete). ICurveAbstractImp is the most general curve type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICurvePolygonThe ICurvePolygon class is a CurvePolygon geometry type. This type is defined by one exterior boundary and zero or more interior boundaries. Each of the boundaries must be a closed, simple Ring
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICurvePolygonImpThe ICurvePolygonImp class is a concrete geometric CurvePolygon geometry type. This type is defined by one exterior boundary and zero or more interior boundaries. Each of the boundaries must be a closed, simple Ring
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICurveSegmentAbstractThe ICurveSegmentAbstract class is an abstract geometric Curve Segment object. This class is used strictly as a component of curves and, thus, does not inherit from IGeometry
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICurveSegmentAbstractImpThe ICurveSegmentAbstractImp class is a concrete geometric Curve Segment object. This class is used strictly as a component of curves and, thus, does not inherit from IGeometry
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICurveStringThe ICurveString class is a CurveString Geometry type. ICurveString is the most general non-abstract curve type. It is defined by an ordered collection of contiguous curve segments
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ICurveStringImpThe ICurveStringImp class is a concrete geometric CurveString Geometry type. ICurveString is the most general non-abstract curve type. It is defined by an ordered collection of contiguous curve segments
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IDataReaderThe IDataReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading relational table data. A reference to an IDataReader is returned from the ISQLCommands ExecuteReader method. The initial position of the IDataReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IDataReaderImpThe IDataReaderImp class is a concrete implementation class for IDataReader. The IDataReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading relational table data. A reference to an IDataReader is returned from the SQLCommands ExecuteReader method. The initial position of the IDataReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::IDataStorePropertyDictionaryThe IDataStorePropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the datastore properties. The properties required to create or destroy a datastore can be determined and their values can be set through this interface
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::IDataStorePropertyDictionaryImpThe IDataStorePropertyDictionaryImp class represents a concret implementation of interface IDataStorePropertyDictionary. IDataStorePropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the datastore properties. The properties required to create or destroy a datastore can be determined and their values can be set through this interface
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::IDataStoreReaderThe IDataStoreReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading feature data. A reference to an IDataStoreReader is returned from the IListDataStores command. Because the initial position of the IDataStoreReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::IDataStoreReaderImpThe IDataStoreReaderImp class is a concrete implementation class of the IDataStoreReader interface. IDataStoreReader provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading feature data. A reference to an IDataStoreReader is returned from the IListDataStores command. Because the initial position of the IDataStoreReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IDeactivateLongTransactionThe IDeactivateLongTransaction interface defines the DeactivateLongTransaction command, which deactivates the active long transaction where feature manipulation commands operate on it. If the active long transaction is the root long transaction, then no long transaction will be deactivated
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IDeactivateLongTransactionImpThe IDeactivateLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of IDeactivateLongTransaction. The IDeactivateLongTransaction interface defines the DeactivateLongTransaction command, which deactivates the active long transaction where feature manipulation commands operate on it. If the active long transaction is the root long transaction, then no long transaction will be deactivated
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IDeleteThe IDelete interface defines the FDO Delete command, which deletes instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the delete command includes the name of the class, and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be deleted. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The delete command can delete instances at global scope or instances/values nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e. instances within a object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IDeleteImpThe IDeleteImp class is a concrete implementation class for interface IDelete. The IDelete interface defines the FDO Delete command, which deletes instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the delete command includes the name of the class, and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be deleted. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The delete command can delete instances at global scope or instances/values nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e. instances within a object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::IdentifierThe Identifier class derives from Expression and represents an identifier, such as a class name or property name. Identifiers can be just a name or they can be scoped to a particular context. For example, consider a Person class that has a DataProperty called "Name" and a ClassProperty called "Address". The Address class has DataProperties "Street", "City", and "Zip Code". When manipulating instances of a Person, the "Name" property can be referred to by the property name "Name". The "City" property is scoped inside the "Address" property, hence must be referred to by the property name "Address.City"
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::IdentifierCollectionThe IdentifierCollection class represents a collection of FDO Identifier objects
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::IDescribeSchemaThe IDescribeSchema interface defines the DescribeSchema command, which describes the feature schemas available from the connection. The DescribeSchema command can describe a single schema or all schemas available from the connection. The Execute operation returns an FeatureSchemaCollection object
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::IDescribeSchemaImpThe IDescribeSchemaImp class is a concrete implementation of IDescribeSchema. The IDescribeSchema interface defines the DescribeSchema command, which describes the feature schemas available from the connection. The DescribeSchema command can describe a single schema or all schemas available from the connection. The Execute operation returns an FeatureSchemaCollection object
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::IDescribeSchemaMappingThe IDescribeSchemaMapping interface defines the DescribeSchemaMapping command, which describes the logical to physical schema mappings for feature schemas available from the connection. The DescribeSchemaMapping command can describe the mappings for a single schema or all schemas available from the connection. The Execute operation returns an PhysicalSchemaMappingCollection object
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::IDescribeSchemaMappingImpThe IDescribeSchemaMappingImp class is a concrete implementation of IDescribeSchemaMapping. The IDescribeSchemaMapping interface defines the DescribeSchemaMapping command, which describes the logical to physical schema mappings for feature schemas available from the connection. The DescribeSchemaMapping command can describe the mappings for a single schema or all schemas available from the connection. The Execute operation returns an PhysicalSchemaMappingCollection object
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::IDestroyDataStoreThe IDestroyDataStore interface defines the destroy datastore command, which can be used to create new provider specific datastores. The input is provided through a dictionary of name value pairs that is provider dependant
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::IDestroyDataStoreImp() The IDestroyDataStoreImp class is a concrete implementation of interface IDestroyDataStore. The IDestroyDataStore class defines the destroy datastore command, which can be used to create new provider specific datastores. The input is provided through a dictionary of name value pairs that is provider dependant
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::UnitOfMeasure::IDestroyMeasureUnitThe IDestroyMeasureUnit interface defines the DestroyMeasureUnit command, which deletes a measurement unit. Input to the command is simply the abbreviation of the measure unit to be destroyed
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::UnitOfMeasure::IDestroyMeasureUnitImpThe IDestroyMeasureUnitImp class is a concrete implementation of IDestroyMeasureUnit. The IDestroyMeasureUnit interface defines the DestroyMeasureUnit command, which deletes a measurement unit. Input to the command is simply the abbreviation of the measure unit to be destroyed
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::IDestroySchemaThe IDestroySchema interface defines the DestroySchema command, which destroys a schema definition, including all class definitions, relationship definitions, and instance data within it. If elements in other schemas refer to the schema to be destroyed command, execution will fail. Input to the delete schema command is the name of the schema to be destroyed
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::IDestroySchemaImpThe IDestroySchemaImp class is a concrete implementation of IDestroySchema. The IDestroySchema interface defines the DestroySchema command, which destroys a schema definition, including all class definitions, relationship definitions, and instance data within it. If elements in other schemas refer to the schema to be destroyed command, execution will fail. Input to the delete schema command is the name of the schema to be destroyed
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::IDestroySpatialContextThe IDestroySpatialContext interface defines the DestroySpatialContext command, which destroys an existing spatial context. Input to the command is the name of the context to destroy. Destroying a spatial context destroys all data stored in that context
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::IDestroySpatialContextImpThe IDestroySpatialContextImp class is a concrete implementation of IDestroySpatialContext. The IDestroySpatialContext interface defines the DestroySpatialContext command, which destroys an existing spatial context. Input to the command is the name of the context to destroy. Destroying a spatial context destroys all data stored in that context
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IDirectPositionThe IDirectPosition class is a direct position object. IDirectPosition is a simple coordinate position in any allowed dimension. The actual object may have several implementations, depending on the dimension and other factors. This is a lightweight helper type for Geometries in the Geometry package. Note: It does not derive from IGeometry
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IDirectPositionImpThe IDirectPositionImp class is a default implementation of the IDirectPosition object. IDirectPosition is a simple coordinate position in any allowed dimension. The actual object may have several implementations, depending on the dimension and other factors. This is a lightweight helper type for Geometries in the Geometry package. Note: It does not derive from IGeometry
OSGeo::FDO::IDisposableCollectionThe IDisposableCollection class represents a collection of IDisposable objects
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IEnvelopeThe IEnvelope class is a three-dimensional, axis-aligned box. This is a helper type for Geometries, and does not itself inherit from IGeometry. This type is typically used to record the "extents" of a shape, also known in 2 dimensions as an MBR ("Minimum Bounding Rectangle"). The box may be initially empty, meaning that no dimensions have an assigned value. Each individual extent may be unassigned, in which case using its accessor will return numeric_limits::quiet_NaN()
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IEnvelopeImpThe IEnvelopeImp class is a three-dimensional, axis-aligned box. This is a helper type for Geometries, and does not itself inherit from IGeometry
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IExpressionCapabilitiesThe IExpressionCapbilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Expression classes
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IExpressionCapabilitiesImpThe IExpressionCapbilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Expression classes
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::IExpressionProcessorThe IExpressionProcessor interface can be used to process the nodes in an Expression tree. It declares an process operation for each concrete class in the Expression hierarchy. Providers or client applications can create classes that realize this interface to do something meaningful with an Expression hierarchy. For example, an RDBMS feature provider implements a processor class to convert an Expression hierarchy to the SQL equivalent syntax
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::IExpressionProcessorImpThe IExpressionProcessor interface can be used to process the nodes in an Expression tree. It declares an process operation for each concrete class in the Expression hierarchy. Providers or client applications can create classes that realize this interface to do something meaningful with an Expression hierarchy. For example, an RDBMS feature provider implements a processor class to convert an Expression hierarchy to the SQL equivalent syntax
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::IFeatureCommandThe IFeatureCommand interface defines the behavior common to all commands that operate on feature instances. The features to be operated on are identified by their class and a filter. If the feature provider supports inheritance in the schema capabilities, then the command will operate on instances of that class and any derived classes. In addition, feature commands can operate on related features if one or more relation directives are specified. Each relation directive specifies the relation to follow and how many levels of depth to follow it
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::IFeatureCommandImpThe IFeatureCommandImp class is a concrete implementation of IFeatureCommand. IFeatureCommand defines the behavior common to all commands that operate on feature instances. The features to be operated on are identified by their class and a filter. If the feature provider supports inheritance in the schema capabilities, then the command will operate on instances of that class and any derived classes. In addition, feature commands can operate on related features if one or more relation directives are specified. Each relation directive specifies the relation to follow and how many levels of depth to follow it
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IFeatureReaderThe IFeatureReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading feature data. A reference to an IFeatureReader is returned from the Select and SelectAndLock commands. Because the initial position of the IFeatureReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IFeatureReaderImpThe IFeatureReaderImp class is a concrete implementation class for interface IFeatureReader. The IFeatureReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading feature data. A reference to an IFeatureReader is returned from the Select and SelectAndLock commands. Because the initial position of the IFeatureReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IFilterCapabilitiesThe IFilterCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Filter classes
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IFilterCapabilitiesImpThe IFilterCapabilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for Filter classes
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::IFilterProcessorThe IFilterProcessor interface can be used to process the nodes in a filter tree. It declares a process operation for each concrete class in the filter hierarchy. Providers or client applications can create classes that realize this interface to do something meaningful with a filter hierarchy. For example, a RDBMS feature provider can implement a processor class to convert a filter hierarchy to the SQL equivalent syntax
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::IFilterProcessorImpThe IFilterProcessor interface can be used to process the nodes in a filter tree. It declares a process operation for each concrete class in the filter hierarchy. Providers or client applications can create classes that realize this interface to do something meaningful with a filter hierarchy. For example, a RDBMS feature provider can implement a processor class to convert a filter hierarchy to the SQL equivalent syntax
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IFreezeLongTransactionThe IFreezeLongTransaction interface defines the FreezeLongTransaction command, which freezes or thaws a long transaction. When a long transaction is frozen the user who froze it gains exclusive access to it. Other users can read it, but not apply any updates. Input to the FreezeLongTransaction command is the long transaction name and the operation to perform. The Execute method performs the specified operation on the identified long transaction if the user has access privileges for the indicated long transaction
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IFreezeLongTransactionImpThe IFreezeLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of IFreezeLongTransaction. The IFreezeLongTransaction interface defines the FreezeLongTransaction command, which freezes or thaws a long transaction. When a long transaction is frozen the user who froze it gains exclusive access to it. Other users can read it, but not apply any updates. Input to the FreezeLongTransaction command is the long transaction name and the operation to perform. The Execute method performs the specified operation on the identified long transaction if the user has access privileges for the indicated long transaction
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometricAggregateAbstractThe IGeometricAggregateAbstract class is an aggregate Geometry (abstract) type. IGeometricAggregateAbstract is a single Geometry that is a collection of other geometries. There is no requirement that the geometries interact spatially. Non-abstract derived types should have at least one accessor that returns objects of the appropriate contained type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometricAggregateAbstractImpThe IGeometricAggregateAbstractImp class is a default implementation of the aggregate Geometry type. IGeometricAggregateAbstract is a single Geometry that is a collection of other geometries. There is no requirement that the geometries interact spatially. Non-abstract derived types should have at least one accessor that returns objects of the appropriate contained type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometryThe IGeometry class defines the properties and methods common to all geometric types. IGeometry is an abstract type
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IGeometryCapabilitiesThe IGeometryCapabilities class delineates available support for raster processing from a provider
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IGeometryCapabilitiesImpThe IGeometryCapabilities class delineates available support for raster processing from a provider
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IGeometryImpThe IGeometryImp class defines the properties and methods common to all geometric types. IGeometryImp is a concreate implementation of IGeometry
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IGetLockedObjectsThe IGetLockedObjects interface defines the GetLockedObjects command, which gets a list of all objects that are currently locked by a particular user
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IGetLockedObjectsImpThe IGetLockedObjectsImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLockedObjects. The IGetLockedObjects interface defines the GetLockedObjects command, which gets a list of all objects that are currently locked by a particular user
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IGetLockInfoThe IGetLockInfo interface defines the GetLockInfo command, which gets a lock information for the feature instances of a given class that match the specified filter. If the filter is empty, all feature instances of the given class are selected
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IGetLockInfoImpThe IGetLockInfoImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLockedObjects. The IGetLockInfo interface defines the GetLockInfo command, which gets a lock information for the feature instances of a given class that match the specified filter. If the filter is empty, all feature instances of the given class are selected
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IGetLockOwnersThe IGetLockOwners interface defines the GetLockOwners command, which gets a list of all lock owners. A connected user has the status of being a lock owner as does a user who has released all of his locks
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IGetLockOwnersImpThe IGetLockOwnersImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLockedObjects. The IGetLockOwners interface defines the GetLockOwners command, which gets a list of all lock owners. A connected user has the status of being a lock owner as does a user who has released all of his locks
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionCheckpointsThe IGetLongTransactionCheckpoints interface defines the GetLongTransactionCheckpoints command, which allows the user to enumerate the checkpoints for a given long transaction. To execute the operation, the user must have access privilege to the long transaction
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionCheckpointsImpThe IGetLongTransactionCheckpointsImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLongTransactionCheckpoints. The IGetLongTransactionCheckpoints interface defines the GetLongTransactionCheckpoints command, which allows the user to enumerate the checkpoints for a given long transaction. To execute the operation, the user must have access privilege to the long transaction
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionPrivilegesThe IGetLongTransactionPrivileges interface defines the GetLongTransactionPrivileges command, which allows the user to enumerate the privileges of a long transaction established for each user. The ability to successfully execute the command might be restricted by the datastore security if the long transaction doesn’t belong to the user executing the command
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionPrivilegesImpThe IGetLongTransactionPrivilegesImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLongTransactionPrivileges. The IGetLongTransactionPrivileges interface defines the GetLongTransactionPrivileges command, which allows the user to enumerate the privileges of a long transaction established for each user. The ability to successfully execute the command might be restricted by the datastore security if the long transaction doesn’t belong to the user executing the command
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionsThe IGetLongTransactions interface defines the GetLongTransactions command. It allows a user to retrieve long transaction information for all or a specific long transaction. The command returns a ILongTransactionReader object enumerating the identified long transactions
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionsImpThe IGetLongTransactionsImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLongTransactions. The IGetLongTransactions interface defines the GetLongTransactions command. It allows a user to retrieve long transaction information for all or a specific long transaction. The command returns a ILongTransactionReader object enumerating the identified long transactions
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionsInSetThe IGetLongTransactionsInSet interface defines the GetLongTransactionsInSet command, which allows the user to enumerate the list of versions participating in the long transaction selection set
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IGetLongTransactionsInSetImpThe IGetLongTransactionsInSetImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetLongTransactionsInSet. The IGetLongTransactionsInSet interface defines the GetLongTransactionsInSet command, which allows the user to enumerate the list of versions participating in the long transaction selection set
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::UnitOfMeasure::IGetMeasureUnitsThe IGetMeasureUnits interface defines the GetMeasureUnits command, which enumerates the existing measurement units
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::UnitOfMeasure::IGetMeasureUnitsImpThe IGetMeasureUnitsImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetMeasureUnits. The IGetMeasureUnits interface defines the GetMeasureUnits command, which enumerates the existing measurement units
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::IGetSpatialContextsIGetSpatialContexts interface defines the GetSpatialContexts command, which enumerates the existing spatial contexts
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::IGetSpatialContextsImpThe IGetSpatialContextsImp class is a concrete implementation of IGetSpatialContexts. The IGetSpatialContexts interface defines the GetSpatialContexts command, which enumerates the existing spatial contexts
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IInsertThe IInsert interface defines the Insert command, which inserts a new instance of a given class. Input to the insert command includes the name of the class and a collection of property values. Properties that are not specified and do not have a default value will be assigned a null value or an exception will be thrown if the property is required. The insert command can insert instances at global scope or instances nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e. instances within a object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IInsertImpThe IInsertImp class is a concrete implementation class for interface IInsert. The IInsert interface defines the Insert command, which inserts a new instance of a given class. Input to the insert command includes the name of the class and a collection of property values. Properties that are not specified and do not have a default value will be assigned a null value or an exception will be thrown if the property is required. The insert command can insert instances at global scope or instances nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e. instances within a object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILinearRingThe ILinearRing class is a linear ring helper type. The shape of ILinearRing is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILinearRingImpThe ILinearRingImp class is a linear ring helper type. The shape of ILinearRingImp is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILineStringThe ILineString class is a LineString Geometry type. The shape of ILineString is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILineStringImpThe ILineStringImp class is a LineString Geometry type. The shape of ILineStringImp is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILineStringSegmentThe ILineStringSegment class is a LineString curve segment type. The shape of ILineStringSegment is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points. This is a helper type for Geometries in the Geometry package. Note: It does not derive from IGeometry
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ILineStringSegmentImpThe ILineStringSegmentImp class is a LineString curve segment type. The shape of ILineStringSegmentImp is the set of positions defined by the contained collection, plus linear interpolation between consecutive points. This is a helper type for Geometries in the Geometry package. Note: It does not derive from IGeometry
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::IListDataStoresThe IListDataStores interface defines the list datastores command, which provides a way to get a list of datastores at a particular server
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::DataStore::IListDataStoresImp() The IListDataStoresImp class is a concrete implementation of interface IListDataStores. The IListDataStores interface defines the list datastores command, which provides a way to get a list of datastores at a particular server
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::ILockConflictReaderThe ILockConflictReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for identifying features that have a lock conflict. Features with a lock conflict are those that the caller is attempting to modify that are already locked by someone else
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::ILockConflictReaderImpThe ILockConflictReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILockConflictReaderImp. The ILockConflictReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for identifying features that have a lock conflict. Features with a lock conflict are those that the caller is attempting to modify that are already locked by someone else
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::ILockedObjectReaderThe ILockedObjectReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality to identify lock information for a set of objects
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::ILockedObjectReaderImpThe ILockedObjectReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILockedObjectReader. The ILockedObjectReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality to identify lock information for a set of objects
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::ILockOwnersReaderThe ILockOwnersReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality for identifying users. A connected user has status of lock owner even if he has no locks or has released his locks
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::ILockOwnersReaderImpThe ILockOwnersReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILockOwnersReader. The ILockOwnersReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality for identifying users. A connected user has status of lock owner even if he has no locks or has released his locks
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionCheckpointReaderThe ILongTransactionCheckpointReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transaction checkpoints. A reference to an ILongTransactionCheckpointReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionCheckpoints command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionCheckpointReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionCheckpointReaderImpThe ILongTransactionCheckpointReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILongTransactionCheckpointReader. The ILongTransactionCheckpointReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transaction checkpoints. A reference to an ILongTransactionCheckpointReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionCheckpoints command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionCheckpointReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionConflictDirectiveEnumeratorThe ILongTransactionConflictDirective interface is used to specify how conflict should be resolved for a particular object
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionConflictDirectiveEnumeratorImpThe ILongTransactionConflictDirectiveEnumeratorImp class is a concrete implementation of ILongTransactionConflictDirectiveEnumerator. The ILongTransactionConflictDirective interface is used to specify how conflict should be resolved for a particular object
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionPrivilegeReaderThe ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transaction privileges. A reference to an FdoILongTransactionPrivilegeReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionPrivileges command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionPrivilegeReaderImpThe ILongTransactionPrivilegeReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader. The ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transaction privileges. A reference to an FdoILongTransactionPrivilegeReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionPrivileges command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionPrivilegeReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionReaderThe ILongTransactionReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transactions. A reference to an ILongTransactionReader is returned from the GetLongTransactions command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionReaderImpThe ILongTransactionReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILongTransactionReader. The ILongTransactionReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating long transactions. A reference to an ILongTransactionReader is returned from the GetLongTransactions command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionSetReaderThe ILongTransactionSetReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating the versions in the long transaction selection set. A reference to an ILongTransactionSetReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionsInSet command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionSetReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::ILongTransactionSetReaderImpThe ILongTransactionSetReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ILongTransactionSetReader. The ILongTransactionSetReader interface provides forward only, read-only functionality for enumerating the versions in the long transaction selection set. A reference to an ILongTransactionSetReader is returned from the GetLongTransactionsInSet command. The initial position of the ILongTransactionSetReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::UnitOfMeasure::IMeasureUnitReaderThe IMeasureUnitReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality for enumerating measurement units. A reference to an IMeasureUnitReader interface is returned from the GetMeasureUnits command. The initial position of the IMeasureUnitReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::UnitOfMeasure::IMeasureUnitReaderImpThe IMeasureUnitReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of IMeasureUnitReader. The IMeasureUnitReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality for enumerating measurement units. A reference to an IMeasureUnitReader interface is returned from the GetMeasureUnits command. The initial position of the IMeasureUnitReader is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiCurvePolygonThe IMultiCurvePolygon class is a multi-CurvePolygon aggregate Geometry type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiCurvePolygonImpThe IMultiCurvePolygonImp class is a multi-CurvePolygon aggregate Geometry type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiCurveStringThe IMultiCurveString class is a multi-CurveString collection Geometry type. The curves contained here do not have to be contiguous, nor spatially interact in any other way
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiCurveStringImpThe IMultiCurveStringImp class is a multi-CurveString collection Geometry type. The curves contained here do not have to be contiguous, nor spatially interact in any other way
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiGeometryThe IMultiGeometry class is a heterogeneous MultiGeometry type. One MultiGeometry containing another MultiGeometry is not supported
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiGeometryImpThe IMultiGeometryImp class is a heterogeneous MultiGeometry type. One MultiGeometry containing another MultiGeometry is not supported
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiLineStringThe IMultiLineString class is a multi-LineString collection geometry type. The curves contained here do not have to be contiguous, nor spatially interact in any other way
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiLineStringImpThe IMultiLineStringImp class is a multi-LineString collection geometry type. The curves contained here do not have to be contiguous, nor spatially interact in any other way
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiPointThe IMultiPoint class is a multi-point aggregate Geometry type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiPointImpThe IMultiPointImp class is a multi-point aggregate Geometry type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiPolygonThe IMultiPolygon class is a multi-polygon aggregate Geometry type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IMultiPolygonImpThe IMultiPolygonImp class is a multi-polygon aggregate Geometry type
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::InConditionThe InCondition class derives from SearchCondition and can be used to test if the value of a specified data property is within a given set of literal values
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::Int16ValueThe Int16Value class derives from DataValue and represents a 16-bit signed integer value
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::Int32ValueThe Int32Value class derives from DataValue and represents a 32-bit signed integer value
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::Int64ValueThe Int64Value class derives from DataValue and represents a 64-bit signed integer value
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Io::IoByteStreamReaderIoByteStreamReader is an FDO reader for a Byte stream
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Io::IoCharStreamReaderIoCharStreamReader reads items from a stream of chars
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Io::IoFileStreamIoFileStream provides streamed I/O on a disk file
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Io::IoMemoryStreamIoMemoryStream provides streamed I/O to and from memory
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Io::IoStreamIoStream defines the interface for all FDO streams. Streamed I/O support for various locations, such as files, memory, etc. can be provided by classes that implement this interface
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Io::IoTextReaderIoTextReader reads from a binary stream containing UTF8 characters. It formats these UTF8 characters into Unicode wide characters. This class is not yet complete, since the Read functions still have to be added
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Io::IoTextWriterIoTextWriter writes Unicode wide character text to a binary stream. The text is written in UTF8 format
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::IPhysicalElementMappingIPhysicalElementMapping is an abstract interface that acts as a base interface for all Physical Schema Mapping Override classes. FDO also provides a number of sub-classes for particular types of Provider-specific override classes:
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::IPhysicalPropertyMappingIPhysicalPropertyMapping is an abstract interface that acts as a base interface for all Physical Schema Mapping property overrides
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IPointThe IPoint class is a point Geometry type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IPointImpThe IPointImp class is a point Geometry type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IPolygonThe IPolygon class is a polygon Geometry type. IPolygon is defined by one exterior boundary and zero or more interior boundaries. Each of the boundaries must be a closed, simple LinearRing
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IPolygonImpThe IPolygonImp class is a polygon Geometry type. IPolygonImp is defined by one exterior boundary and zero or more interior boundaries. Each of the boundaries must be a closed, simple LinearRing
OSGeo::FDO::IProviderRegistryThe IProviderRegistry interface supports registering, un-registering, and enumerating registered feature providers
OSGeo::FDO::IProviderRegistryImpThe IProviderRegistryImp class is a concrete implementation of IProviderRegistry. IProviderRegistryImp supports registering, un-registering, and enumerating registered feature providers
OSGeo::FDO::Raster::IRasterThe IRaster interface specifies the data type and organization of raster data retrieved and stored. Using this class and the image extents in width and length, the binary format of the image data returned by and accepted by the IoStreamReader class can be interpreted
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IRasterCapabilitiesThe IRasterCapabilities class delineates available support for raster processing from a provider
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::IRasterCapabilitiesImpThe IRasterCapabilities class delineates available support for raster processing from a provider
OSGeo::FDO::Raster::IRasterImpIRasterImp specifies the data type and organization of raster data retrieved and stored. Using this class and the image extents in width and length, the binary format of the image data returned by and accepted by the IoStreamReader class can be interpreted
OSGeo::FDO::Raster::IRasterPropertyDictionaryThe IRasterPropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the raster properties. Through this interface the non-standard properties of a raster image can be determined and their values can be retrieved and set. Data values are exchanged through the DataValue object to accommodate various data types, boolean, integer, double, string etc
OSGeo::FDO::Raster::IRasterPropertyDictionaryImpThe IRasterPropertyDictionary exposes a dictionary style interface to the raster properties. Through this interface the non-standard properties of a raster image can be determined and their values can be retrieved and set. Data values are exchanged through the DataValue object to accommodate various data types, boolean, integer, double, string etc
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IReaderThe IReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading data. Because the initial position of the IReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IReaderImpThe IReaderImp class is a concrete implementation class for interface IReader. The IReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading data. Because the initial position of the IReader is prior to the first item, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IReleaseLockThe IReleaseLock interface defines the ReleaseLock command, which releases locks from feature instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the release lock command includes the name of the class and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be unlocked. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The ability to successfully execute the command might be restricted by the datastore security if the lock doesn’t belong to the user executing the command
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Locking::IReleaseLockImpThe IReleaseLockImp class is a concrete implementation of IReleaseLock. The IReleaseLock interface defines the ReleaseLock command, which releases locks from feature instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the release lock command includes the name of the class and filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be unlocked. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The ability to successfully execute the command might be restricted by the datastore security if the lock doesn’t belong to the user executing the command
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IRingThe IRing class is ring Geometry helper type. This is the most general non-abstract ring type. FdoIRing is defined by an ordered collection of contiguous curve segments
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IRingAbstractThe IRingAbstract class is a ring Geometry helper type (abstract). IRingAbstract is the most general ring type. It is similar to CurveAbstract, but is always closed
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IRingAbstractImpThe IRingAbstractImp class is a ring Geometry helper type (abstract). FdoIRingAbstract is the most general ring type. It is similar to CurveAbstract, but is always closed
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::IRingImpThe IRingImp class is ring Geometry helper type. This is the most general non-abstract ring type. FdoIRing is defined by an ordered collection of contiguous curve segments
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IRollbackLongTransactionThe IRollbackLongTransaction interface defines the RollbackLongTransaction command, which allows a user to execute rollback operations on a long transaction. Two different rollback operations are distinguished: full and partial
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpointThe IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the RollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint command, which allows the user to roll back changes to a named checkpoint for the given long transaction. The user requires the access privilege on the long transaction for which the user tries to perform the operation
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpointImpThe IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpointImp class is a concrete implementation of IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint. The IRollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint interface defines the RollbackLongTransactionCheckpoint command, which allows the user to roll back changes to a named checkpoint for the given long transaction. The user requires the access privilege on the long transaction for which the user tries to perform the operation
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::LongTransaction::IRollbackLongTransactionImpThe IRollbackLongTransactionImp class is a concrete implementation of IRollbackLongTransaction. The IRollbackLongTransaction interface defines the RollbackLongTransaction command, which allows a user to execute rollback operations on a long transaction. Two different rollback operations are distinguished: full and partial
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ISchemaCapabilitiesThe ISchemaCapbilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for the Feature Schema
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ISchemaCapabilitiesImpThe ISchemaCapbilities interface declares the feature provider's level of support for the Feature Schema
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::ISelectThe ISelect interface defines the Select command, which queries for features of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the select command includes the name of the class, the list of properties to be returned, and a filter. All but the class name is optional. If the list of properties to be returned is empty then all properties are returned. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The result of executing a select command is an IFeatureReader reference (see "Reading Features"). If the feature provider supports locking, then the select command can optionally lock all of the features selected, via the ExecuteWithLock method (see "Locking Commands" for more information on locking features)
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::ISelectAggregatesThe ISelectAggregate interface defines a Select command that handle selection of properties that include the use of aggregate functions. This command differs from the ISelect command in a number of ways. It handles selection of properties that are aggregate functions and supports selecting distinct property values. It also includes grouping criteria. The execute method returns an IDataReader which is not tied to a specific class. Unlike Select, ISelectAggregate does not include any locking functions
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::ISelectAggregatesImpThe ISelectAggregateImp class is a cocrete implementation of interface ISelectAggregates. The ISelectAggregate interface defines a Select command that handle selection of properties that include the use of aggregate functions. This command differs from the ISelect command in a number of ways. It handles selection of properties that are aggregate functions and supports selecting distinct property values. It also includes grouping criteria. The execute method returns an IDataReader which is not tied to a specific class. Unlike Select, ISelectAggregate does not include any locking functions
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::ISelectImpThe ISelectImp class is a concrete implementation of interface ISelect. The ISelect interface defines the Select command, which queries for features of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the select command includes the name of the class, the list of properties to be returned, and a filter. All but the class name is optional. If the list of properties to be returned is empty then all properties are returned. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The result of executing a select command is an IFeatureReader reference (see "Reading Features"). If the feature provider supports locking, then the select command can optionally lock all of the features selected, via the ExecuteWithLock method (see "Locking Commands" for more information on locking features)
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::ISpatialContextReaderISpatialContextReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality for enumerating spatial contexts. A reference to an ISpatialContextReader is returned from the GetSpatialContexts command. The initial position of the ISpatialContextReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SpatialContext::ISpatialContextReaderImpThe ISpatialContextReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ISpatialContextReader. The ISpatialContextReader interface provides forward-only, read-only functionality for enumerating spatial contexts. A reference to an ISpatialContextReader is returned from the GetSpatialContexts command. The initial position of the ISpatialContextReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SQL::ISQLCommandThe ISQLCommand interface defines the SQL command, which supports the execution of a SQL statement against an underlying RDBMS. Two execute methods are provided to distinguish between statements that return table data versus those that execute non query type operations
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SQL::ISQLCommandImpThe ISQLCommandImp class is a concrete implementation of ISQLCommand. The ISQLCommand interface defines the SQL command, which supports the execution of a SQL statement against an underlying RDBMS. Two execute methods are provided to distinguish between statements that return table data versus those that execute non query type operations
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SQL::ISQLDataReaderThe ISQLDataReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading relational table data. A reference to an ISQLDataReader is returned from the SQLCommands ExecuteReader method. The initial position of the ISQLDataReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::SQL::ISQLDataReaderImpThe ISQLDataReaderImp class is a concrete implementation of ISQLDataReader. The ISQLDataReader interface provides a forward-only, read-only iterator for reading relational table data. A reference to an ISQLDataReader is returned from the SQLCommands ExecuteReader method. The initial position of the ISQLDataReader interface is prior to the first item. Thus, you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
OSGeo::FDO::Common::IStreamReaderThe IStreamReader class is a top level interface for stream reader classes. The API it provides allows the user to read large streams of data in blocks of items
OSGeo::FDO::Common::IStreamReaderImpThe IStreamReader class is a top level interface for stream reader classes. The API it provides allows the user to read large streams of data in blocks of items
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ISurfaceAbstractThe ISurfaceAbstract class is a surface (abstract) Geometry type
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::ISurfaceAbstractImpThe ISurfaceAbstractImp class is a surface (concrete) Geometry type
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ITopologyCapabilitiesFDO supports properties that inform the client code about capabilities that may vary between providers
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ITopologyCapabilitiesImpFDO supports properties that inform the client code about capabilities that may vary between providers
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::ITransactionThe ITransaction interface represents a transaction to be performed in a DataStore, and is implemented by feature providers that support transactions
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::ITransactionImpThe ITransaction interface represents a transaction to be performed in a DataStore, and is implemented by feature providers that support transactions
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IUpdateThe IUpdate interface defines the Update command, which modifies instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the update command includes the name of the class, the list of property name/value pairs to be updated, and the filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be updated. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The update command can update instances at global scope or nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e., instances within an object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Feature::IUpdateImpThe IUpdateImp class is a concrete implementation of interface IUpdate. The IUpdate interface defines the Update command, which modifies instances of a given class that match the specified criteria. Input to the update command includes the name of the class, the list of property name/value pairs to be updated, and the filter criteria by which to identify the instances to be updated. The filter may be specified either as text or as an expression tree (most likely produced by a query builder). The update command can update instances at global scope or nested within an object collection property. Instances at global scope are referred to simply by the class name. Instances at a nested scope (i.e., instances within an object collection property) are referred to by the containing class name, followed by a '.', followed by the object collection property name
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::IXmlDeserializableXmlDeserializable provides the ability to deserialize an FDO object from an XML Document. Deserialization support can be added to any class by basing it on XmlDeserializable and implementing the XmlSaxHander callbacks
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::IXmlSaxHandlerIXmlSaxHandler defines the SAX Handler callback interface. It is not an interface in the strict sense, since each function has a default implementation that does nothing. Implementors can override these callbacks to customize the handling of XML fragments parsed by XmlReader
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::IXmlSerializableXmlSerializable provides the ability to serialize an FDO object to an XML Document. Serialization support can be added to any class by basing it on XmlSerializable and implementing the _writeXml callback
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::LinearRingCollectionThe LinearRingCollection class is a collection of ILinearRing objects
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::LineStringCollectionThe LineStringCollection class is a collection of LineString objects
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::LiteralValueLiteralValue is an abstract base class that derives from ValueExpression to form the root for all literal value types
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::LOBValueThe LOBValue class derives from DataValue and represents a literal BLOB value
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::LogicalOperatorThe LogicalOperator is an abstract base class. BinaryLogicalOperator and UnaryLogicalOperator derive from the LogicalOperator class
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::NetworkClassThe NetworkClass derives from ClassDefinition and can be used to represent a linear network. The NetworkClass has 2 pre-defined base properties. The first is a Boolean type called "Directed". And the second is a ObjectPropertyDefinition of an ordered collection called "Layers". The "Directed" property is used to indicate if the network is directed or undirected. The network is directed if the Directed property is set to true. Otherwise, it is undirected. The Layers property is used to contain the ordered list of layers. The class of the layers object property must be of type NetworkLayer
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::NetworkFeatureClassNetworkFeature is an abstract class that derives from FeatureClass and is a base for NetworkNodeFeature and NetworkLinkFeature
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::NetworkLayerClassNetworkLayerClass derives from ClassDefinition and can be used to represent a network layer
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::NetworkLinkFeatureClassNetworkLinkFeature derives NetworkFeature and can be used to represent a logical link feature
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::NetworkNodeFeatureClassNetworkNodeFeature derives from NetworkFeature and can be used to represent a logical node feature
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::NullConditionThe NullCondition class derives from SearchCondition and can be used to test if the value of a specified data property is null
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::ObjectPropertyDefinitionObjectPropertyDefinition class derives PropertyDefinition and represents containment of an object or a collection of objects within another class. The class of the contained object must already be defined in the feature schema and cannot be abstract
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::ParameterThe Parameter class derives from ValueExpression and represents a substitution parameter in the expression. Parameters are represented by a name: when expressions are evaluated, the caller must supply a value to be bound to each parameter name
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::ParameterValueThe ParameterValue class specifies a value for a particular parameter. Instances of this class are used to specify a value to bind to a parameter when a command is executed
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::ParameterValueCollectionThe ParameterValueCollection class represents a collection of ParameterValue objects
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::PhysicalClassMappingPhysicalClassMapping is an abstract class that acts as a base class for all Physical Schema Mapping class overrides
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::PhysicalElementMappingPhysicalElementMapping is an abstract class that acts as a base class for all Physical Schema Mapping Override classes. FDO also provides a number of sub-classes for particular types of Provider-specific override classes:
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::PhysicalPropertyMappingPhysicalPropertyMapping is an abstract class that acts as a base class for all Physical Schema Mapping property overrides
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::PhysicalSchemaMappingPhysicalSchemaMapping is an abstract class that is the base class of all Schema Override sets. Each instance contains the overrides for a particular Feature Schema and FDO Provider. Each FDO Provider, that allows Schema Overrides, must create a sub-class of this class. This sub-class must implement the overrides that are specific to the provider. The Provider can also add support, for serializing to an XML document, by overriding the functions inherited from XmlSerializable
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::Schema::PhysicalSchemaMappingCollectionPhysicalSchemaMappingCollection defines a collection of Schema Override sets. This is a generic collection which can contain override sets for different FDO Providers
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::PointCollectionThe PointCollection class is a collection of Point objects
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::PolygonCollectionThe PolygonCollection class is a collection of IPolygon objects
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::PropertyDefinitionPropertyDefinition is an abstract class that derives from SchemaElement. PropertyDefinition is the base class of DataPropertyDefinition, GeometricPropertyDefinition, and ObjectPropertyDefinition
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::PropertyDefinitionCollectionThe PropertyDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of PropertyDefinition objects
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::PropertyValueThe PropertyValue class represents a property name/value pair. Instances of this class are used to specify or hold onto a reference to a property name and the properties value
OSGeo::FDO::Commands::PropertyValueCollectionThe PropertyValueCollection class represents a collection of PropertyValue objects
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::PropertyValueConstraintPropertyValueConstraint is an abstract class that derives from IDisposable. PropertyValueConstraint is the base class of PropertyValueConstraintRange and PropertyValueConstraintList
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::PropertyValueConstraintListPropertyValueConstraintList is used to specify a list of allowed values for a particular property. It can be used for all data property types except for Boolean, BLOB, or CLOB. This constraint is represented by a list of values of the same type as the corresponding data property. The list cannot be empty. The list could be a single value. While that may not seem very useful it could serve as a temporary way to enforce a single value for a property, e.g. for a particular customer, Parcel.State is always ‘CA? In this case, the definer of the property definition probably should also set the default value to be the same, unless it can be null. The list does not need to be ordered. However, a provider may choose to reorder the list so the list that is returned when a user gets the definition of this constraint for a property may be different than the order that was given when defined. E.g. defined as (12, 8, 24), but returned as (8, 12, 24). If the list has duplicate values, the provider may choose to eliminate duplicates from the list. If the data property definition allows nulls, a null value is considered as being valid regardless of this list of valid values. The list of valid values should not include the null value itself, but leave the specification of whether null is allowed to the null value constraint. If the data property definition includes a non-null default value, then that value should be one of the values in the list. If both a valid values list constraint and a unique constraint on the same property are included, then the side effect is that there will be an upper limit of the number of objects of that class that have non-null values for the property
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::PropertyValueConstraintRangePropertyValueConstraintRange is used to specify minimum and / or maximum allowed values for a particular property. It can be used for all data property types except for Boolean, BLOB, or CLOB. One or the other or both of MinValue and MaxValue must be specified. If both are specified, then MaxValue must be greater than or equal to MinValue and if either MinInclusive or MaxInclusive are false, then MaxValue must be greater than MinValue. MinValue and MaxValue if specified must be valid values for the property type. E.g. if the property is decimal(4,0), then the maximum possible MaxValue is 9999. If the data property definition includes a non-null default value, then this constraint is applied to that value as well. If the data property definition allows nulls, a null value is considered as being valid regardless of the range constraint
OSGeo::FDO::ClientServices::ProviderThe Provides class provides information about a feature provider, including name, description, library, and version information
OSGeo::FDO::ClientServices::ProviderCollectionClass ProviderCollection is a read-only collection consisting of the FDO Providers that are currently registered. Each collected Provider object describes an installed and registered FDO Feature Provider
OSGeo::FDO::ClientServices::ProviderNameTokensClass ProviderNameTokens represents an FDO provider name that has been tokenized into its company, name and version parts
OSGeo::FDO::ClientServices::ProviderRegistryThe ProviderRegistry class supports registering, un-registering, and enumerating registered feature providers. ProviderRegistry is derived from interface IProviderRegistry
OSGeo::FDO::Raster::RasterDataModelThe RasterDataModel specifies the data type and organization of raster data retrieved and stored. Using this class and the image extents in width and length, the binary format of the image data returned by and accepted by the IStreamReader class can be interpreted
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::RasterPropertyDefinitionRasterPropertyDefinition has the information needed to create or completely describe a raster property. This class encapsulates the information necessary to insert a 'new' raster, in the absence of any other information, for the properties defined using this schema element
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ReadOnlyArgumentDefinitionCollectionReadOnlyArgumentDefinitionCollection is a collection of ReadOnlyArgumentDefinition objects
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::ReadOnlyDataPropertyDefinitionCollectionThe ReadOnlyDataPropertyDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of DataPropertyDefinition objects
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::ReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCollectionThe ReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of PropertyDefinition objects
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::ReadOnlySignatureDefinitionCollectionThe ReadOnlySignatureDefinitionCollection class represents a collection of ReadOnlySignatureDefinition objects
OSGeo::FDO::Geometry::RingCollectionThe RingCollection class is a collection of IRing objects
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Gml212::SchemaSchema is a utility class for handling the GML 2.1.2 version of the GML Sschema
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::SchemaAttributeDictionaryThe SchemaAttributeDictionary class maintains a dictionary of named attributes that provide a generic extensibility mechanism for objects in the feature schema. This mechanism can be used to dynamically extend schema elements in either an application- or provider-specific manner
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::SchemaElementSchemaElement is an abstract class that acts as a base class for all classes in the Schema package
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::SearchConditionThe SearchCondition is an abstract base class. SpatialCondition, ComparisonCondition, LikeCondition, InCondition, and NullCondition derive from the SearchCondition class
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::SignatureDefinitionThe FDO SignatureDefinition class allows the signatures of FDO FunctionDefinition objects to be defined
OSGeo::FDO::Connections::Capabilities::SignatureDefinitionCollectionSignatureDefinitionCollection is a collection of SignatureDefinition elements
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::SingleValueThe SingleValue class derives from DataValue and represents a single precision floating point number
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::SpatialConditionThe SpatialCondition class derives from GeometricCondition and can be used to test whether the value of a geometric property (referenced using the name of the property) and another geometric value satisfy the spatial relationship implied by the operation. Some feature providers may only support literal geometric values; if so, the provider's capabilities will indicate this limitation
OSGeo::FDO::Spatial::SpatialGridTransformClass to handle transformations of ordinates between double precision and integers. The integer format models a fine grid
OSGeo::FDO::Spatial::SpatialUtilityA Spatial utility class
OSGeo::FDO::Common::StringCollectionStringCollection is a collection of name-value pairs
OSGeo::FDO::Common::StringElementStringElement is an element in a StringCollection
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::StringValueThe StringValue class derives from DataValue and represents a literal string
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::TopoFeaturePropertyDefinitionTopoFeaturePropertyDefinition derives PropertyDefinition and its values can be used to relate topological primitives to one or more application domain features. One can use the short form "TopoFeature" to refer to these properties. The semantics of this property are similar to Object properties. One uses IFeatureReader::GetObject() to retrieve values
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::TopoGeometryPropertyDefinitionTopoGeometryPropertyDefinition derives from GeometricPropertyDefinition, but it has behavior of both geometry and fixed association. It can be used to relate an application-domain feature class (other than a topological primitive class) to a topology. One can use the short form TopoGeometry to refer to these properties. Values of this property can be used:
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::TopologyThis class is used to represent a topology
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::UnaryExpressionThe UnaryExpression class derives from Expression and allows negation of arithmetic expressions
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::UnaryLogicalOperatorThe UnaryLogicalOperator class derives from LogicalOperator and allows a logical "Not" to be performed against a filter
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::UniqueConstraintUniqueConstraint can be used to specify that a property or list of properties taken together have unique values for all objects of that class in a datastore. A unique constraint that is based on a list of two or more properties is called a composite unique constraint. This constraint type applies to all data property types except for Boolean, BLOB, and CLOB. A Boolean property can be included if it’s part of a composite unique constraint
OSGeo::FDO::Schema::UniqueConstraintCollectionThe UniqueConstraintCollection class represents a collection of UniqueConstraint objects
OSGeo::FDO::Expression::ValueExpressionValueExpression is an abstract base class that derives from Expression to form the root for all value expression types
OSGeo::FDO::Filter::ValueExpressionCollectionThe ValueExpressionCollection is a collection of ValueExpression objects
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlAttributeXmlAttribute contains the name and value of a single attribute from an XML document
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlAttributeCollectionThe XmlAttributeCollection class represents a collection of XmlAttribute objects
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlCharDataHandlerXmlCharDataHandler is convenience class for reading XML element content. When XmlReader encounters the start of an element with simple content, an object of this class can be constructed and pushed onto the XmlReader's SAX handler stack. When the end of the element is reached, the object will contain all of the element's content
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlClassMappingXmlClassMapping describes GML to FDO mappings for a particular FDO class Only mappings that cannot be represented in FDO are described
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlClassMappingCollectionXmlClassMappingCollection is a collection of FDO-GML Class Mapping objects
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlContextDefault context for deserializing from XML documents via XmlDeserializable
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlCopyHandlerXmlCopyHandler can be used to copy a set of elements from one XML document to another. It can be created and set as the SAX Handler for an XML Reader on the document to copy from. An XML Writer to the document to copy to is passed to one of the Create methods below. The elements to copy will be inserted at the XML writer's current position
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlDeserializableXmlDeserializable provides the ability to deserialize an FDO object from an XML Document. Deserialization support can be added to any class by basing it on XmlDeserializable and implementing the XmlSaxHander callbacks
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlElementMappingXmlElementMapping describes GML to FDO mappings for a particular GML Schema element. Only mappings that cannot be represented in FDO are described
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlElementMappingCollectionXmlElementMappingCollection is a collection of FDO-GML Class Mapping objects
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlFeatureContextXmlFeatureContext provides contextual information to the XmlFeatureHandler callback implementations when an XML document parse is in progress. This class provides very rudimentary functionality such as error reporting and access to the XmlFeaturePropertyReader doing the parse. Applications can pass extra information by sub-classing from this class
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlFeatureFlagsXmlFeatureFlags extends XmlFlags to specify flags specific to feature serialization
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlFeatureHandlerXmlFeatureHandler defines the callback interface for reading features from XML. It is not an interface in the strict sense, since each function has a default implementation that does nothing. Implementors can override these callbacks to customize the handling of feature fragments parsed by XmlFeaturePropertyReader. Note that the default FeatureProperty implementations log errors in certain circumstances. Therefore, these functions must be overridden to avoid these errors and indicate that these types of properties are being handled by the caller
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlFeaturePropertyReaderXmlFeaturePropertyReader reads features from an XML document. The reading is event driven. As features and properties within features are encountered, the invoker is notified through the XmlFeatureHandler interface. This class is similar to XmlFeatureReader except that it provides better performance
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlFeaturePropertyWriterXmlFeaturePropertyWriter writes features in GML format. It is similar to XmlFeatureWriter, except that it provides better performance. However, the caller is responsible for ensuring that properties are written in proper order
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlFeatureReaderXmlFeatureReader reads GML format features from a XML document. The reading is done procedurally, rather than through events
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlFeatureSerializerThis static class provides the ability to serialize and deserialize features to and from GML
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlFeatureWriterXmlFeatureWriter writes features to an XML document. The features are written in GML format. Each feature is written in 3 steps:
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlFlagsXmlFlags defines various options for serializing and deserializing FDO element to and from XML Documents
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlNameCollectionHandlerXmlNameCollectionHandler is a class for serializing and deserializing fdo:NameCollectionType elements
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlReaderXmlReader reads an XML document from a text or binary stream. As various document fragments are read, it calls the appropriate SAX Handler callback on the current SAX Handler. This object maintains a stack of SAX Handlers, with the current one being the top handler in the stack. Callers provide this object with SAX Handlers to customize the processing of the XML document. SAXHandler callbacks also provide a means to push other handlers onto the stack. For example, a SAX Handler for a particular XML element might push another handler to read a particular sub-element
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlSaxHandlerXmlSaxHandler defines the SAX Handler callback interface. It is not an interface in the strict sense, since each function has a default implementation that does nothing. Implementors can override these callbacks to customize the handling of XML fragments parsed by XmlReader
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlSchemaMappingXmlSchemaMapping specifies overrides for translating a feature schema between FDO and GML
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlSerializableXmlSerializable provides the ability to serialize an FDO object to an XML Document. Serialization support can be added to any class by basing it on XmlSerializable and implementing the _writeXml callback
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlSkipElementHandlerXmlSkipHandler can be used to skip an XML element, when reading an XML document via XmlReader. It is a XmlSaxHandler with no callback implementations. Therefore, if another XmlSaxHandler's XmlStartElement callback returns a XmlSkipElementHandler then there are no more SAX events until the end of the current element is reached
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlSpatialContextFlagsFdoXmlSpatialContextFlags extends FdoXmlFlags to specify flags specific to Spatial Contexts
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlSpatialContextReaderXmlSpatialContextReader reads Spatial Contexts from an XML document. Unlike other XML Readers, the reading is done procedurally, rather than through events. XmlSpatialContextReader implements ISpatialContextReader to provide the functions for retrieving the spatial contexts that were read
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlSpatialContextSerializerThis static class provides the ability to serialize and deserialize spatial contexts to and from GML
OSGeo::FDO::Xml::XmlSpatialContextWriterXmlSpatialContextWriter writes Spatial Contexts to an XML document. This is done by calling the various setter functions to set the spatial context attributes and then calling WriteSpatialContext() to write the spatial context using the current attributes
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xml::XmlWriterXmlWriter writes an XML document to a text or binary stream. Note: The XML document is not completely written until this object is destroyed by releasing all references to it. Therefore, this object must be destroyed before reading back the document being written
OSGeo::FDO::Common::Xsl::XslTransformerXslTransformer provides a way to execute an XSL stylesheet on an XML document

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