Site Administrator Help
About Sites and Servers
Managing Servers
Adding and Removing Servers
Monitoring the Status of a Server
Configuring Servers
About Services
Enabling and Disabling Services
Configuring Services
About Users, Groups, and Roles
Managing Users
Adding and Deleting Users
Managing Groups

Adding and Deleting Groups

Adding Users to Groups
Managing Roles
Assigning Roles
About Log Files
Configuring and Viewing Log Files
About Packages
Managing Packages
Configuring WMS/WFS

Configuring Servers

You should take a server offline before configuring a server or its services. In the offline state, the site server responds to Administrator requests only.

Taking a server offline

To take a server offline

1 On the Manage Servers page, select the server you want to configure and click Configure, or just click the name of the server in the table.

2 On the Configure Server page, select Offline.

3 Click Save.

The status of the server is updated in the server list.

When you have added all your servers to the site, you can modify their properties.

Changing the language code for messages

To configure a server

1 On the Manage Servers page, select the server you want to configure and click Configure, or just click the name of the server in the table.

2 Modify the property information (see the table below for a description of the properties).

3 Click Save.

4 Click the Back button in your browser.

The updated information about the server appears in the server list.

General Properties  
Display name Display name of the server
Default locale Two-letter code for language in which messages are displayed (ISO 639-1)
Localization resources path Path where resource files are stored
TCP/IP maximum transmission unit TCP/IP maximum transmission unit (value <= 65535)
Temporary file path Path where temporary files are stored
Fdo file path Path where FDO is installed
Administrator's email address Server administrator's email address
Connection timeout (seconds) Time duration in seconds for when an idle connection is dropped
Connection timer interval (seconds) Time interval in seconds for when the server checks for idle connections
Service registration timer interval (seconds) Time duration in seconds for when the support server should register its services with the site server for load balancing. This happens when the support server starts up but the site server is offline for some reason. The timer will keep processing this event until it is successful.
Connection Properties  
Maximum connections Max number of open administration connections (value <= 1024)
Port Port to use for administration operations. If this port number is changed, the corresponding port number in the webconfig.ini file should also be changed (the ini file is installed with the Web Extensions).
Queue size Max number of administration operations to queue (value <= 1024)
Thread pool size Number of threads available for processing administration operations (value <= 1024)