Site Administrator Help
About Sites and Servers
Managing Servers
Adding and Removing Servers
Monitoring the Status of a Server
Configuring Servers
About Services
Enabling and Disabling Services
Configuring Services
About Users, Groups, and Roles
Managing Users
Adding and Deleting Users
Managing Groups

Adding and Deleting Groups

Adding Users to Groups
Managing Roles
Assigning Roles
About Log Files
Configuring and Viewing Log Files
About Packages
Managing Packages
Configuring WMS/WFS

Managing Servers

The MapGuide Site Administrator program uses a Web-based interface that you can access from a Web browser. When you start the Site Administrator program (using the default ID and password), you see the Manage Servers page, which is the home page for site administration. You can access many of the site administration functions from this page, as shown in the illustration.

For information on backing up and restoring the resource repository, see the document RepositoryAdmin.pdf, installed with MapGuide Server.

The first time you view this page, the table of servers will contain only the site server name and IP address specified during installation of the software. The workflow to set up your servers is as follows:

1. Add all the servers to the list.
2. Allocate services to the servers.
3. Add users and groups and assign roles to them.
4. Set up the log files.

To read more about sites and servers, see the Getting Started guide.