Site Administrator Help
About Sites and Servers
Managing Servers
Adding and Removing Servers
Monitoring the Status of a Server
Configuring Servers
About Services
Enabling and Disabling Services
Configuring Services
About Users, Groups, and Roles
Managing Users
Adding and Deleting Users
Managing Groups

Adding and Deleting Groups

Adding Users to Groups
Managing Roles
Assigning Roles
About Log Files
Configuring and Viewing Log Files
About Packages
Managing Packages
Configuring WMS/WFS

Managing Roles

You logged into the Site Administrator program using the default Administrator user ID, which has the Administrator role assigned to it. You can now assign roles to individual users or to groups. There are only two roles: Administrator and Map Author. A user with the Administrator role can log into the Site Administrator program, configure servers and services, add groups and users, and set up log files. Users with the Map Author role can create and own resources in the repository. Everyone can use the Spatial Application Viewer to view maps, but this is not considered a separate role.

You assign roles to groups and to individuals from the Assign Roles page.

The first time you view this page, the table of users contains only the built-in accounts: Site Administrator, Map Author, Anonymous User, WMS User, and WFS User. The Site Administrator has been assigned the Administrator role and the Map Author has the Map Author role.

The recommended workflow to add groups and users is as follows:

1. Create groups.
2. Create users and assign to groups.
3. Assign roles to groups and to individual users.