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About Log Files
Configuring and Viewing Log Files
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Configuring and Viewing Log Files

You can set up different types of log files to record server activity.For a description of the log files and their parameters, see About Log Files.

Enabling a log file to track client access

To set up log files

1 On the Configure Logs page, select a server.

2 Click the tab for the log file you want to configure.

3 To enable the log file, make sure that Logging Enabled is selected.

4 Optional: Under File Name, change the filename for the log file.

5 Select the frequency to create an archive file (day, month, year).

6 Under Available Parameters, select the parameters that you want to log and click Add.

7 Repeat for any other log files you want to configure for this server.

You can view the logs you have set up.

Viewing the client access log file

To view log files

1 On the Manage Logs page, select a server.

The Manage Logs page allows you to view archived logs as well as the current (live) logs. Note: The rest of this procedure assumes you want to view the current logs.

2 Click the Current (live) tab.

3 Select the log you want to view and click View.

The log opens in a separate window. The log window has controls to:

  • View the last n records.
  • Refresh the log.
  • Autorefresh at a specified interval.
  • Download a file of the log.