Site Administrator Help
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About External Files
Configuring External Files

Configuring External Files

You can connect directly to external files without loading them into the MapGuide Library. You must create an alias that specifies the location of the external file.

Specifying the external file alias name and path

To create an alias to an external file

1 On the Configure External Files page, click Add Alias.

2 Specify a name for the alias.

3 Enter the path to the file.

6 Click Save.

The information that you added will be available to requests made to the web server.

You can delete aliases from the list.

Selecting the alias

To delete an alias

1 On the Configure External Files page, in the left-hand column, select the alias you want to delete.

2 Click Delete Alias.

3 Click OK in response to the message.

The alias is removed from the list.