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Configuring Servers
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Configuring WMS/WFS
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Configuring WFS/WMS

This page allows you to enter server details and meta data describing web services.

Specifying the server name

To configure WFS and WMS

1 On the Configure WFS or Configure WMS page, enter a title for the server that provides the web service.

2 Optional: Fill in the Abstract, Access Fees, and Access Constraints fields as appropriate.

3 For Server Name, enter the name of the server that provides the web service, for example CCS12352768.

4 Optional: For Script Name, enter the path and name of a virtual directory or alias, if you have configured your own. Otherwise, leave the default path and name.

5 Optional: Fill in the Contact Properties fields.

6 Click Save.

The information that you added will be available to requests made to the web server.

Advanced WMS Configuration

For advanced WMS configuration, you can also edit the OgcWmsService.config.awd file (located in MapGuide_server_installation_directory\Wms).

1 You can delete the default reference system (supported by alllayers):

This can be used to stop WMS from applying coordinate transformations to layers such as raster images that use a different coordinate system.

2 You can add more mappings to the EPSG to WKT mapping section: