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Raster-based analysis of changes in structures (homes and other buildings)

E. Hardin, M.O. Kurum, H. Mitasova

Identification of changes in buildings

# Results of raster time series analysis
# can be used to identify locations where the change in elevation indicates
# change in a building 
# identify elevations above a user chosen threshold (9m) in maximum elevation map
d.rast JR_maximum_05mrst

r.mapcalc 'JR_houses_rast=if((JR_maximum_05mrst-9),1,null(),null())'

# convert the remaining raster area to a vector area # and remove small areas (tool=rmarea) that may be tops of tall trees or data anomalies input=JR_houses_rast output=JR_houses_vect feature=area v.clean input=JR_houses_vect output=JR_houses_vect_clean tool=rmarea thresh=6

# convert the vector area to a vector point representing the house location v.type input=JR_houses_vect_clean output=JR_houses_point type=centroid,point

# houses that were either constructed or had fallen during the study period # can be identified using the following condition: r.mapcalc 'JR_houses_updown=if((9-JR_maximum_05mrst),null(),null(),\ if((JR_19971002_05mrst-9)*(JR_20080327_05mrst-9),null(),null(),\ if((JR_20080327_05mrst-9),1,1,0)))' JR_19971002_05mrst JR_20080327_05mrst MyHouses overlaid on MyMaximumMap # This condition reads: # if the maximum map is less than 9m, then it wasn't a house, set cell to null # if the elevation was greater than zero in both the earliest map and the latest map, # then the house was likely stable though the entire study period, set cell to null # if the previous condition was not met and the house is standing in the latest map, # then it was likely built, set cell to 1 = constructed # otherwise, the house was destroyed at some point set cell to 0 = destroyed # Now, this map can be overlaid on top of any other map to highlight structural activity.